Neurological Disorders Project

This Project Is Already Getting on My Nerves!

Neurological Disorders Project

(100 points)

As your final project in AP Biology, I am challenging you to incorporate your knowledge about cells/ neurons, chemical signaling, genetics, and in some cases, DNA mutations, to research and present on a specific neurological disease/disorder or on chemical dependencies.

Neurological disorders are diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. In other words, the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. These disorders include epilepsy, Alzheimer disease and other dementias, cerebrovascular diseases including stroke, migraine and other headache disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, traumatic disorders of the nervous system such as brain trauma, and neurological disorders as a result of malnutrition.

You can present your research to the class in one of two formats:

a) A PowerPoint Presentation

b) A Pre-taped Video

• Presentations must be a minimum of 10 minutes in length.

• To receive full credit, all members of the group must participate in the presentation.

• The day of the presentation, you must turn in a hard-copy of either the script used to make your video, or the outline form of your PowerPoint presentation. (You will lose points if this is not printed out and ready to be handed in. Do not send it to me and ask me to print it out.)

Your presentation should include (but is not limited to) the following parts:

• NAME AND BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DISORDER -- Who discovered it (and when) or/and who contributed significant research on the disease? (10 points)

• DESCRIPTION OF THE DISORDER - focus on Anatomy and Physiology of the brain and nervous system, what are the effects to the brain/ motor and sensory neurons? (20 points)

• IMAGES RELATED TO THE DISORDER - these could be MRI's of the brain , photos of people with symptoms, etc. (5 points)

• SYMPTOMS OF THE DISORDER -- Describe what life is like for a person with the disorder; What is the prognosis for a person diagnosed with this disease/ disorder? (15 points)

• CAUSES OF THE DISORDER -- How does a person get the disorder - it might be genetic, the result of an injury, or possibly the factors are unknown. (10 points)

• HOW THE DISORDER IS DIAGNOSED -- what tests are run, what age it is typically diagnosed (5 points)

• TREATMENT OPTIONS – What are the treatment options/ medications/ therapies; can it be cured or can the symptoms be managed? (10 points)

• INTERESTING FACTS - Frequency, history of the disorder, particular populations that may be more susceptible, etc. (I strongly encourage you to share any other information you feel is relevant and interesting. Remember you are trying to entice your audience into not only listening, but into learning too!)(10 points)

• OVERALL PRESENTATION: Group members appear knowledgeable, well- rehearsed, mature, enthusiastic/ interested (don’t sound bored with your presentation). Presentation is clear and organized well. (10 points)

• Include at least 5 valid and reputable sources; MLA format. (5 points)

Be aware of your audience (the class) and avoid overly technical medical information – DO NOT copy and paste from sites! You want your presentation to be understood by the average person.

* Cite all work or no credit will be given! *

You may also chose to do your project on prescription or illegal drugs and its effects on the nervous system and entire body.

The brain and body have normal functioning patterns and operate according to very specific patterns. When chemicals are introduced to the brain; however, the chemical messengers in the brain are altered, causing the brain to send a different set of signals to the body. Chemicals can cause individuals to see, think, and act very differently than they normally would. The effects of drug abuse vary from person to person, particularly when individuals just start consuming certain drugs. However, after periods of continued use, the majority of individuals who take both prescription and recreational drugs have a high likelihood of becoming addicted. Drug abuse and addiction can change a person's entire life within a very short time period. The extent of an individual's vulnerability to his or her drug addiction depends on a wide variety of factors, including the person's genes, mental health, physical health, and environment. A person who is addicted to drugs will have to deal not only with the physical effects of drug addiction, but the the emotional and psychological consequences of such addictions as well.

Some options:

Heroin LSD/Acid Cocaine/ Crack Morphine

PCP (phencyclidine) Valium Alcohol(ethanol) Oxycontin

Marijuana Methamphetamine Ecstasy Adderall

Xanax Ketamine Ritalin

Your presentation should include (but is not limited to) the following parts:

• NAME AND BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DRUG -- Scientific and common or street names; Is the compound over-the-counter, prescription medication, or an illegal drug? Does it have medical uses (or was it ever used medically)? (10 points)

• DRUG CLASSIFICATION (Hallucinogen, Analgesic, Sedative, etc..) Describe what that classification means (5 points)

• Show a photo of the CHEMICAL STRUCTURE of the drug or active compound in the drug. Does it have the same effects as another neurotransmitter (if so, which one). Does it block receptors of a neurotransmitter, or act as an agonist? (10 points)

• METHOD OF USE – Smoked, pills, injected, etc? What are the target organs? (5 points)

• PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF USE – immediate effects to the brain; short term physiological effects; long term physiological effects (20 points)

• SYMPTOMS/SIGNS OF USE – weight loss, changes in behavior, etc. (5 points)

• IS IT PHYSICALLY and /or PSYCHOLOGICALLY ADDICTIVE – Are they real or imagined? How long after use? (5 points)

• IMAGES RELATED TO USE - these could be MRI's of the brain on/off, photos of people with symptoms (rotted teeth, track marks, etc. (5 points)

• TREATMENT OPTIONS – What are the treatment options/ medications/ therapies; what are the recovery rates? (10 points)

• INTERESTING FACTS – Age of use, reasons why people may start to experiment with drugs, particular populations that may be more susceptible, etc. I strongly encourage you to share any other information you feel is relevant and interesting. Remember you are trying to entice your audience into not only listening, but into learning too! (10 points)

• OVERALL PRESENTATION: Group members appear knowledgeable, well- rehearsed, mature, enthusiastic/ interested (don’t sound bored with your presentation). Presentation is clear and organized well. (10 points)

• Include at least 5 valid and reputable sources; MLA Format. (5 points)

If doing a PowerPoint:

Make your presentation attractive! (But don’t overdo it.)

• Don’t add too much text to each slide.

• Don’t use unreadable/ funky fonts.

• Be sure the font is large enough to read.

• Don’t add too many fancy “swirls” or “fly-ins” that it

detracts from the point.

• Use clips of videos and interesting photos that will draw

your audience into your presentation.

• Ask your audience if they have any questions.

• Don’t rush through your presentation – speak slowly and


• Be appropriately enthusiastic. Sound like you care about

the material you are presenting!

• Be knowledgeable! Practice your presentation together as

a group several times!

If doing a Video:

This choice can be more challenging if you are not using slides as a prompt for your presentation. Be sure to include all the relevant information in your video in some way. (Example: You can do a Newscast with an anchorman, and a news reporter who interviews patients or doctors.)

- DO NOT make a video of your group presenting a PowerPoint.

- Using humor is fine to some extent, but be appropriate; disease/addiction is a serious subject.

- Include an appropriate setting/ background and use props.

- Sources must be included in the script/ outline, but not in the actual video presentation presented.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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