7 Signs You ve Met The One - Johnny & Lara


7 Signs You¡¯ve Met The One ¨C AB

Podcast episode 5: Audio Blog. 7 signs you¡¯ve met The One


SYNOPSIS: So many people ask- I¡¯ve had ¡°good relationships¡± but how do I

know if I¡¯ve met my soulmate? Today¡¯s episode is a helpful checklist: 7 signs

you¡¯ve met The One for you.

Welcome to another Audio Blog episode of STS Podcast. This article was very

popular on my blog and i wanted to update it and share with you here. So here

we go - 7 signs you¡¯ve met The One

1) You¡¯re Not Focusing on His ¡°Potential¡±-He is who he is and you love him. If

he didn¡¯t change one bit, you¡¯d be happy to be with him for the rest of your life.

That¡¯s it¡­ no if, and¡¯s or but¡¯s to this sign.

2) Who You Are Is Good Enough - You realize that you are enough exactly as you

are right now¡­ and so does he. He loves you and is awed by your presence. He

finds you smart, sexy, and fun to be with and you feel cherished and safe with

SingleToSoulmate with Johnny & Lara Fernandez


him. This doesn't mean you don't try to grow and evolve... in fact, you are

committed to ongoing growth, as is he!

3) You Manage Conflict Well- Studies show that the healthiest relationships deal

with their share of arguments and when you do, you do your best to fight fair.

When you two have a disagreement or argue, if you are with the right person

for you, you are both committed to communicating clearly and respectfully as

possible and then moving on with resolution. Sure, neither of you is ¡°perfect¡±

nor sometimes in your human-ness, one of you may ¡°lose it¡± for a moment by

trying to be right. But there¡¯s no verbal or physical abuse or massive control

issues. And how much a couple disagrees isn¡¯t the issue, unless they don¡¯t fight

at all. It¡¯s how a couple manages conflicts that determines how well the

relationship works.

4) There¡¯s Minimal Drama¡ªor None at All- So when I say that there¡¯s not a lot

of ¡°drama¡± in your relationship, as I said before, I don¡¯t mean that the two of

you never argue.

But when you do, you do your best to be fair. You admit when you¡¯re wrong, you

listen to each other, you acknowledge one another¡¯s good points, and you

apologize when you cross lines. It¡¯s not that you have to be perfect, but if this

person is ¡°The One,¡± then you are at least trying to make your conflict work for

your relationship rather than against it. Part of your mutual clear intention is to

learn from your conflicts and grow stronger as a couple.

So if you two are dealing with constant drama, where one of you is trying to

create high emotions to manipulate the other or where there¡¯s constant

turbulence without some sort of resolution, then be careful about fully

committing to the relationship at this point. High drama is a definite red flag

when it comes to long-term relationship success.

5) He wants the same type of relationship that you do- Opposites may attract,

but they rarely make for a good long-term relationship. Compatibility really is

key when it comes to creating a deep and lasting connection between two

SingleToSoulmate with Johnny & Lara Fernandez


people. Of course, the two of you are not twins, and you¡¯ll be different in a lot

of ways, but your preferences will be the same.

For example, if you want to begin preparing for the future and building toward

certain life and career goals, like buying a house and having children or travelling

the world, but your partner mainly wants to make enough money so that he or

she can party this weekend, then you two are probably working with fairly

different priorities.

And the opposite it is true, too: If your priorities match up well, then you two

have a much better chance of long-term happiness and fulfilment together.

Don¡¯t try to cajole or manipulate him into what you want. He is who he is.

6) You Respect the Person Deeply - Mutual respect is crucial for a healthy

relationship. Without that respect, there¡¯s simply no way to create and build a

secure foundation so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of a deep and strong

and growing and evolving relationship.

And when you respect your partner and he or she respects you, the relationship

has a strong chance at thriving, and all the aspects of your connection blossom.

The communication improves. The commitment deepens. The trust multiplies.

The pleasure and satisfaction levels go through the roof.

And that all begins with a mutual respect that emerges because you like each

other and because you appreciate the way you live your individual lives. One

way to find out a lot about him quickly? Travel with him- you¡¯ll learn a lot more

than you expected! And then watch how he is with servers in restaurants. Is he

abrupt, rude and condescending, never saying ¡°Thank You¡± when given a drink

or a plate of food? Or does he look them in the eyes and is respectful and kind

and gracious when served? This says a LOT about a person!

7) You want to be together a lot- It¡¯s no secret that when Johnny and I met, we

were soooo into each other and quickly, and we did not want to spend one

moment away from each other! I remember just a few months after we met, I

went to visit my family in Florida, and as soon as I arrived to my Granny¡¯s home

SingleToSoulmate with Johnny & Lara Fernandez


and put my suitcase in the guestroom, Johnny called to make sure I was there

and safe! And I¡¯ll never forget, after many phone calls with Johnny during my

visit (he and I just wanted to be together all the time!), my dear Granny saying,

with her lilting Southern drawl, ¡°Ya¡¯ll got it BAD.¡±

So as you try to figure out whether you¡¯ve found ¡°The One,¡± take a look at this

list. While you may also have a few more vital issues that need to be in alignment

(research shows, for example that religion, child-rearing, how you relate to

money, and in-laws are THE four biggies) if you can check off each of the above

items, then you owe it to yourself to allow the relationship to become all that it

can possibly be. Don¡¯t let old non-supportive habits get in your way. Grow

yourself now, do the inner excavation and clearing and learning about yourself

and relationships NOW, so that when he shows up, you¡¯ll be ready for a

conscious and glorious and BETTER relationship than ever before- and you won¡¯t

sabotage the good thing you have right in front of you!

You can leave comments and get show notes at 5

Johnny and I do our best to answer all your comments.

Have a beautiful day/night, we look forward to connecting with you on the next

episode of single to soulmate.

Listen to the podcast here


SingleToSoulmate with Johnny & Lara Fernandez


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