The Four Seasons

A Curriculum Unit

by Ashley Green

Information Page

Theme and Age/Grade Level:

-The 4 seasons

-4 year olds - Preschool

Project Description

This unit contains 5 lessons plans - one on each season as well as a review of the 4 seasons. Each lesson plan incorporates at least one activity, and has a 2 page list of activities related to its topic.

Overall Goals

-Teach children each of the 4 seasons

-Equip children to be able to give descriptions and characteristics of the 4 seasons

-Expand children’s critical thinking

-Provide activities that not only are fun and reinforce the material about each of the seasons, but also engage students and aid in remembrance of the information learned


Activity Idea Place, . "The Activity Idea Place ." 123 Child. 123 Child, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012. .

All Kids, . "Seasonal Crafts." All Kids Network. All Kids Network, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012. .

Disney, . "Spoonful." Spoonful: make every day. Disnep, n.d. Web. 28 Oct 2012. .

Enchanted Learning, . "Paper Family Tree." Enchanted Learning. Enchanted Learning, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012.

Everything Preschool, . "Everything Preschool ." Everything Preschool - early childhood education made easy. Everything Preschool, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012.

Lemons, Susan. "Fall Unit/Theme for Homeschoolers." Homepreschool and Beyond. Susan Lemons, 2012. Web. 13 Oct 2012.

Patterson, Tressa. "Autumn Learning Fun!." Yahoo Voices. Yahoo Voices, 2009. Web. 13 Oct 2012. .

Preschools 4 All, . "Pre-K Lesson Plans ." Changing the World One Preschooler at a TIME. Preschoolers 4 All, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012. .

Step by Step, . "Preschool Fall Theme." Step by Step. Step by Step, n.d. Web. 1 Dec 2012. .

Children’s Books

1. Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney

2. Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Zoe Hall

3. How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman

4. Why do leaves change color? by Betsy Maestro

5. What Happens in Autumn by Suzanne Venino

6. When Autumn Comes by Robert Maass

7. How Do You know when it’s Fall by Allan Fowler

8. Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh and Kathy Jakobsen Hallquist

9. Corn is Maize by Aliki

10. Hopper Hunts for Spring by Marcus Pfister

11. When Winter Comes by Nancy Van Laan

12. What Makes the Seasons? by Megan Montague Cash

Ashley Green

ELEC 231: Program and Curriculum

October 16, 2012

Lesson Plan

Title: This is my Family

Age: Preschool


The student will be able to name the different members of their family.

The student will be able to organize the various members of their family on their “family tree” craft

The student will be able to explain why their family is special (God gave them to me,


The student will be able to bring one special fall family recipe to class for our cookbook


Construction paper with large tree and many branches drawn on it

Pre-cut leaves from green construction paper


Markers to write family members names

Me and My Family Tree book by Joan Sweeney

Lily and Henry (puppets who are siblings)

Organization of Children:

The children will be seated on the learning center carpet in our circle time location.


“Boys and Girls, I brought two very special friends with me today. This is Lily and this is Henry - they are brother and sister! Can you say hello to Lily and Henry? Good job. Lily and Henry are special to each other because they are in the same family. They like to play together, and read books together, and make special treats together. What do you like to do with your family?” (have them raise their hands and share special activities they enjoy doing with their family)


“Today we are going to talk about our families! One way we can keep track of all our special family members is by using a family tree (show them my example of the family tree craft). We’re going to read Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney. Who is one person that is on your family tree? Why is it important to treat our Daddy and Mommy and brothers and sisters in a special way? Should we treat them like we treat our friends? Do you think God gave you the perfect family for you?”

“Now, who can tell me what season we are in right now? Fall - that’s right! Because our families are so important and we each have special things we like to make with our family, you are each going to bring in a fall family recipe for our “class cookbook.” So maybe you like to eat pumpkin pie in the fall, or carmel apples - whatever you like to make with your family, you can bring that recipe to class.”


“The last thing we are going to do today is make a family tree craft just like the one I showed you earlier” ( - hand out materials and allow them time to work on their craft).

“As you are finishing up your family, can someone raise their hand and tell me one way that you can treat your family with love, respect, and obedience? Because, remember that’s what the Bible tells us to do, and we want to obey, right?”

“Thank you for listening today and doing such a good job on your craft. Like Lily and Henry, let’s treat our families special and be thankful for them today.”


Were the students able to name the different members of their family?

Were the students able to organize the various members of their family on their family tree craft?

Were the students able to explain why their family is special?

Were the students able to find a fall recipe and bring it to class for our cookbook?

Adaptions for Special Needs:

Adaption for emotional disabilities: I will use praise and positive reinforcement for this child. I will allow her to be a real helper when reading the book and showing the family trees to the class. I will stay in close proximity to this child, helping her with her emotions, yet still keeping her under control.


WMELS: III. Language Development and Communication. A.EL.2 Listening with understanding to stories, books, directions, and conversations

WMELS: III. Language Development and Communication. A.EL.3 Following directions of increasing complexity

WMELS: III. Language Development and Communication. C.EL.1 Understanding concepts of print (book and print awareness)

WMELS: IV: Approaches to Learning. B.EL.2 Use tools to gather information, compare observed objects, and seek answers to questions through investigation


My good friends at Gingerbread Preschool, Torie Penner and Barb Palenski!


Activities for Fall

Art Projects

Paper Bag Scarecrow -

Peek-a-boo Apple Craft -

Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin -

Tissue Paper Leaf -

Leaf with Beans -

Cinnamon Acorn Craft -

Apple Tree on a toilet roll Craft -

Family Tree -


Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Zoe Hall

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman

Why do leaves change color? by Betsy Maestro

What Happens in Autumn by Suzanne Venino

When Autumn Comes by Robert Maass

How Do You know when it’s Fall by Allan Fowler

Johnny Appleseed by Reeve Lindbergh and Kathy Jakobsen Hallquist

Corn is Maize by Aliki

Field Trips

Nature Walk - look for signs of fall and find leaves to press between wax paper

Visit an apple orchard and pick our own apples

Visit a pumpkin patch (like Eberts!) and get little pumpkins to decorate

Take a trip to an agricultural area and watch the harvest


Apple Dipping Bar - have apples with peanut butter, caramel, and yogurt to try

Make homemade applesauce - precut the apples, have the kids helped measure spices

Baking Bread - have children help put ingredients in and stir

Family Cookbook - have each child bring in 1 “fall” recipe

Movement Activities

Parachute with leaves - put the leaves on top of the parachute to demonstrate the “falling” as it is lifted up

Give each child a different colored “leaf necklace” (cut and laminated from construction paper). Sing “Did you Ever See a Tree?” () and have each child touch their toes when their color is called.

Raking Leaves - poem - have children act it out:

I like to rake the leaves (raking motion with hands)

Into a great big hump (pretend to pile leaves)

Then I move back a bit

Bend my knees and jump!

Songs and Fingerplays ()

It is Autumn (to the tune of “Skip to my Lou”)

Little Leaves (to the tune of “Ten Little Indians”)

Down by the Oak Tree (to the tune of “Down by the Station”)

The Squirrel (fingerplay)

Leaves (fingerplay)

Five Little Pumpkins (poem)

Woodland Forest Friends (poem)

Dramatic Play

Have large baskets, bib aprons, and mini haystacks and allow children to have their own “picking time.” They can use the same items with added real and play produce samples to portray grocers or farmer’s markets.


Add numerous tractor and trucks with loaders to the block area. Add empty oatmeal canisters to represent silos. Encourage children to construct farms or orchards.

Table Toys/Games

HI-HO Cherry-O Game

Lincoln Logs

Farmer in the Dell


All Kids Network, . "Fall Crafts for Kids." All Kids Network. All Kids Network, 2012. Web. 13 Oct 2012. .

Lemons, Susan. "Fall Unit/Theme for Homeschoolers." Homepreschool and Beyond. Susan Lemons, 2012. Web. 13 Oct 2012.

Patterson, Tressa. "Autumn Learning Fun!." Yahoo Voices. Yahoo Voices, 2009. Web. 13 Oct 2012. .

Step by Step, . "Preschool Fall Theme." Step by Step. Step by Step, 2012. Web. 13 Oct 2012. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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