Adult focus sheet ELG – Would you rather?

right5124995This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in Speaking. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.020000This is an adult led activity targeted towards meeting the ELGs in Speaking. As each group completes the activity plot their names in the table below, when complete a whole class overview will show any key next steps needed to improve further development.77001355725540005773420Adult focus sheet ELG – Would you rather?00Adult focus sheet ELG – Would you rather?Adult focus sheet- Would you rather?Week beg:PSE, CLAdult:Learning Intention:To decide what you would rather.Success Criteria:*To work collaboratively and listen to other ideas.* To express themselves effectively, showing awareness of the listeners needs.*To develop own explanations by connecting ideas.Differentiation:HA-To take into account what others say and give explanations for ideas.MA- To take into account what others say and give explanations for ideas.LA- To work collaboratively and listen to others.Activity:Working in pairs explain that we are going to look at some silly scenario word cards (would you rather be king/queen or a superhero for a day?), we must then decide which one we would rather? And put it in either the yes or no pile. We must decide together and talk about our ideas, giving explanations. Encourage children to talk through their ideas, have we got a difference of opinion? Encourage the children to support and give explanation to their opinions. KEY NOTES:Encourage the children to give explanations for their ideas. Try to question their ideas to develop their thinking and speaking. Are they able to agree on the same outcome yes or no? RESOURCES: Printed would you rather sentencesPrinted Yes or no (or write yes and no on whiteboard)Children ( * achieved / support) Evaluation:Next step: ................

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