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This booklet has been published with the help of the secondary schools in the Diocese, with the support of the Lismore CEO.

These ideas should be considered when programming the new 7 to 10 PDHPE syllabus, however, it is expected that these skills will develop further with new ideas, new units of work and new software.

PDHPE Coordinators should consult with their school’s Learning Technologies Coordinator on the equitable use of resources such as computer rooms & the way their school is supporting the implementation of these compulsory IT skills across the curriculum.

Special thanks to:

Ron McMaster, Kathy MacAllister,

Keith Rodger, Andrew Burgess, Barry Soraghan

PDHPE ICT Skills Introduction

• The PDHPE syllabus has integrated specific ICT skills that PDHPE is responsible for in the relevant Strands

• Many schools use learning technologies already eg heart rate monitors, video cameras

• Successful teaching and learning programs should be outcome focused, integrating learning technologies or ICT skills to improve teaching and learning effectiveness

• ICT skills should help promote innovative and student centred approaches to learning

• Each school will have to incorporate the ICT Skills located in each syllabus in its resource allocation

• PDHPE faculties are encouraged to take advantage and use the ICT people located in their schools to update their skills or develop best practice in this area

• Students should also be considered as a resource for ICT Skills, eg partner or group work

• PDHPE staff should collect and share any resources or methods with our secondary schools in the Diocese. For example e-mail sdoyle@lism.catholic.edu.au or fax Simon Doyle at John Paul College 6658 1954

✓ Computer based Technologies in PDHPE KLA $30

isbn 0731 08492, Curriculum Support web site

✓ School based in-service from CEO with Andrew Burgess?

✓ Using Learning Technologies in PDHPE CD Rom Web Quest

✓ ICT workshops in 2003

PDHPE Information & Communication Technologies Skills

P18 Syllabus

The 5 ICT skills integrated into the PDHPE syllabus are:

• Enter data into a prepared template format & analyse it

• Import, mail merge & reformat data/fields

• Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT

• Generate specific reports with regard to ethical issues eg print without address & details

• Use simulation software to make choices & decisions as a member of a team

As each ICT Skill is integrated, the link between

the skill & the outcome should be clear

These skills will eventually be tested in the year 10 Computer Skills Assessment (CSA) test. PDHPE Coordinators will need to consider the issue of assessing the PDHPE ICT skills above.

ICT Skills may be combined in one or more module's or activities; this may help resource allocation…

• Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT

This ICT Skill will reoccur through most ICT activities. This activity is integrated at:

-p22 Stage 4 Strand 1 Self & Relationships

Seeking Help

*accessing help eg internet

-p29 Stage 4 Strand 3 Individual & Community Health

Assessing Health Information

*analyse electronic & print sources of health

information for reliability & accuracy

-p30 Stage 4 Strand 4 Lifelong Physical Activity

Personal benefits of participation in PA

*communicate key messages ...multimedia

-p36 Stage 5 Strand 2 Movement Skill & Performance

Appreciating movement composition & perfroamnce

*enter performance data into a prepared spreadsheet

template, format & analyses with consideration of ethical

issues eg use of, publication of data

-p40 Stage 5 Strand 4 Lifelong Physical Activity

Planning for Regular Physical Activity

*Use the internet...

Ethical Issues Include:

• Access & equity eg disabilities, NESB, low SES, gender, whole class or pair or group ICT activities

• Access by all KLA's, professional development

• Purchase of software eg site licences, cost

• Maintaining high expectations of ICT use by staff & students

• Realistic tasks, feedback, across curriculum units

➢ Health & safety eg ergonomics, lighting, lifting

➢ Accuracy of data (can be obtained from more then one source)

➢ Copyright –private use, multiple copies .au, network licence

➢ Privacy of data –use of personal data

➢ Workplace changes & equity in IT resource access

➢ Security

➢ Saving to the correct place eg student access to computers for assignments, hand written of equal value if limited access to computers

➢ Age of information located ie does it date? Is it current?

➢ Author or source of sites or information (meta tags) eg gov or edu

➢ Relevance of data for the task

• Emerging technologies such as mobile phones & camera's

• School or system based IT Guidelines & Policies

• Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT

Some activities that could be considered for the above areas include:

• Present key messages using multi media or pamphlet presentations

• Accessing reliable information off the internet for a report or debate or multi media project

• Compare material between 2 or more sources such as magazines & a web site

• Efficient searches for local activities and create a directory

• Generate reports with regards to privacy issues such as using or not using peoples address

• Correct referencing and acknowledgement in assignments

• Peer assessment of their source of information for it's reliability and accuracy

• Professional development on how to manage a stress free computer lesson

4 ICT activities follow:

PDHPE Student Evaluating Websites – Reliability & Accuracy of Data

General Information

What is the URL of the Web page you are evaluating?

What is the name of the site? ___________________________________________________________

What is the title of the site? (written on the blue bar at the top of the screen) ___________________________________________________________

Does the title of the page tell you what the site is about? YES / NO


Did the author sign his/her real name? YES / NO

Did the author give you his/her e-mail address? YES / NO

Is the site sponsored by a/an:

A. Organisation B. Company C. University D. Private Person E. Other


8. Is there a date that tells you when the site was last updated? YES / NO

9. Is the information on the page current? YES / NO /Don’t Know

10. Does up-to-date information make a difference for your project? YES / NO

Quality of Information

11. Is the information on the page useful for your project? YES / NO

12. Would you have gotten more information from an alternative source? YES / NO

13. Does the page lead you to some other good information (links)? YES / NO

14. Does some information contradict information you found elsewhere? YES / NO

15. Do you feel that the author is knowledgeable about the topic? YES / NO

16. Are you positive the information is true? YES / NO

17. Evaluate the appropriateness of using this website for your project:

Generate specific reports with regard to ethical issues

Lesson Plan Ideas:

• Students to brainstorm for appropriate questions to survey the class on an issue - e.g. students to complete an anonymous survey of their attitudes towards helping themselves and helping others, healthy food habits, analysing the performance of themselves and others in a range of movement activities, current levels of physical activity.

• Students to then create a survey in word processing format. (N.B. Ensure that questions have closed responses.)

• Students to undertake the survey of the class in manual format.

• Results from the survey to be inputted into a prepared spreadsheet template.

• Students to analyse these results by creating graphs and charts.

• Students to then generate a report with regard to the privacy of the individual and other ethical issues students’ responses.

PDHPE Peer Assessment

Using the report or research presentation provided, assess & evaluate their understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT.

Student or Group Name __________________________________

Activity or Report Name __________________________________

Peer Assessors Name _____________________________________

|Skill Demonstration Level |

|Developing |Satisfactory |NA |

| | | |

1. Accuracy of data

Eg date published, reputable source

2. Relevance of information for task

3. Information or data can be located at another source

4. Source has been acknowledged correctly

5. Copyright Protocol

Other Comments:

Overall Skill Rating: A B C D E

7.6 Drugs –Reality & Risk

• Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT

Analysis of electronic health sources for reliability & accuracy

1. Analyse the following websites for drug information & health issues on how they rate for reliability & accuracy:

2. Search & identify 3 other reliable websites useful to young people & their health needs on either alcohol or tobacco or medicines or cannabis. Add their name & address to the table.

Please √ for yes, X for no, NA for not applicable, U for unsure

| |.au/qua|health..au/z|.au | | | |

| |ntum/poison |ombie/other_drugs | | | | |

|Accuracy of data eg | | | | | | |

|date published, | | | | | | |

|reliable source? | | | | | | |

|Relevance of drug | | | | | | |

|information | | | | | | |

|Information could be | | | | | | |

|found at another | | | | | | |

|source | | | | | | |

|Copyright protocol is | | | | | | |

|followed | | | | | | |

3. List contact details of 3 local drug use support service providers outside of school




4. Discuss how you can tell if health information is reliable & accurate.

• Enter data into a prepared template format & analyse it

• Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in the use of ICT

This activity is integrated at:

-p36 Stage 5 Strand 2 Movement Skill & Performance

Appreciating movement composition & perfroamnce

*enter performance data into a prepared spreadsheet

template, format & analyses with consideration of ethical

issues eg use of, publication of data

Some activities that could be considered for the above areas include:

• Mapping statistics from a round robin such as scores, best & fairest, graphing for comparison or final result

• Use performance data from a group effort such as team sports & the number of tags or breakaways that are performed

• Resource data from the RTA web site. Set up a template for students to use & get them to enter data, format & analyse the data

• Resource data from nutrition sites eg Kj in food. Set up a template that students can use & get them to enter data, format & analyse the data

• Tabulate the results of a peer assessed activity

• Fitness testing program where students input their results into prepared spreadsheets or data base. Results are analysed with regards to privacy issues & ethical responsibilities

• Use heart rate monitors as data loggers to create graphs for interpretation

2 activities follow:

Year 9 Road Safety Unit


Start your web browser and go to

Search for the RTA site.

The RTA is a government site so search for urls that contain rta and gov (url:rta url:gov). The site is Australian so add domain:au to your search.

You should get a list of documents that show the RTA’s url. ()

Click the menu for Licensing, click on the menu for Licence tests.

Select the link to Graduated Licensing Scheme.

1. What are the three licensing stages before obtaining an unrestricted driver licence?

i) …………………………………….

ii) …………………………………….

iii) …………………………………….

2. What are the four driver tests that NSW motorists now have to sit for?

i) ……………………………………. ii) …………………………….……..

iii) …………………………..………. iv) …………………………..……….

3. Under this new scheme, when will a Provisional P1 Licence be suspended?


4. Under this new scheme, when will a Provisional P2 Licence be suspended?


From the side menu select Licence categories, then Types of licences.

Find the Provisional link and select.

5. How long is a red provisional licence valid for? ..………….………………...

6. How long is a green provisional licence valid for? …………………………...

Click on the Full Licence link.

7. When is a full (silver) licence issued?

i) ………………………................…………………………………………………….

ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………

iii) ……………..………………………………………………………….……………

8. When is a gold licence available?


9. When can a licence be suspended?

The following data was taken from a PDF document available from the RTA site.

Use Excel to open the file RTA statistics 1999.xls found in: G:\Common\Student\PDHPE Save the file to your H:\Docs directory.

Make sure Sheet 1 is in front. If it is not, hold down Ctrl and press the Page Up key.

Create a graph showing the total fatalities for each year from 1945 to 1999.

From the Insert menu, select Chart.

From the Wizard choose a Line Graph.

Click Next >

To select the correct data range click here.

Highlight (drag the mouse or hold shift and use the directional arrow keys) the data range (N4 to N58)

Close by clicking here.

Click the Series Tab at the top of the dialog box.

Type “Fatalities” to name the series.

Click here to select the X axis labels.

Select A4 to A58


Click here to close.

Click Next >

Label the X axis “Year”.

Label the Y axis “No of Deaths”.

Click Next >

Complete the Chart by selecting the “As new sheet” option.

Click Finish to close the Wizard.

Highlight the text in the Chart title. Right click this area. Select Format Chart Title from the menu. Change the font size to 24 point.

Change the axis of the Year labels to allow each year to sit vertically. The chart should look similar to the one below. Right click in the relevant area to get the Format menu.

After saving your work go to the web page: . (Try G:\Common\Student\PDHPE\Web sites for PDHPE\Homel.html)

Read the first paragraph. Find Table 1 and look at the data for NSW.

Try to explain the decrease in the Fatalities/Year chart.

First slump (year): ………… Reason: ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Second slump (year): ………… Reason: …………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… Third slump (year): ………… Reason: ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………

Create another chart showing total fatalities in each month for 1999.

Explain peak and trough in the Fatalities/Month chart.


Switch to sheet 2 and use the same process (Chart wizard) to create a column chart showing the relationship between Road deaths by Age/sex.

The data is in cells C4 to I5, while the labels are in C3 to I3.

The chart should look similar to the one above.

Using the RTA Kit Go Back You Are Going the Wrong Way

-task used by half of the class, while the others are doing the spreadsheet task

Use the Background Information sheets to answer the following questions.

3.1 Background Information

1. What is the most frequent of all unsafe road user behaviours amongst teenage drivers? ……………………….

2. Of the teenagers surveyed, what did most have to say about:

a. Speeding; ………………………………………………………………..

b. Speed limits; …………………………………………………………….

c. Speedometer; ……………………………………………………………

d. Accidents; ……………………………………………………………….

3. What reason was given for the high incidence of impatience among teenage drivers. ………………………………………………………………………

3.2 Background Information

1. What is the most risky situation for a driver in N.S.W.? …………………………………………………………………………………...

2. Which age/sex group(s) has the highest accident rate? ………………………

3. Explain why this group is most at risk. ……………………………………… ……………………….… ……………………….… ……..…………………..

4. Which age/sex group(s) has the lowest accident rate? ……………………….

5. Explain why this group is least at risk. ………………………………………… ……………………….………..… …………….……..…………………….

6. When are 17-25 year olds least at risk? ……………………………………...

7. What % of drivers are male and under 25? ……………………………….…

8. What % of drivers in speed related accidents are male and under 25? ……….

9. What month is worst for accidents? …………………………

10. Explain why. ……………………………………………………………….…

Fitness & Heart Rate

1. Collecting data

2. Analysing the data

3. Writing a report

➢ Tests used could be the Mutlistage Fitness Test, Queens College Step Test, circuit class 0r 12 minute run etc.

Class: ___________________________________________

Queens College Step Test Goup 1

|Name |MHR 220-age |RHR |Aerobic Training |HR After |HR End |HR Recovery 5min after |

| | | |Zone |Warmup |of Test | |

| |bpm | |70-85% MHR | | |bpm |

| | |bpm | |bpm |bpm | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Use this information to from the basis of analysis and to write a report.

1. Collecting Data

Create a new document, the from Insert menu, select Chart

This will then show a small template for our heart rate information.

We will need to change this to create our graph.


As we make the changes, the Chart/table will change with the new information

➢ You may need to change the column width to fit the name of the column in, for example increase the width of column B to fit HR After Warmup

➢ Save your work often

➢ If the heart rate template disappears, just double click on the graph. The template will appear for you to change or add information.


• Use simulation software to make choices & decisions as a member of a team

This activity is integrated at:

-p38 Stage 5 Strand 3 Individual & Community Health

Road Safety

*Use simulation software to make health decisions & solve

problems relevant to young people...

-Select the software according to it's suitability to teaching and learning

-linked to PDHPE outcomes

-Teachers should be familiar with the software

-Evaluate it's use for your school ans students

-Discuss classroom organisation for it's use when relevant

-Software should cater for boys and girls

-Simulation software enhances the learning environment when time is used to discuss the themes or outcomes and other class activities are related to the software use.

Some activities that could be considered for the above areas include:

• Shift 2nd Gear, order this from the NRMA web site, you need a CD for each computer

• Sim City

• Health Beats Aches & Pains

• Health Beats Keeping Healthy

• Students create their own PowerPoint simulation on how to manage a first aid scenario, each step of the way, students are given consequences for their choice, positive or negative

This is a developing software area. There are forms of simulation

software available as indicated above.

These may not be ‘true’ simulations, but it is

what we have currently located…

Please share any software or websites you find!

• Import, mail merge & reformat data/fields

• Generate specific reports with regard to ethical issues eg print without address & details

This activity is integrated at:

-p38 Stage 5 Strand 3 Individual & Community Health

Empowering individuals and communities

*identify a key issue for individual or group action. Raise

awareness & gat5her support for the issue using ICT Skills

including a mail merge

Some activities that could be considered for the above areas include:

• Students select one of the health issues, research. Use word to create a document.

-Construct a bank of fake names & details in Excel.

-Consider ethical issues in ICT

-Students merge the 2 documents to as if doing a mail out or

send to a specific group eg other students

• Survey inequities in health facilities use or resources such as skate parks, canteen food.

-Create a word document aimed at promoting health activities that

are available.

-Merge it with Excel list as before.

• Students format & crop pictures with text when they import them into a document(s) they have researched

• Creation of a letter or pamphlet or poster or brochure to be used in a mail out to

-teachers or

-council or

-government or


(depending on topic of interest such as facilities or promoting something)

Creating a Mail Merge Document

The first thing that needs to be done is to create a data source. What sort of information will be used in the document? A person has more than one name, how do you address that person? These are the questions that must be answered before you can start. Below is an example of a data file. This file has been created in Excel as using a relational database for this task would be considered as overkill.


Once you have created a source file you can start up your word processor. Word has a wizard to help you create a mail merge document. From the Tools menu select Mail Merge.

From the dialog box select 1 Create and choose Form Letters...

Use the active window if you have a blank document already opened.

Next you need to get the data source. As you have already created an Excel file you will choose:

Open Data Source ...

Open your Excel file.


filename is xxxxxx.xls)

Open the entire spreadsheet.

As you have not created anything in your main document you select:

Edit Main Document.


Word will now have added the mail merge toolbar to the screen.


You simply type up your document inserting the merge fields as you go (save)


Tab down the Insert Merge Field button and select the relevant field when necessary. Spell check your document and proof read it before asking the teacher to mark it.

You can see what each document will look like by selecting the View Merged Data button on the tool bar. View the other documents by clicking here.


• Book ahead as early as possible

• Organise yourself, be on time, check internet site before hand, have task on a handout to save time

• Use a seating plan

• Class either does 50/50 split of time on theory & on computer

or accept partner work

• Encourage computer literate students to assist others

• Problem with computers: see the person etc sooner then later (don't waste time or stress yourself –have a backup theory task) record in appropriate maintenance books

• Common areas of health, research eg heart disease, they could bring in their research from use of the library, then publish using IT

• Set the standards for students & follow it up eg no hotmail, games, acceptable use policy

• Follow-up activity could occur in next theory class, not in computer lab

• Leave computer lab in correct order

• Use computer literate staff for ideas, short cuts etc to in-service yourself







This could be done through Excel Spreadsheet as well

Change to Names

Change to HR Readings

Change to recorded HR

The chart will appear automatically

Spreadsheet is where we add and change data


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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