American Government Study Guide

American Government Study Guide

Unit #1-Principles and Foundations of Government

Use the study guide to prepare for the unit test.

Key Terms and People: Make sure you are able to define and explain these terms and explain the significance and accomplishments of key people.

1. Democracy 26. Confederation

2. Authoritarian 27. Unitary

3. Federalism 28. New Jersey Plan

4. Bill of Rights 29. Connecticut Compromise

5. U.S. Constitution 30. Virginia Plan

6. Opportunity cost 31. bicameral

7. Scarcity 32. Limited government

8. Market economy 33. Popular sovereignty

9. Command economy 34. Federalist and Anti-federalists

10. Traditional economy 35. Checks and balances

11. Mixed economy 36. Separation of powers

12. socio-economic goals 37. judicial review

13. Equity 38. delegated powers

14. Full employment 39. Concurrent powers

16. Economic growth 40. Expressed Powers

17. Economic Productivity 41. Implied powers

18. Economic freedom 42.

19. Economic Security

20. Popular sovereignty

21. Citizen

22. Direct democracy

23. Representative democracy

24. Parliamentary democracy

25. Presidential democracy

Discussion Topics:

1. How does the Constitution set up the three branches of government? List the powers and responsibilities of each branch.

2. In our federal system of government what powers does the National government have and what powers does the state government have? What powers do they share?

3. Describe an authoritarian form of government. What rights do citizens have?

4. What are the similarities and differences between a parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy?

5. What are the principles of democracy? List all of them.

6. What are the four purposes of government? Give an example for each.

7. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

8. What were the arguments for and against ratification of a new constitution?

9. What are some ways we limit government in our democracy?

10. What are the three questions every economic systems answers? And how?

11. How does each branch of government keep watch over the other two through checks and balances? Give examples.


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