
Name: ___________________________________________________ Date:_____________ Period:_______

Government Study Guide

I. HOW IS THE POWER DISTRIBUTED? (unitary, federal, confederation)

1. In which system of government do the local governments share the power with the central government?

2. Which 2 systems of government DO NOT share power between the central & state/local governments?

3. What are three ways that governments share (or not) power? Draw a diagram for each.

4. What is so great about “sharing power”?

5. What is the fairest way to share power (confederation, federal, or unitary)? Why?

II. HOW DO THE CITIZENS PARTICIPATE? (oligarchy, democracy, autocracy)

6. Which type of government allows the citizens to have the greatest amount of participation?

7. Describe “freedom of speech” in an autocratic government!!!!

8. In which governments do the people obey?

III. Presidential Vs. Parliamentary:

9. Which leader has the MOST political power in a parliamentary democracy?

10. What are the 2 types of democracies? How do they differ? Presidential and Parliamentary are examples of which?

IV. European Governments: United Kingdom, Germany, Russia :

11. How is the power distributed in Germany? (system of Gov’t)

12. Which country (that we studied) has a constitutional monarchy? What is a constitutional monarchy?

13. Who is the leader of the United Kingdom’s government? (Hint: This person has most of the political power.) How is this person chosen?

14. What type of democracy does Russia have----presidential or parliamentary? Prove it!

15. Who is the real head of government (executive) in Germany? (Hint: This person has most of the political power.)

16. What are the two parts of Germany’s Parliament? Which one has the most power?

17. Compare the similarities and differences between a presidential and parliamentary democracy.

18. Choose a question: a. How do the people participate?

b. How is the power distributed?

Write EVERYTHING you have learned in your answer. Refer to your government packet.


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