Simile metaphor and personification worksheet with answers

Simile metaphor and personification worksheet with answers

List of similes metaphors and personification. What is a simile and a metaphor examples. Examples of metaphors similes and personification.

32 Questions | Total Attempts: 80260 Jenny cooked the candy too long. When she took it out of the oven it was hard as a rock. Iva worked hard on her report. After presenting it to the class, she felt as light as a feather. The old car woke reluctantly from its overnight sleep. Coughing and sputtering, it finally broke into a loud roar. The trees of the forest watched sympathetically over the lost child. After Marshall climbed three flights of stairs, he had to sit down. He was a puffing steam engine. Kyle's father was as stern as a judge when he came home after curfew. The storm was a savage beast. The storm took the house in its teeth and shook it. Wiley was very good at chess. "You have to watch him," said his father. "He's a real fox." Shay ran in a relay race on Saturday. When it was over, her legs felt like lead. The day after the rain, the air was clean and fresh. A soft breeze carried the scent of lilacs. The boy's room was an amusement arcade. Louis is as strong and as tall as a redwood tree. Computers talk to one another. The train whistle screamed as the train flew through the tunnel. The kitchen is the heart of my mother's home. The idea was a fire in my head. The waxed floor was as slippery as an ice rink. Grandmother's dresser smelled like a rose garden. The truck groaned under the weight of its load. The rain was a curtain of water. The rained puddled at the door and washed anyone who entered with its splatter. After a week without rain, the flowers begged to be watered. The ball was thrown like a bullet. Preposition Figurative Language Back to top Label each of the sentences as either: a simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or example of personification. Then explain why this is. You will perform the same skill, but this exercise includes more complex language that you will analyze. In this series of practice sentence to evaluate you will notice that most of them a driven by the use of specific terms. This worksheet will give you a good bit more practice to help you master this skill. Evaluate each of the sentences and then write underneath the sentences. Determine if the underlined phrase is an idiom, simile, or metaphor. This worksheet extends the work of the previous practice exercise you will just use those letter to classify each of the statements. Another go at this skill for you with a bit higher level of difficulty. All of the sentences that you are about to examine will use figurative language to make things about a place stick out more. Use the bubbles to classification the statement that have been underlined for you. Read each sentence. Underline the language that is figurative. Rewrite the sentence without this form of language, but with the same meaning. Read each sentence. Underline the piece that needs removal and then rewrite the sentence without the language, but make sure the sentence conveys the same meaning. You will rewrite all the sentences to help make them more vivid for your reader. All of these statements have to do with going or traveling to somewhere. Evaluate the type of language that has been put in place. These sentences are a bit stiff an put in a tough place to change you will need to asess how the voice comes across. Read the poem. Then answer the questions by circling the answer. Decipher the meaning of the phrases that is used within the poem. Decide whether each sentence below contains a metaphor or a simile. Write your answer on the line. Then underline the metaphors in red. Underline the similes in blue. Circle the type of form used: metaphor (M), simile (S), personification (P), or hyperbole (H). There may be more than one correct answer. Read each sentence below. Determine which technique is being used. Write it on the line. Highlight or underline the two things being compared in each metaphor. Highlight or underline the hyperbole in each sentence. Highlight or underline the personification in each sentence. Identify the type of figurative language in each sentence. Write it on the line. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. See if you can spot the use of this on this worksheet. Write an example of each language form. Write an example of each type of format that should be present here. Determine which technique is being used. Write it on the line. Then explain your answer. There may be more than one correct answer. Read each sentence. Circle the type used: metaphor (M), simile (S), personification (P), or hyperbole (H), alliteration (A), onomatopoeia (O), or idiom (I). There may be more than one correct answer. Match each type of form with its definition. See where you stand with this skill. Write four different sentences to describe the picture below. Use one type of language in each sentence. Then, under each sentence that you write, indicate what kind of language is being used. Writers often use various forms of figurative language to make a writing piece have a much greater impact on the audience it was written for. Speakers often do the same thing. If you ever run into a great salesperson you can be sure that they are no stranger to figurative forms of language. Bold works of literature often employ a wide range of these techniques to engage the reader. There well over a dozen different classifications, but the main forms of figurative language that get the most attention are metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism. As you begin to explore the works of more author you will realize that most author tend to use the same form over and over. This leads them to have their own writing style. Whether it is hyperbole, personification, an idiom, metaphor, or simile, the English language is full of figurative language. The use of figurative speech is common in storytelling. Writers and poets use figurative language to add emotional value to a piece of writing. Unlike literary speech, figurative speech associates an idea with a feeling that readers can relate to. Native speakers frequently use figurative sentences to hook listeners. Several components combine to form this style of storytelling. Each of these factors can be used in the speech depending upon the context. To understand how figurative discussions can affect a story, let's first look at the formal meaning of figurative speech. What Is Figurative Language? This is a way of communication that paints a picture of the situation using words. Writers primarily use it in places where literal speech fails to describe the feelings of a speaker. This type of speech associates a feeling with words to elaborate the depth of the context. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you want to describe a scenario just as you feel about it, you may need to use figurative elements to explain it. Using metaphors, analogies, idioms, and similes can paint a vivid picture for your listeners or readers. Effects on Storytelling Figurative elements in a speech can have multiple effects on a story. You can turn a dull story into an exciting incident. To help you understand better, we have gathered the primary effects of figurative storytelling. It Changes the Mood of the Story Using figurative parts of speech can change the mood of your story. Unlike novelists who can take as many pages of a book as they like to describe a scene, short stories have a limited space of words. To best describe the idea, figurative words evoke relevant feelings in the listeners (or readers). Readers can quickly make sense of the described idea. For example, figuratively describing a freezing place, you can say, "The room was as cold as an icebox." It Helps in the Characterization of the Story Storytelling can often face challenges in describing the physicality of characters. While this may be correct, figurative sentences can solve this problem. By associating physical traits with different characters, you can paint a vivid picture for the readers. Moreover, the association of traits helps your readers establish the described character's persona. Consider this example to understand it better, "The old lady's son is a beast." It Sets the Plot in Motion Using a figurative tone can set the speed of the story's plot. You can create suspense and terror to slow things down or add thrilling emotions to the story. It all depends on the choice of words you make to describe a scene. Many writers use figurative terms to add spark to their dull stories. You can use relevant metaphors and phrases to enhance the reading experience for your audience. Consider the example, "He moved into the last phase of his battle." This sentence points to the closure of a scene with a man moving into the final stage of his fight with another entity. It Motivates the Writers to Do Better Figurative stories motivate writers to think of more engaging ideas for readers. When they associate emotions with words, it gives them a sense of the reader's perspective. Storytellers help their readers to be a part of the story. By taking feedback, they use a figurative approach to improve the structure of their future stories. While literary speech communicates with the intellect of readers, the figurative tone speaks to the emotions. If you like to write short stories and want to engage more readers, you may need to use a figurative tone to add the missing spark.

jeg bbbc ac an ihja pi mer aba aaac ed aaba llh kbf dj lfag hjka fgn qtl oedd aaa bb bkbb fmc efgi cc bfj vdrc ep ba hfh omd bbbc ac an ihja pi mer aba aaac ed aaba ... personification simile onomatopoeia metaphor. ... 4 answers. QUESTION. Why, if thou never wast at court, ... Reproductive System Worksheet. 39 terms. CUP_NOODS. u.s. history. 386 terms. CUP_NOODS. Unit Test Review :) 13 terms. CUP_NOODS. Other Quizlet sets. Socical studies ch 32 the Renaissance begins. Though I no longer teach sophomore students, I will always have fond memories of my 10th grade British literature students. If your 10th grade students were prepared like mine, you might be better off starting on this page.. This page contains all of my reading worksheets that were written at a 10th grade reading level. Literary Devices relates to the any technique that an author uses to communicate their overall message to their audience. When used in concert with a well-developed idea, the proper device can really heighten a body of work and help audience grow a high level of affinity for it. 16/3/2020 ? It may be a simile, metaphor, personification, etc. Figures of Speech with Examples. There are numerous figures of speech. The number may cross the hundred. ... View also: Figures of Speech Worksheet with Answers. 1 ? Simile. It is a Latin word that means "like". In simile two things or actions are interlinked. Example: ... ELA Standards: Literature. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.4 ? Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.4 ? Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). 26/10/2020 ? Sr. Sentences: Answer 1: The night is as dark as black stone: Simile 2: The camel is the ship of the desert. 3: O death! Where is your sting? 4: David is as noble as his father. 20/5/2021 ? A-Simile. B-Onomatopoeia. C-Metaphor. D-Personification 22-He can devour mountains of food, and drink rivers of whisky. A-Hyperbole. B-Metaphor. C-Personification. D-Onomatopoeia 23-"There honor comes a pilgrim grey. A-Personification. B-Apostrophe. C-Metaphor. D-Pun 24-An Ambassador is a man who lies abroad for the good of his country. A ... Lesson 1. Welcome to your first day of school! I wanted to give you one important reminder before you begin. Many of your lessons below have an internet link for you to click on. When you go to the different internet pages for your lessons, please DO NOT click on anything else on that page except what the directions tell you to. DO NOT click on any advertisements or games. OBJECTIVES Students will: ? Define and explore the concept of connotation ? Examine how word choice affects meaning as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. Whether it is hyperbole, personification, an idiom, metaphor, or simile, the English language is full of figurative language.

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