Metaphor simile personification and onomatopoeia worksheet - Weebly

Metaphor simile personification and onomatopoeia worksheet


FreeFreeReport issues a resource designed for UK teachers. See the AMERICAN version. As an artist who uses brushes and paint to create an image, a writer also has the tools to create an effect. One of these tools is to use symbolic language where the writer changes or enhances the normal meaning of the word. This enhancement falls into some category, known generally as the number of speeches. These types include metaphors, similes, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia and more. Symbolic language spreadsheet - Printable for class! Browse the collection of free symbolic language spreadsheets, printable below from K12Reader! Be sure to check out all our reading spreadsheets for more useful tools to put into the classroom. We pride ourselves on providing a myme to help improve your students' writing! What is alliteration? When you hear a tongue twister, you are listening to alliteration. Still wondering what alliteration is? Repeated use usually occurs in the first part of each word and is usually ... What is hyperbole? Hyperbole is a kind of symbolic language defined as dramatic exaggeration. Many writers use hyperboles to emphasize a specific detail of a character, setting, or... idiom has a different practical meaning than their word meaning. Idiom is a kind of symbolic language that adds color and interest in text. A few common idiom examples are, as high as kites... The irony is a literary device that is all about the opposite: the opposite meaning, the opposite result and the opposite expectation. In literature, authors often use an ironic twist or commentary to make a point or to entertain.... She is the apple of my eye is a phrase that we have all heard once or twice. But is there really an apple in a person's eyes? No, this is just a metaphor to prove how much a loved one is to that person... An onomatopoeia is any word that shows a sound being made. Snap! Boom! Crackle! These are all examples of onomatopoeia, along with words, such as meowing and ding dong This number of speeches is ... An oxymoron is a set of words that, when placed side by side, seem to contradict each other. This number of speeches is common in our everyday language, and we may not even notice it! Some great examples of ... You can save money by spending it, which is a phrase that seems self-contradictory, however, it may actually hold some truth. This type of phrase is called a paradox. Paradoxically a more complex literature ... Personification is when a human characteristic is given to an intuition object, an animal, or any other item that is not human. For example, an author can write about a possible talk. Dogs can really talk?... A simile is a number of speeches that compare the two unlike things. Many homes Use words like or as to compare two items. A great example of simile can be found ... Puns are a kind of symbolic language that uses a coy word or a variant of a word to create a different meaning. Usually gently, some authors, including Shakespeare, also use puns in ... Labels: simile, metaphorical, hyperbole, or personification. Explain. Example: Her smile was a mile wide when she saw her new computer. For example, alarms have given warnings to children at the fore to ensure safety. Example - With all the overtime that Kathy works, you know she has tons of savings for her vacation. Draw the writing underneath the sentences. Determine if the underlined phrase is an idiom, simile, or metaphor. Idiom - a common expression that means something different from what the words literally mean. Ex: once in a blue moon Simile ? compares two unlike items using like or as. Ex: white as snow I'm really not sure what our plans are for today. We'll play it with our ears. Grandfather always pranked us. I never knew when he was telling the truth or pulling my leg. Read every sentence. Underline the symbolic language. Rewwwww rewwwww without this form of language, but with the same meaning. Read every sentence. Underline the paragraph to remove and then rewwwww the sentence without language, but make sure the sentence conveys the same meaning. Example: Dad was in the dog house after making mom crazy at him last night. For example, you're not out of the woods yet. I haven't seen the paint you spilled yet. He can buy anything since he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Read the poem. Then answer the questions by revolving around the answer. Decipher the meaning of the phrases in the poem. Decide whether each of the sentences below contains a metaphor or a metaphor. Write your answer on the line. Then underline the red metaphor. Underline the blue similes. Circle the type of form used: metaphor (M), simile (S), personification (P), or hyperbole (H). There may be more than one correct answer. Read each verse below. Determine which techniques are being used. Write it on the line. Highlight or underline two things that are being compared in each metaphor. Highlight or underline hyperbole in each sentence. Highlight or underline the personification in each sentence. Define the type of symbolic language in each sentence. Write it on the line. Alliteration is a repetition of the sound of the sound at the beginning of the word. Write an example of each language template. Write an example of each type of format that should be here. Determine which techniques are being used. Write it on the line. Then explain your answer. There may be more than one correct answer. Read every sentence. Circle the type used: metaphor (M), simile (S), personification (P), or hyperbole (H), alliteration (A), onomatopoeia (O), or idiom (I). There may be more than one correct answer. Suitable for each type of form with its definition. Write four different sentences to describe the figure below. Use one type of language in each sentence. Then, under each sentence you write, specify the type of language being used. Use.

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