Digital Since They Were in Diapers

Digital Since They Were in Diapers

Millennials: Privileged & Pompous or Innovative & Revolutionary?




The Simon Sinek Version: Millennials in the Workplace


Encroaching the Modern Business World:


Recruiting & Retaining Millennials

Encroaching the Modern Business World:


The L&D of Millennials

Parting Note: We Aren't That Bad...


Hi There,





Millenials already form a majority of the workforce. This number is expected to go to 75% by 2025.

We live in a world of technology. We breathe its essence on an everyday basis. We have allowed it to become a part of us. Some might call it being cybernetic, even. Yes, food is only one online delivery away, packages are a day's delivery away with the new Amazon Prime, and all of this is but the tip of the iceberg.

It's a powerful world we live in today, to the point that technological breakthroughs and innovation are about as commonplace as cattle in a farm. But there's something even more impressive at hand, right here and now in 2017 ? a changing of the guard.

We're talking about Baby Boomers and a dominant era of influencers on everything from how we worked and played, to what we consumed. They reigned with workaholic tendencies and a work-to-live attitude, which bordered on the infinite fleetingly.

Yes, when proud boomers continued to work past retirement, many pondered the thought of an old king and a struggle to hold onto power. But that's a thing of the almost past now.

PricewaterhouseCoopers moved to a millennial powered workforce 80% strong by the end of 2016. Other companies are expected to catch up with the new generation projected to take over 75% of the workforce by 2025. [1]



The Generation & Technology: A Noteworthy Love A air

Millennials are the first generation of digital natives ? those born immersed in technology. It's only natural that their adeptness with the same ranks superior to their boomer predecessors. This holds true for even Gen Xers, the inventers of said technology.

Text messages became a matter of top talk in the late 1980s, and social media platforms such as Myspace or YouTube galivanted through our minds within the early 2000s. Guess what generation bracket millennials fall under? It's a rhetorical question, of course.



We'll give you the answer ? 1982 to 1999.

In a way, this is tech ubiquity of the highest order. Yes, millennials are beyond us when it comes to personal or professional decipherment. But when people raise one of the most asked organizational questions about the generation, millennials are often put under the microscope either positively or ? well, mostly ? negatively.

Is it their unpreparedness for today's workplace that bothers us or our unpreparedness to handle their wave of fresh energy?

Unprepared for the Workplace

Contrary to general opinion, Meredith Mason of Bentley University believes that millennials are prepared, open to new experiences, and driven to succeed.

" Part of this stems from the economy, and Millennials know how hard it is to get a job. They're trying as hard as they can. MEREDITH MASON, News & Communications Coordinator at Bentley University

Needless to say, the digital native generation are more than confident when it comes to their ability to use technology. But what of the views from the flipside of the coin?

Studies show that millennials are still intimidated, or experience self-doubt when hired. This stems from an immersive environment that negated almost all human contact, meaning formal communication or open dialogue with supervisors became awkward.

Baby Boomers to a certain degree also support the incoming generation. Charlie Shaw of Outthink has nothing but kind words.

" They're serious and not lackadaisical. This comes from good overall preparation. Technology allows them to manipulate words, images and websites thoughtfully and creatively.

CHARLIE SHAW, Executive Producer at Outthink

However, the baby boomer had to admit that despite preparedness, millennials still required on-the-job training. All interesting insights, but this is merely the beginning. From start to end, we hope to keep you with us and on this eBook. It's about time we unearth something of significance about the 1982-1999 birth bracket.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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