A chemical equation describes what happens in a chemical ...

|term |definition or information |examples |

|chemical equation |method of writing what happens in a chemical reaction |2H2 (g)+ O2 (g) → 2H2O (l) + energy |

| |(g) for gaseous | |

| |(s) for solids | |

| |(l) for liquids | |

| |(aq) solution in water | |

| |endothermic---absorb heat energy | |

| |exothermic---release heat energy | |

|reactants |substances which enter into a reaction |Photosynthesis |

| |before the arrow |6CO2 + 6H2O + energy →C6H12O6 + 6O2 |

| | |reactants---6CO2 + 6H2O |

|products |substances which are formed or created by the reaction |Cellular Respiration |

| |after the arrow |C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy |

| | |products---6CO2 + 6H2O + energy |

|subscript |number that tells how many atoms of an element are in a unit of the |H2O |

| |compound |2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom |

| |cannot change subscripts | |

|coefficient |number preceding the compound |2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + energy |

| |full size | |

| |multiplied throughout the formula to which it is attached | |

| | |2 in front of 2H2 and 2H2O are coefficients |

|ratio |places coefficients in order (left to right) using a colon to separate |Photosynthesis |

| | |6CO2 + 6H2O + energy →_C6H12O6 + 6O2 |

| | |Ratio---6:6:1:6 |

|Law of Conservation |by Antoine Lavoisier |start and end with same mass |

|of Mass |matter cannot be created or destroyed |must be balanced |

|(matter) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Type of Chemical |Definition or information |examples |

|Reactions | | |

|synthesis reaction |two or more simple substances combine to form|[pic] |

| |a more complex substance |reactant + reactant ( product |

| |Two or more reactants yielding one product |A silver spoon tarnishes. The silver reacts with sulfur in the air to make silver |

| | |sulfide, the black material we call tarnish. |

| | |2 Ag + S [pic] Ag2S |

|decomposition reactions|One reactant yields 2 or more products. |[pic] |

| |synthesis and decomposition reactions are |reactant → product + product |

| |opposites. |Glucose (simple sugar) ferments to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. The sugar in grapes |

| | |or from grain ferments with yeast to make the alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon |

| | |dioxide is the gas that bubbles out of beer or champagne. |

| | | |

| | |C6H12O6 (glucose) [pic]2C2H5OH (ethyl alcohol) + 2CO2 |

|single replacement |a single uncombined element replaces another |[pic] |

|reaction |in a compound |reactant + reactant ( product + product |

|(single displacement) |Two reactants yield two products |Silver nitrate solution has a piece of copper placed into it. The solution begins to turn|

| | |blue and the copper seems to disappear. Instead, a silvery-white material appears. |

| | |2 AgNO3 + Cu [pic]Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag |

|double replacement |Parts of two compounds switch places to form |[pic] |

|reaction |two new compounds |reactant + reactant → product + product |

|(double displacement) |Two reactants yield two products. |Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (acid and base) neutralize each other to make |

| | |water and a salt. |

| | |HCl + NaOH [pic]HOH + NaCl   |

|Familiar Name |Chemical Name |Formula |

|Lye |Sodium hydroxide |NaOH |

|Milk of Magnesia |Magnesium hydroxide |Mg(OH)2 |

|Ammonia |Ammonia |NH3 |

|Stomach acid or gastric juice |Hydrochloric acid |HCl |

|Type of sugar (body/carbohydrates) |Glucose |C6H12O6 |

|Marsh gas |Methane |CH4 |

|Carbonic acid gas |Carbon Dioxide |CO2 |

|Nitrogen gas |Nitrogen gas |N2 |

|Oxygen gas |Oxygen gas |O2 |

|Table Salt |Sodium chloride |NaCl |

|Water | |H2O |

|Ozone |Ozone |O3 |


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