By Gina Haber, L.Ac., DNBAO

Recently the results of a study were released regarding Alzheimer’s disease. The number of sufferers is expected to triple in the next 30-40 years. More than ever before, this debilitating, tragic condition is affecting people below the age of 65. How has this come to be? What can we do to prevent it? Is it possible to mitigate its effects once the disease has manifested? What doesn’t allopathic medicine understand about this process and where can we turn to get the sound advice and help we need to protect ourselves, both from the condition itself and from misinformation about the causes and treatments?

The most important protection the public has is education and good information. Firstly, always check the source of the information. It is a drug company? Is it a fly-by-night nutritional company that produces herbal products that may contain contaminants or poor quality ingredients that you have no way of testing, or verifying for yourself? You most definitely will be seeing more and more products aimed at dealing with the effects of Alzheimer’s, so the need to sort out what is true and real becomes of paramount importance when dealing with your health.

Here are some of the causes for this increasing incidence of neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s:

· Heavy metal toxicity

· Undiagnosed infections

· Parasitic infestation

· Interference Fields

Heavy metal toxicity is becoming more and more prevalent. The average American today carries a body burden of at least 700 toxic chemicals, including probably the worst offender – mercury – both in our dental work and in our food supply. Research has shown conclusively the link between mercury and Alzheimer’s.

Infection - The Genome Project discovered that the gene deck contains 35% viruses. Some of these internal, genetic viruses become expressed when the body suffers some external insult – an environmental toxin, a trauma of some sort. And thus begins an infection process in the body, which many, many times, goes undetected until some full-blown disease condition manifests. And even then, the offending infection may not be suspected as cause.

Parasites are a topic you don’t hear much discussed. We are understandably put off by the mere mention. But the phenomenon is very real and quite rampant – some say up to 85% of us have them. And the nauseating truth is that the waste from these visitors goes up to the brain and destroys our faculties, slowly but surely.

Interference fields are disruptions in our energy biofield caused by scars, old injuries and traumas, which impede the nutrition and proper biological repair functions of our bodies.

What can we do about these 4 main causes of disease, including Alzheimer’s?

Heavy metals can be rid from the body through special detoxifying herbs and nutraceuticals. One doesn’t necessarily have to undergo chelation therapy, which is highly invasive and expensive. You can do the detox at home. And of course, if you haven’t already begun to replace your metal fillings, please find a savvy dentist who is versed in the special procedures necessary for mercury removal.

Infections can quickly and easily be detected by a new clinically tested and proven technique called QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis), which is performed by a qualified practitioner, who can rapidly assess where in your body there are weaknesses, deficiencies and problem areas, and who can also determine exactly what nutrients your body needs to correct these imbalances and restore optimum cellular resonance.

Similarly, parasites can be found in the same way, and cleared through a nutritional program called a parasite cleanse which can be achieved rapidly, gently and thoroughly.

Interference fields described above, have a profound influence on our health in many areas, not just neurodegeneration. A simple cut on the leg could be reflecting to the stomach or lungs in such a way as to cause damaging health compromise. The good news is, there is a simple remedy based on ancient wisdom, which can be done at home with complete restoration of the disrupted energy field.

It has been found by Dr. Bob Marshall, originator of the QRA technique, that when these procedures are followed, Alzheimer’s and countless other disease states have been vastly improved and even completely resolved.

Limitless healing is possible today. Our bodies were designed to experience outrageous health.

Modern living, toxic environment, poor quality food sources and unhealthy eating habits have been all catching up with us. But we have the tools to turn poor health around. The people who reported on the recent findings of Alzheimer statistics state the cause of Alzheimer’s to be “aging.” Are you laughing yet? Educate yourself and don’t be satisfied with what the “experts” say. I want to die at 104 years old on the tennis courts!

Gina Haber, L.Ac., DNBAO is a California State Board Licensed Acupuncturist in private practice in Pasadena, CA. She specializes in musculoskeletal disorders, internal medicine and emotional conditions. To contact Gina, call 626-798-7805.


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