By procurement commission

January 17, 2017

Protocol No. 1

NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1


„Mi-17 helicopter flight crew verification and qualification`s maintenance”

(ID No. NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1)



1. Customer and manager of the procurement procedure for „Mi-17 helicopter flight crew verification and qualification`s maintenance”, ID No. NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1 is: 2nd regional logistics centre of Logistic Command of National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia, hereinafter – 2nd regional logistics centre, registration No. 90001480133, legal address: “NAF Aviation base”, Rembates parish, Kegums county, LV-5016, LATVIA, Ph: +371 65055309, +371 65055318.

2. Financing source – state budget (100%).

3. Information about procurement procedure is obtainable from: Maksims Piculs: +371 65002653, e-mail: maksims.piculs@mil.lv.

4. Bidder is the service provider which has submitted an offer.


1. Subject of procurement is to provide with service “Mi-17 helicopter flight crew verification and qualification`s maintenance” (hereinafter– „The service”) in accordance with Technical specification – annex No 2).

2. Bidder can submit only one offer.

3. Period of validity of an offer shall be not less than 12 (twelve) months since the date of submission.

4. Bidder for the service submit offer in full compliance with this instructions and the Technical specification.

5. Offer submission deadline is 15:00H, February 1, 2017, 2nd regional logistics centre, “NAF Aviation base”, Rembates parish, Kegums county, LV-5016.


1. Composition of the offer:

1. all papers shall be written in Latvian or English. Papers in other languages shall be accompanied by notarial signed translation to one of above mentioned language;

2. offer papers shall be submitted in sealed envelope:

1. pages shall be numbered;

2. offer papers shall be clearly readable, without corrections and erasing marks;

3. bidder information shall be filled in accordance with Annex No1.

2. Offer paper package shall be submitted personally in sealed envelope to 2nd Regional support centre, “NAF Aviation base”, Rembates parish, Kegums county, LV-5016, LATVIA or sent by mail or fax providing its reception till deadline. Envelope shall be labeled: bidder’s name, legal address, registration certificate No., Subject of procurement and its ID No.


1. As a proof of meeting the qualification requirements, bidder shall include the following papers in package:

1. Copy of the registration certificate issued to bidder.

2. Certificate, issued by legal state authority not earlier than 1 (one) month before submission of the offer, with bidder’s representative persons names and that the bidder is solvent and not in the stage of liquidation (original).

3. Issued by bidder’s representative person signature authorization (copy) to another persons, if they are not listed in certificate mentioned in Para 4.1.2.

4. Certificate, issued by legal state authority not earlier than 1 (one) month before submission of the offer, on settlement with state and municipality budgets and state monetary funds.

5. Proof, that bidder has not been judged as guilty for involvement in criminal organization, corruption, financial fraud or money laundry, as well as no facts of significant unfair competition and violations of professional activity and labour law has been detected during the last three years before submission of the offer.


1. Detailed technical/financial offer (Annex No1) description considering Technical specification (Annex No 2).

2. Payment, service and conditions.

3. Pricing shall be given in EUR. Prices shall include all service-related prices and applicable but without VAT taxies. VAT shall be shown separately. VAT rate for foreign EU bidders is 0%. Prices shall be shown in accordance with Annex No. 1. Price offer shall be valid at least twelve month since submission date.


1. The procurement Commission (hereinafter – the Commission) evaluates bidder’s qualification.

2. Bidder will be eliminated and its offer will not be evaluated further if the procurement commission discovers that: Qualification papers not submitted in accordance with requirements described in chapter 4. and/or its content doesn’t meet the requirements described in Chapter 4. or/and bidder has submitted false information of its qualification or hasn’t submitted required information at all, including addition clarifying information asked by procurement commission within established deadline.


1. Bidder’s offer is eliminated and not evaluated any further if the Commission discover that Offer doesn’t meet the Technical specification’s requirements (Annex No 2).


1. After bidders’ offer qualification conformity assessment, the Commission evaluates conformity of the selected bidders’ offer.

2. The Commission checks arithmetical errors in bidders’ offer. While evaluating financial offer, the Commission acts in accordance with Public procurement law of the Republic of Latvia, Chapter 56, Part 3.

3. The Commission checks if unreasonably cheap offer has not submitted and acts in accordance with Public procurement law of the Republic of Latvia, Chapter 48.

4. If the Commission discovers that submitted offer is unreasonably cheap, the offer will be declined.


1. Decision on results of winning bidder, the Commission notifies the bidder in writing within three days after decision was made.

2. Framework agreement between the Contracting authority and the winning bidder to be concluded in accordance with Public procurement law of the Republic of Latvia.


1. The Commission acts in accordance with Public procurement law of the Republic of Latvia, these Instructions, and 2nd regional logistics centre Commander’s order: January 11, 2017 No.6.

2. The Commission’s rights:

1. to request submitted bidder’s information clarification and detailed explanations in written;

2. to check sincerity of bidder’s information;

3. to invite external experts with a deliberate functions;

4. to decline unreasonably cheap offer;

5. to ask bidder to extend validity term of the offer;

6. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.

3. The Commission’s obligations:

1. to evaluate offer submitted before established deadline;

2. to make decisions on results of procurement;

3. to carry out other activities in accordance with Public procurement law of Republic of Latvia, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.


1. Bidder’s rights:

1. to request timely the Commission for additional information about the Instructions;

2. to request the Commission for electronic copy of the Instructions via E-mail;

3. to extend validity term of the offer;

4. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.

2. Bidder’s obligations:

1. upon reception of the Instructions to submit an accurate information about recipient (name, registration No), legal address, E-mail, phone, and fax No;

2. to respond timely to the Commission’s requests in written with answers and clarifications about an offer;

3. bidder upon submission of an offer takes responsibility to comply with terms and conditions stipulated in the Instructions as basis for execution of the procurement;

4. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.


1. The Commission and bidder exchange information in written, via fax and E-mail, verbally expressed information is not relevant to the procurement procedure.

2. All the expenses related to preparation and submission of the offer is covered by Bidder.

3. These Instructions are drawn up and accepted in English on 7 (seven) pages. The Instructions include the body on 3 (three) pages and 2 (two) annexes on 4 (four) pages:

Annex No 1 – Technical/financial Offer on 2 pages,

Annex No 2 – Technical specification on 2 pages.

Annex No.1

To instructions for service provider,

ID No.: NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1


Procurement: „Mi-17 helicopter flight crew verification and qualification`s maintenance”

ID No. NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1

To: 2nd regional logistics centre of Logistic Command of National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia, “NAF Aviation base”, Rembates parish, Keguma county, LV-5016, Latvia

In accordance with Instructions for service provider, we, the undersigned, hereby beg to acknowledge our acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Prices inquiry. We offer to perform the service provider and the Technical specification for the total price of:

|No |Description of the service|Q-ty |Course duration (theoretical and | Price without VAT, |

| | | |practical course, hours) |(Currency), |

| | | | |(price for one team |

| | | | |training) |

|1. | | | | |

Total price without VAT words______________________________________________(EUR).

1. We hereby confirm that all attached papers complete our offer.

2. We hereby confirm that our offer is valid till __________________________________.

3. We hereby confirm that we have no interests in any other Bidder’s offers, submitted within this procurement procedure.

4. Bidder’s name:

Registered (date):

with No

Legal address:

Office address:

Point of contacts:

(Title, Name, Surname, Position)




VAT payer reg. No:





I hereby take full responsibility for submitted papers package completeness, its content, binding and sealing, and conformity to the Instructions’ requirements. Submitted information is authentic.

Offer’s package is composed of _________ (_____________) pages.


Name, Surname:


The offer is drawn up and signed in ________ ___, 2017.

month date

Place for a stamp

Annex No.2

To instructions for service provider,

ID No.: NBS NP 2.RNC 2017/1


|Mi-17 helicopter flight crew skills verification and qualification`s maintenance |

|Application |Provide helicopter flight crew verification and qualification`s maintenance, imitate individual|

| |actions in emergency situations on allowed helicopter types in aircraft cockpit or on flight |

| |simulator, in accordance with JAR-OPS 3 N chapter part 1 (Joint Aviation Requirements SUBPART N|

| |– FLIGHT CREW), JAR-OPS 3.965 Recurrent Training and Checking. |

|Mi -17 helicopter flight crew basic |Teaching program should be approved in that state Civil aviation agency where teaching service |

|requirements for training |is provided. |

| |Training program, which provides flight crew skills verification, realizing emergency landings,|

| |must include following procedures: |

| |Refreshing skills and knowledge about helicopter systems (start up procedures, engine power |

| |check, hydraulic system check, anti icing system check, electrical system check, radio and |

| |navigation equipment checks) before simulated flights. |

| |Helicopter Mi-17 flight simulator at least 7 (astronomical) flight hours, twice a year, March /|

| |April and September / October : |

| |Simple flight`s conditions(day/night): |

| |Hovering with diverse wind directions and wind speed; |

| |Visual and instrumental flights for takeoff and landing using aerodrome navigation equipment |

| |(ILS, VOR, NDB); |

| |Flights in bad weather conditions; |

| |Visual flights for approaching to ships/vessels. |

| |Flights with challenging situation procedures: |

| |Fire in helicopter compartments; |

| |Two engine failure during flight; |

| |One engine failure during flight; |

| | Two generators failure during flight |

| |2.2.3. Flight procedures in emergency situation: |

| | Free turbine regulator malfunction |

| | Engine electronic regulation system failure |

| | Engine oil pressure drop |

| | High engine vibration |

| | Dangerous engine vibration |

| | Filings in engine oil |

| | Temperature regulator failure |

| | Main gear box failure |

| | Main fuel tank pump failure |

| | Two fuel pump failure |

| | Warning „270 L LEFT” |

| | Fuel passageway valve failure |

| | Main hydraulic system failure |

| | Altimeter failure |

| | Two airspeed indicator failure |

| |2.2.4. Professional skill test during flight on Mi-17 helicopter Simulator |

| |3. Maximum flying hours for each crew a day, not more than 3 (three) (astronomical) hours. |

| |4. Flight evaluation/verification for accomplished testing and action during emergency |

| |situation. |

|Helicopter Mi-17 crew qualification |1. Training program must be approved according to a host nation CAA |

|requirements |2. The helicopter Mi-17 flight crews must be trained by service provider on the following |

|(refreshment course) |subjects, at least 16 academic (45 min) hours long once a year in March / April: |

| |2.1 Helicopter Mi-17 (Mi-8 MTV-1) systems (engines TV3-117VM, transmission system, Ai-9 engine,|

| |fuel system, hydraulic system, electric system, helicopter control systems, firefighting |

| |system, anti-icing system, pneumatic system); |

| |2.2. Engine start-up: types of start-up, start-up procedures and sequence, engine power check; |

| |2.3. Non-standard theoretical procedures: fire in cargo cabin, two engine failure in the |

| |flight, one engine failure in the flight, two generator failure in the flight, vortex ring |

| |theory, entering and exiting vortex ring, helicopter control failure; |

| |2.4. Emergency situation theoretical procedures: free turbine regulator malfunction, engine |

| |electronic regulation system failure, engine oil pressure drop, high engine vibration, |

| |dangerous engine vibration, filings in engine oil, temperature regulator failure, main gear box|

| |failure, main fuel tank pump failure, two fuel pump failure, warning „270 L LEFT”, fuel |

| |passageway valve failure, main hydraulic system failure, altimeter failure, two airspeed |

| |indicator failure; |

| |3. The helicopter Mi-17 flight crews must be trained by service provider on the following |

| |subjects, at least 25 academic (45 min) hours long, once a year, September / October: |

| |3.1. Crew co-operation procedures; |

| |3.2. Leadership/“followership“ and authority; |

| |3.3. Personality, attitude and motivation; |

| |3.4. Effective and clear communication during flight; |

| |3.5. Use of checklists; |

| |3.6. Mutual supetvision, information and support. PF or PNF task. |

| |4. Every crew member completes qualification course once in 12 months period in accordance with|

| |JAR-OPS part 3N subpart 1. |

| |5. Daily Load no more than 6 academic (45 min) hours per day; |

| |6. Evaluation / Certificate of training; |

| |7. Each training time should not exceed five working days. |

|Other requirements |1.Training course "Mi-17 helicopter flight crew skill requirements of the tests” must be |

| |consistent with the course" Mi-17 helicopter flight crew qualification requirements "programs; |

| |2.The training must be in English or Russian. |

|Requirements for Training Center |Training organization must be comply with EASA TRTO or FTO according EC regulation 216/2008 |

| |PART- FCL requirements. |


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