GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about simple past



• Simple past: regular and irregular verbs

• Affirmative simple past sentences

• Negative simple past sentences

• Interrogative simple past sentences


o Multiple Choice: students must choose the correct option and complete several sentences such as the ones below:

1. It is usually hot in June in Florida, but last year it … very cold

a. was

b. been

c. has been

d. were

2. Ted wears black clothes every day, but yesterday, he … white clothes

a. Were wearing

b. wear

c. Wore

d. worn

3. Carson … a western on TV last night

a. watching

b. Watched

c. Watches

d. Watch

o Fill in the gaps: students must fill in the gaps in sentences such as the ones below with the right past affirmative form of these verbs: come, be, know, wear, stop, close, talk, go

1. Ted … to Florida last July

2. That afternoon it … very hot

3. Everybody in Florida … him very well

o Negative and interrogative: students are provided with several affirmative past simple sentences and they must turn them into the negative and interrogative past simple ones.

o Make questions: students are given several past simple answers and must write full questions for them.

o Match: students see a table such as the one below and must complete it with the correct simple past verbs according to the pronunciation of their –ed ending.

|/t/ |/d/ |/id/ |

| | | |

o Complete: this time students are provided with a table containing irregular infinitives and they must complete it with the correct irregular past simple verbs.

o Listen: now students listen to a text about what a character did in the past and must fill in the gaps in some sentences with the correct past simple tenses.

o Write: students write a paragraph of about 60 words that starts: “Last summer …”


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about prepositions, transport and places



• Prepositions: place, time, date

• Adjectives that express description

• Vocabulary regarding people and places

• Vocabulary regarding means of transport


o Translate: students read several Spanish words regarding means of transport and they must translate them into English.

o Prepositions: students must now fill in the gaps in the sentences on the screen with the correct preposition: on, in, by, at.

o Listen: students listen to Mike talking about his town and then must choose the correct sentences out of a multiple choice exercise.

o Fill in the gaps: students read several sentences and must complete them using the correct words regarding places; the initial letter of each gap is there for help.

o Match: students are presented with a place table such as the one below and they must drag the correct words below each correct place.


| | | | |

| | | | |

o Write: finally they must write a paragraph describing their own school, for them to consolidate what they have been tested on. They should write at least 60 words.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about simple present and present progressive as well as vocabulary about jobs and furniture.



• Simple present

• Present progressive

• Daily routines

• Spelling of third person singular simple present forms

• Vocabulary regarding jobs

• Vocabulary regarding furniture


° Complete: students must fill in the gaps in the sentences on the screen with the appropriate tense. The infinitives of the verbs to use are provided.

° Write –ing: now students are presented with a list of infinitives for them to write the corresponding –ing forms.

° Write –s/-es: this time students are presented with a list of infinitives for them to write the third person singular form of the present simple.

° Negative and interrogative: students read different affirmative sentences in simple present and present progressive tenses. They must turn them into the negative and the interrogative form.

° Jobs: students read several jobs and must use them in order to complete each sentence with the correct word.

° Listen: students listen to a text about what a character does every day and must then write questions for the affirmative simple present sentences on the screen.

° Answer: students read several sentences about what they do every day and must answer them correctly. Then, they can print their work and hand it in to their teachers.

° True or False?: Students listen to a dialogue about what Andrew is doing at the moment with his bedroom. Then, they must do a listening comprehension exercise and decide if the sentences about the dialogue are true or false.

° Translate: students read several Spanish words regarding vocabulary about the house and must translate them into English.

° Writing: students must now write a small paragraph describing their bedroom. The beginning is there for them and they are asked to write about 60 words.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about singular and plural nouns, about the articles a, an, the; testing students’ knowledge about countable and uncountable nouns, the use of some, any, no, much , many, a lot of, a little, a few, enough.



• Singular and plural nouns

• Articles: a, an, the

• Countable and uncountable nouns

• Quantity: some, any, no

• Quantity: much, many, a lot of, a little, a few

• Enough

• Vocabulary regarding food


° Plurals: students read several singular words and they must write their corresponding plural forms.

° Match: students see a table that shows the different pronunciations of regular plurals. They must complete it by dragging the correct plurals onto the correct place according to the pronunciation of the –s/-es endings.

° A / an: students complete the phrases filling in the gaps with the correct article, either a or an.

° Complete: students must fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be and adding the correct article, either a or an, when necessary.

° A/an/the: students read words as prompts, and then, they must fill in the gaps in the sentences that contain those words, using the correct article.

° Rewrite: students read each sentence on the screen and they must rewrite them using the words they are provided with between brackets. They can make any necessary changes.

° Right or wrong?: students read the sentences on the screen and they must decide if they are correct or incorrect from a grammar point of view.

° Choose: students must now click on the correct quantifier so as to complete the sentences on the screen in a correct way.

° Listen: students listen now to a dialogue at shop and must fill in the gaps with the correct words.


Test 1

GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about modal verbs



• Can

• Could

• Must, mustn’t

• May

• Might

• Should

• Have to: present and past


° Negative forms: students read several sentences that contain modal verbs in the affirmative form and must turn them into the negative form.

° Interrogative forms: now, they must read the affirmative sentences on the screen and turn them into the interrogative form.

° Must or mustn’t: students must fill in the gaps in several sentences using modal verb must either in its affirmative or in its negative form, so as to consolidate the different in meaning of both forms.

o Complete the questions: students read several incomplete questions and must fill in the gaps in those questions with the correct auxiliaries.

o Rewrite: it is a transformation exercise for students to consolidate the use of different modals. They must rewrite the original sentences using the modal verbs they are provided with and that appear between brackets, without changing the meaning of the original sentences.

o Prompts: with the help of the prompts on the screen, students must build up correct sentences that contain should or shouldn’t

o Listen: students listen now to a dialogue that takes place at a restaurant, and must then fill in the gaps with the correct words.

o Match: students must now join the sentences on the left hand side of the screen with what they express: refusing, accepting, deciding or suggesting.

o Write: students must now write a small dialogue in which they include refusing, accepting, deciding, suggesting.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about adjectives and adverbs



• Adjectives

• Position

• Comparison

• Description

• Too/Enough

• Adverbs


o Complete: students see a list of positive adjectives and must drag their corresponding comparative and superlative forms to the correct place.

o Choose: students read several incomplete sentences and must choose the correct word to complete them, either an adjective or an adverb.

o Too or enough: students must fill in the gaps in several sentences using the adjectives provided between brackets together with too or enough.

o Rewrite: students must transform the original comparative sentences they can read on the screen using the adjectives provided between brackets, changing their structure but without changing their meaning.

o Drag adjectives: students are presented with an empty table of positive and negative adjectives. They must drag the adjectives provided to the correct place in the table.

o Make correct sentences: students are presented with several mixed up sentences, and they must put them into the correct order, according to the position of adjectives.

o Superlatives: students must build up their own sentences, using superlative adjectives, with the help of the prompts they are provided with.

o Listen: students listen to a small text describing the Homo Sapiens and they must fill in the gaps with the correct comparative adjectives.

o Write: finally, they must write a short paragraph describing and comparing three members of their family.

Test 3

GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about the ways of expressing past actions.



• To be: simple past

• Simple past / past progressive

• Present perfect simple

• Time clauses


o Fill in the gaps: students must fill in the gaps in an incomplete text, using the correct past form of the verb to be.

o Complete questions: students must now complete several questions with was or were.

o Rewrite: students read a text about a person’s daily routines and must then turn it into the simple past.

Listen: students listen to a small story about something that took place in the past and must fill in the gaps with the correct verbs in the correct past tense.

o Choose: this is a multiple choice exercise for students to choose the correct past verbs in order to complete the sentences provided.

o Present perfect: students must now fill in the gaps with the correct present perfect tense of the verbs between brackets, using for or since.

o Make sentences: with the help of the prompts provided, students must now build up correct sentences using the simple past or the past progressive.

o Present perfect or simple past: students must fill in the gaps in the text on the screen with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets, either present perfect simple or simple past.

o Write: students must now write a paragraph about a celebrity using present perfect simple, simple past and past progressive.



GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about the passive voice.



• Passive voice

• Have something done

• Headlines


o Rewrite: students must turn the active sentences provided into passive ones. The beginning of the passive sentences is also given.

o Complete: now students read an interview and must complete its answers with the correct passive tenses.

o Headlines: students read several newspaper headlines and must rewrite them into full passive sentences.

o Choose the correct form: students must now complete the passage on the screen with the correct voice, either passive or active, of the verbs in brackets.

o Have something done: students must join two active sentences into a passive one, using have something done in the correct tense.

o Write: students now read an active passage and must rewrite it into in the passive voice. They can then print it and hand it in to their teachers.

Listen: finally they listen to a couple of passages including passive voice and must fill in the gaps on the screen with the correct passive verbs in the correct tenses.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about the future, conditions, offers, requests and suggestions.



• Simple future

• Going to future

• Conditional sentences: type 1

• Time expressions

• Modals: offers, requests and suggestions

• Vocabulary regarding clothes


o Listen: students listen to a couple of dialogues containing predictions and they must fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs they hear.

o Negative and interrogative forms: students read several simple future affirmative sentences and they must put them in the corresponding negative and interrogative forms.

o Mini – dialogues: students must now fill in the gaps of several mini-dialogues with the correct tense of the verbs between brackets, either simple future or going to future.

o Rewrite: students must turn the original sentences given into type 1 conditional sentences, using if + present tense – will/can.

In, On, At: now students must fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions to

o While or During: students must now fill in gaps using one of the two particles.

o Fill in: students read the dialogue provided and must complete it using the correct modal: could, shall or would.

o The right order: students are provided with several mixed expressions regarding clothes and they must put them into the correct order according to the position of adjectives and materials.

o Translate: they must now translate several English words regarding clothes, into Spanish.

o Complete: students listen to a dialogue taking place at a clothes shop between the shop assistant and a customer, and they must fill in the gaps with the correct words, so as to consolidate vocabulary regarding clothes.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about the present and the past.



• Simple present / present progressive

• Adverbs of frequency

• Present perfect simple / Simple past

• Simple past / past progressive

• Used to

• Time expressions regarding the past

• Never, ever

• Already, yet

• Since, for

• Interrogative pronouns: How long?

• Vocabulary regarding nationalities


o Choose: students must complete the sentences provided by clicking on the correct option, either the present progressive or the present simple tense from the verbs.

o Present perfect or simple past: students must now fill in the gaps in the passage provided with the correct tense of the verbs they can read between brackets, either present perfect simple or simple past.

o The right tense: now, students consolidate the use of past simple or past progressive by choosing the correct past verb in the correct form.

o Multiple Choice: this is a multiple choice exercise for students to choose the correct past tenses and forms.

o Put in the correct order: students must put several mixed up present perfect simple sentences into the correct order.

o Yet, still, already: students can read several incomplete mini-dialogues and must complete them using yet, still or already.

o The right question: this is a multiple choice exercise for students to choose the correct question for the answers provided.

o Nationalities: students fill in the gaps with the correct nationality. Tips are provided in every sentence.

o Rewrite: students must rewrite the original sentences provided using the adverbs in brackets in the correct position.

o Listen: students listen to a lady talking about her life and must then complete the listening comprehension exercise by deciding if the sentences provided are true or false.

o Write: finally, students must write a small passage describing the changes in their town in the last 5 years. They must write at least 80 words. Then, they can print their work and hand it in to their teacher.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about vocabulary regarding shops, places, food, drink, clothes and money.



• Food

• At the grocer’s

• Words that go together: a box of chocolates, etc.

• Compounds: baked beans, etc.

• At home

• Clothes

• Places


Listen and write: students listen to several English items of food and they must write what they hear.

o Listen and fill: students now listen to a dialogue at a grocer’s and must fill in the gaps with the write words expressing food.

o Complete: students must now join the words on the left hand side of the screen with the correct expression on the right hand side, so as to make correct compounds.

o Match: students must now join pairs to make compound words.

1. Read and guess: students must now read the descriptions of a kind of food and write its name.

o Choose the right word: this is a multiple choice exercise for students to choose the correct expressions regarding vocabulary about the house.

o Definitions: students must join the correct item of clothing with its corresponding definition.

o Fill in the gaps: students must fill in the gaps in several incomplete sentences so as to consolidate vocabulary regarding places.



GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about reported speech.



• Say and tell

• Reporting present, future and past

• Reporting modals

• Reported questions

• Time expressions in reported speech

• Reported speech into direct speech

• Reporting dialogues


o Tell or say: students must complete the sentences provided with the correct tense of the verbs tell or say.

o Rewrite: students are presented with several sentences in direct speech and they must put them into reported speech.

o Questions: this time students must report the direct questions they are presented with.

o Write: students must fill in the gaps using the corresponding reported change for several direct words and expressions.

o Dialogue: students read a reported dialogue between Tracy and Alex and then, they must build up their own direct one.

o Listen: students listen to a dialogue and now they must put into reported speech. They can read the direct dialogue if they need some help with understanding.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about relative clauses.



• Relative pronouns

• Defining and non-defining relative clauses


o Choose the right relative pronoun: students must complete the sentences provided with the correct relative pronoun.

o Who or whom: students must use either who or whom to fill in the gaps in the sentences they can read on the screen.

o Who, whose, or that: now students must fill in the gaps using the correct relative pronoun, out of the three suggested.

o Defining or Non Defining: students read several sentences and they must decide what type of relative clauses they are. They can click D if they think they are defining relative clauses or N if they think they are non defining ones.

o Click: students read several sentences on the screen and must click on those where the relative pronoun can be left out.

o Rewrite: it is a transformation exercise for students to rewrite the relative clauses given leaving the relative pronoun out and using the prepositions provided between brackets.

o Join: students must join each pair of sentences into one, including the word in capitals and beginning the way it is shown for them.

o Listen: students listen to an interview about an ideal school and must fill in the gaps with the sentences they hear and that contain relative clauses.

o Write: finally, they must describe their ideal school in a passage that contains about 90 words, using relative clauses.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about conditional sentences.



• Conditional sentences: type I

• Conditional sentences: type II


o Multiple choice: students must click on the correct pair of tenses to correctly complete the conditional sentences they are provided with.

o Complete: they must put the verbs provided in brackets into the correct tense so as to complete the conditional sentences provided.

o Fill in the gaps: students must complete the conditional sentences they are presented with, using if, unless or would.

o Match: students must join the correct beginnings of several conditional sentences with their corresponding endings.

o Listen: now students listen to a dialogue and must complete the conditional sentences provided.

o Write: now, students must build up a small passage about what their dream house would be like. The beginning is provided.

o Match: students read several conditional sentences and several different meanings of the if –clause. They must join each sentence with the correct meaning.

o Unless or if: finally, students must fill in the gaps using either unless or if so as to build up correct conditional sentences.


GOALS: testing students’ knowledge about present modals.



• Ability: Can, can’t

• Permission: Can, could, may

• Possibility and probability: must, can’t, might

• Obligation: must, have to

• Prohibition: mustn’t

• Absence of necessity: needn’t

• Advice: had better

• Predictions: will, would


o Complete: students must complete the sentences with can or can’t + these verbs: hear, look, read, see.

o Permission: students read several situations and must build up questions asking for permission using the correct modal according to each situation.

o Dialogue: students must now fill in the gaps in several mini-dialogues using must, can’t or might.

o Must, have to: now the gaps refer to must or have to. They have to complete the sentences using the correct form and tense of one of those modals.

o Fill in the gaps: students read a dialogue and must fill in its gaps using must, mustn’t or needn’t.

o Advice: students are presented with different problems and must look for a solution for each problem. They must use had better + one of these verbs: answer, find, mend, return, wash.

o Same or different?: students must decide if the pairs of sentences provided have the same meaning or a different one. They must click S for the same and D for different

o Predictions: students must fill in the gaps in the dialogue provided using ‘ll, won’t, would, wouldn’t.

o Listen: students listen to a dialogue and must fill in the gaps using the correct modal verbs.

o Answer: students listen to the dialogue again and must answer several comprehension questions using full answers.

o Write: finally students build up a similar dialogue and book a single room, for a week in September, full board. They have a six month baby and they would also like to take their parrot pet with them.


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