
• Mark your calendar for The Guelph Community Foundation’s third Random Act of Kindness Day on Friday, November 9, 2012.


• Random Act of Kindness Day is an opportunity to do something kind for someone else, to appreciate our fellow citizens and for community building – It’s NOT about fundraising or giving money – just a day to celebrate kindness.

• Simple acts of kindness are endless! Buy someone a coffee, congratulate someone on a job well done, offer to drive someone to an appointment, hold a door open, pay a parking meter, carry someone’s groceries, etc. Use your imagination and follow your heart. For a list of 100 free RAKs, visit guelphcf.ca.

• Started in 2008 by The Kitchener-Waterloo Community Foundation, Guelph joins Cambridge, Orillia, London, Brantford, Windsor and other communities on the same day. Imagine, hundreds of thousands of kind gestures on one day!


• School kids to seniors, community groups to corporations - everyone can participate.

• Individuals, families, work teams, sports teams, community groups, service clubs, classrooms, entire schools, seniors programs, charitable organisations, day care centres, churches, .... The list of who and how is endless. Surprise us!

• In 2011, schools, the University of Guelph, Conestoga College, The Co-operators, Meridian Credit Union, RLB LLP Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors, The City of Guelph, Guelph General Hospital, Hammond Power Solutions, and over 120 other organizations committed to ‘Pay it Forward’.

How does it work?

• 50,000 Random Act of Kindness Day cards will be available in our community this year. That’s up from 25,000 in 2010! They encourage the holder to perform a simple act of kindness for someone then hand over the card to that person, encouraging him/her to do the same.

• Do something kind, make someone’s day, hand over the card, feel great… Repeat. That’s it!

How does a company or organization get involved?

• Distribute Random Act of Kindness cards and/or posters to staff, members, clients, or the general public. RLB Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors (15 Lewis Road) can provide you with cards or posters. (After October 7th)

• Plan RAK initiatives for team-building, client appreciation or employee engagement. Check out our 2010 highlights for ideas or brainstorm with your team.

• Promote RAK in your newsletter, web-site, e-mail signature, staff room, or on-street signage.

How does an individual or a family participate?

• Pick up smaller quantities of cards at all City of Guelph locations, at the Guelph Mercury, RLB Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors, and locations listed at guelphcf.ca. (After October 7th)

• Placing posters and cards in high traffic spots around our community – give them to friends, family, co-workers or people you’ve just met.

• “Like” our Facebook Page and invite others to do the same.

• Plan a RAK Day event together. For example, rake a neighbour’s leaves, deliver a care package, write a thank you note for a coach or teacher, …


• Kindness is contagious. That’s a proven fact.

• In a group it increases group cohesion and employee engagement.

• It’s a great team-building opportunity.

• It’s a great way to thank clients.

• It teaches kids to appreciate those around them.

• It involves and empowers everyone. How often can we say that?

• It builds community and helps keep Guelph a great place to live.

• It builds stronger ties with neighbours and within communities.

• Why not?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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