Newsletter 1 .au



READ with your child EVERY DAY …

the more you read the smarter you get!

THURSDAY February 23rd 2023


Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing well. The weather is still a bit crazy with really hot days and then rain or cooler days. We respond appropriately to these weather changes and make decisions based on the prevailing weather conditions.

Sun Smart at Belle Vue Park

‘No hat, No sun, No play, No fun’

If a student is not wearing a school hat they are required to sit under the front pergola in the shade.

When it is really hot our students stay inside in the cool and out of the sun which we did a number of times last week.

All classes have large tubs of sunscreen and we encourage children to Slip, Slop, Slap.

House Leaders for 2023

Congratulations to the following students who are our House Captains and Vice Captains this year.

These students will be performing lots of leadership roles throughout the year.

|House team |Captain |Vice Captain |

|RED |Gizelle S. |Hadia K. |

|BLUE |Bayinah F. |Aaban A. |

|GREEN |Ahmed S. |Fatima T. |

|GOLD |Maryam E. |Zavier S. |

‘Just Brass’ Band

Do you know that our school offers a FREE, yes FREE, Brass instrumental program? Students in year 4/5/6 can be a part of this great program. They will learn how to read music, and understand beat, rhythm and time. They will also learn teamwork and collaboration and become more confident as they develop new skills.

Many Secondary Schools actively recruit new students who have musical talent and this is another pathway.

Brain development is also positively influenced by learning an instrument. This year we are recruiting new students from year 4 and 5 students but we might be able to place students from other year levels if we have a vacancy.

The program is free. The students get to keep a brass instrument at home for the year so they can practice. On Thursday they receive 50 minute small group instruction in their ensemble after school they have afternoon team and band practice for an hour.


That is amazing. Come on …jump on board this great opportunity.


|School assembly |Friday 3:00am in MP room or middle |

| |courtyard |

|Breakfast Club |Tues./ Wed/Thurs 8:30am. |

|Animation & Documentary making |Wednesdays -Yr 5/6 with Greta & Paul Baks |

|School Council meeting |Tuesday 7/03 4:00pm |

|Labour Day holiday |Monday 13/03 |

|Pupil Free Day |Monday 24/04 |

|First day of term 2 | |

|ANZAC day holiday |Tuesday 25/04 |

Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) study

Our school is participating in the Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) study - a collaboration between DET, Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE).

The project is focussing on students in years 2 and 4 this year. Staff and parents will be invited to complete a short survey in terms 1 and 4.

Our staff will participate in a professional learning seminar delivered by an international expert and also have access to free online modules with tips and strategies to support student’s mental health and wellbeing… Pretty cool hey! More information will be distributed shortly.

Anaphylaxis Policy ‘NO NUTS or NUT PRODUCTS’ at school

Our school has a number of students who have Anaphylaxis allergies. We are requesting all families to please do not include any foods that may contain peanuts/nuts etc.

This includes Nutella and any chocolate bars that may contain nuts.

Toilet refurbishment project

On Tuesday our Student Advisory Team of Ella, Mohammed, Jai and Layla spent time with Richard and Domenica from Bryant Alsop Architects reviewing our final design plans and colour schemes for the refurbishment of their toilets.

As always our students are at the centre of these conversations - their school, their voice, their choice and their agency.

Up front and centre.

Real learning on Real Projects.

School council elections

This year we welcome Darlene Wedd to School Council for a 2 yr period. Many thanks to Otif Moustafa for over 10 years of fantastic service to our school.

We also say good-bye and thank you to Nia Giddings who was on Council for 4 years.

Ross Wedd joins Council in a 12-month casual vacancy position caused by Nia’s resignation as her children now attend secondary school.

Our meetings will be held on Tuesdays 4:00pm-5:00pm unless a change is advised.

We will continue to offer a combination of online Webex or onsite meetings in 2023.

Our first meeting will be held on March 7th in the staff room (or online).

School Council members for 2023 are Bron White, Natalie Wise, Lucy Cappelletti (staff rep), Shellee Hereora (community rep) Darlene Wedd, Zenab Saad, Mariam Saad, Ross Wedd, Paul Kenna.

Students in the spotlight

Our year 3/4 classes are really getting into their gardening and environmental studies with Liz, Trish and Lucy.

They are keen to establish a herb garden and plant a fig tree in our orchard.

They are also growing a variety of beans including dwarf beans, yellow beans, and Borlotti beans.

‘We planted the seeds in potting mix and have been looking after them and they are growing well.

We are going to transplant the seedlings into the garden beds and also take some of the seedlings home to grow.’

By Hamoudi and Mariam

Lots of collaboration, fun, nurturing plants and developing an interest in nature and the environment. You’ve gotta love that!

New Sunshades looking spectacular

Our big refurb project for the front playground sunshades is complete. There are 4 new poles and we now have 4 smaller shade cloths that actually provide greater shade. We will also be topping up the soft fall under the play equipment.

I was on yard duty last Friday and the new sunshades on the oval are providing lots of shade for our students.

After School Hour Care Program

From Jessica

Hi students, families and friends. My name Jessica Sharp and I am the new coordinator for ‘TheirCare’ at Belle Vue Park Primary School.

I would just like to say thank you to all the families that I have had the pleasure to meet so far - you have all been so warm welcoming.

We have had lots of new families join this term and it is great to see so many new preps starting to join us as the term goes on. Did you know that we had 15 children attend our after-school care program a few weeks ago so our program is growing.

If you would like your child/ren to be a part of the TheirCare community, please make a booking.

To register an account, book, edit or cancel a booking for your child(ren) please click the “Register Now” button on the link:

For any queries on bookings and for further information about any of the programs or activities we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us on

0459 555 361 or email us at

TO BOOK PLEASE CALL 0459 555 361

M: 0459 555 361


P: 1300 072 410

W: .au

Free vision and hearing screening

The Rotary Club of Coburg, Merri-bek City Council and the University of Melbourne are pleased to offer free hearing and vision screenings for children aged 3.5-7 years of age.

On the day, audiology and optometry students will screen your child’s hearing and vision.

Results and advice will be provided by students supervised by qualified health professionals.

Storycycle and Victoria University Play will be providing fun activities on the day.

Bookings are essential please allow up to 40 minutes to complete the screening session.

When: 4th March

Where: Coburg Primary School Junior Campus

81D Bell Street Coburg

BOOK by scanning this UR code



Mindfulness @ Belle Vue Park

This program will be delivered by our school welfare officer Sue. It helps students calm and settle their minds which helps them to learn better. All students will participate from Foundation years to year 6.

Voluntary Contributions

Parents are asked to pay their $120 to the front office before the end of February.

The contributions are for many of the resources and equipment that your child uses throughout the year.

Road Safety On time to school

Road Safety is so important, and it starts with parents talking to their children about safety in the car and on the footpaths. Please ensure that you talk to your children about keeping themselves safe and how to be aware when they are near the footpath.

Drivers need to set an example and there are still one or two drivers who wear their seat belt but do not bother to ensure their passengers are safely in a seatbelt.


Inter-school Sports

Our students from years 4-6 participate in our interschool sports teams. Year 6 students have first chance to be in a team, followed by year 5 and then year 4 students if required. Teams for term one will be cricket, softball and bat tennis.

Students have signed up for a team and we will try to ensure all students participate. Thank you to Casey, Thomas and Stuart for coaching our teams. Term one sports are held on Friday mornings from 9:30am-11:00am.

Our students have already started practising at recess and lunch time.

Parents and family of participating students are welcome to attend and provide support and encouragement. We will have 4 games ion term one against other schools.

Student Welfare

We are very fortunate to be able to continue our student welfare support with the services of RelateWell - Family Relationships Institute Inc. (Suite 102, 398 Sydney Road Coburg) .au These services will begin by the end of February.

Staff from RelateWell will deliver various programs and strategies for individuals and small groups as well as families here at the school.

Please contact the office if you would like further information. These sessions are all confidential. More information will be available soon.

Breakfast Club

On Tuesday Breakfast Club had a special day. The students were able to have beautiful home cooked pancakes. Many thanks to Sue, Trish and Johnno for their work and generosity

If you or a member of your family requires confidential crisis support, information and accommodation please contact the 24/7 state-wide Family Violence response service safe steps on 1800 015 1881 or visit the website at . They will assist you.

If you feel unsafe or are concerned for someone’s safety, please call 000.

For confidential phone help and referral in Australia, please contact 1800RESPECT

Playgroup anyone?

We are putting out an expression of interest to any parents who would be interested in participating in a playgroup here at the school with their child. We have the room and the equipment. If you are interested in this, please give Jo a call in the office on 93067900 to register your interest.

On time to school

A reminder to our families that school classes begin at 9:00am. It is wise to have students arrive at school at around 8:45am which gives them time to play, catch up with friends and get organised for the day ahead.

We ask families ensure that their child/ren arrive at school on time. They can attend our free Breakfast Club on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.

Late comers miss out on the start of the lesson and interrupt the class.

Social media profile

• Twitter Our school now has a number of social media platforms to keep our community up to date with what’s going on at school.

To follow our school’s Tweets, go to the following: BelleVueParkPS@BelleVueParkPS

Belle Vue Park Primary Website

Our school, kindergarten and Community Hub website address is located at:

S.O.L.E. Australia website & Twitter

Have you checked out the Self Organising Learning Environments website yet? S.O.L.E. The address is:

The website has been developed by our school and our partner school Aberfeldie Primary School.



Better Health Program is an online healthy lifestyle program for families with children aged 7-13 years who are above a healthy weight.

The program is free for eligible Victorian families as part of a large research project with Monash University. To join the program, families must agree to participate in the research project, which involves completing at-home surveys and measurements at four time-points over an 18-month period (30–60-minute duration at each time point)

There are only ten places remaining for this area.

The Better Health Program online starts March 3rd. 

Sign up at


Bring your energy bills and meet experts.

from solar, energy, and service sectors to get the most out of council and government rebates. Are you confused about rising energy bills? Unsure how to reduce your energy costs? Or have you been wanting to install solar?

Merri-bek City Council and Hume City Councils have come together to organise an energy bills fair for its residents. Learn about Merri-bek subsidies for people on a low income for solar or energy upgrades.

Receive help in claiming your $250 Power Saving Bonus. You can book a confidential one-on-one consultation when you register. Enjoy an afternoon of learning from suppliers and experts.

Delicious local food will be provided. Register now! Need help registering?

Call Merri bek’s Customer Service Team: 03 9240 111


We are nearly halfway through the term already.

Have a great week everyone.


Paul Kenna




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