Charades Words: Easy

Charades Words: Easy

dance shark chair smile happy back ice cream cone clap pinch basketball kangaroo prayer

doll balloon

stop draw pig tail ear mosquito

skip chicken

robot baseball scissors

jump car circle kick sleep arm elephant spider book sneeze football wave turtle monkey toothbrush

jumping jack alligator head bird cheek drink airplane pillow dog camera eat blink point glasses mouth telephone door baby hopscotch ring

Charades Words: Medium

ping pong fly bear

piano hula hoop whisper earthquake

rain chop fiddle seesaw blind Michael Jackson twist tickle cage skateboard mop soap tree

snowball fang cape

lipstick penguin popsicle

yo-yo alarm clock

pajamas seashell

nap beg limbo rhinoceros fetch cello stairs shovel saddle Spider Man

roof bicycle puppet salute banana peel Frankenstein

road dog leash slam dunk

jog cheerleader shopping cart newspaper

cow violin braid trumpet money wink think

Pictionary Words: Easy

cat ghost cow bug snake lips socks coat heart kite milk skateboard apple mouse star whale hippo face ice cream cone spoon

sun flower banana book light apple smile shoe

hat dog duck bird person ball nose jacket beach cookie drum worm

cup pie snowflake jar tree slide swing water ocean mouth eyes boy girl house bed shirt egg cheese circle spider web

Pictionary Words: Medium

horse trip round park state baseball dominoes hockey salt and pepper whisk mattress circus cowboy skate thief spring toast roller blading half light bulb

door backbone treasure

pirate whistle

coal photograph

aircraft key frog

pinwheel battery password electricity teapot nature outside gingerbread man spare platypus

song bomb garbage

ski palace queen computer hot dog iPad lawnmower cake mailman bicycle lightsaber deep shallow America bowtie

wax music


A classic big group game, easily suited for lots of different occasions and age levels. Players act out clues for their teammates to guess.

What you need: Words to act out and two teams of students.

How to play: The object of the game is simple: players take turns acting out words, with no talking or sound effects. Other players try to guess the word, and the team or player who guesses the most wins.

For example, if you're playing with a big group of people, you could have two teams. Team 1 sends up their first player, Tucker, to act out a word. Say Tucker draws a slip of paper with the word astronaut written on it.

Tucker would then have to act out the word as fast as possible in a way that his teammates could guess. He might take slow, exaggerated steps, as if he were walking on the moon, then pretend to put up a flag and salute to it. Anything to get his teammates to shout out the word astronaut. As Tucker is acting, his teammates start shouting out guesses. Tucker can modify his actions based on the feedback of his team, but the one thing he can't do is talk or make any noise.

After Tucker finishes acting out his word, he sits down and a player from Team 2 gets a turn.

That's how the game play works, but you can set up the actual game however you want. You could have two teams or more, or no teams at all. You could keep score or just play for fun. You can have a timer and set a time limit on each player's turn; as many words as they can act out and get their team to guess, they get points for, but once the timer runs out, their turn is over.

Rules for Pictionary

Break into two teams. Each team forms a line. Teams flip for first turn. Student at the front of the line goes up to board and gets a word. Student may draw on the board or gesture or point -- but may not

talk! Student may not draw letters or numbers. Student's own team tries to guess the word within twenty

seconds. If they cannot guess in twenty seconds, the other team gets to try.


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