Pre-Algebra, 2nd ed. Lesson Plan Overview

Pre-Algebra Standard Lesson Plan OverviewThis Standard Lesson Plan allocates 90 days for each semester. Test Packet, supplementary material to Student Text and Teacher’s EditionStudent Activities, supplementary material to Student Text and Teacher’s EditionTeacher’s Toolkit CD, included in Teacher’s Edition* Bible Integration topics covered in the Teacher’s Edition or Student ActivitiesDayTopicPagesSupport MaterialsBible Integration*Chapter 1: Integers1Introductionviii–ixour calling in God’s world (Gen. 1:28; Rom. 11:36)live by Christian love(Mark 12:30–31; Phil. 1:9–11)21.1 Opposites and Absolute Value1–5a Bible description of opposites (Matt. 12:30)31.2 Adding Integers6–9Sum Circles41.3 Subtracting Integers 10–13Quiz 1 (1.1–1.2)Adding and Subtraction Integers5Math in Use— Josephine Baker1.4 Multiplying Integers14–19Clock Arithmetic61.5 Dividing Integers19–22Quiz 2 (1.3–1.4)Multiplying and Dividing Integers71.6 Exponents23–288Problem Solving—Introduction29–30Quiz 3 (1.5–1.6)Problem Solving91.7 Order of Operations31–35Calculator Skill 1God delights in orderliness (1 Cor. 14:40)101.8 Scientific Notation35–38Creation Wonders—Revelation of Starsgeneral revelation (Neh. 9:6; Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:19–20)*11Math & Scripture—Daniel’s Influence39Quiz 4 (1.7–1.8)Infinite Truths (Dan. 1:17)understanding and wisdom of Daniel (Dan. 2:48, 5:12, 6:4)12Chapter 1 Review40–41Mathardy: Ch. 1Chapter 1 ReviewCumulative Review 113Chapter 1 TestChapter 2: Expressions142.1 Properties of Addition42–49Properties of Additionglorify God in your bodies(1 Cor. 6:19–20;10:31)the golden rule (Luke 6:31)practical biblical principles (2 Cor. 10:12; 1 Pet. 2:21–23)*15Math in Use—Joseph50Creation Wonders—Invisible ThingsGod’s providence (Jer. 29:11; Gen. 37, 39–50)accepting creation by faith (Heb. 11:3; Col.1:16–17)*162.2 Properties of Multiplication51–55Properties of Multiplication172.3 Distributive Property55–58Quiz 1 (2.1–2.2)Distributive Property182.4 Evaluating Expressions59–62Algebraic ProofsCalculator Skill 2192.5 Simplifying Expressions62–66Quiz 2 (2.3–2.4)20Problem Solving—Select the Operations67–68Problem Solving—Select the Operation212.6 Translating Word Phrases69–73222.7 Estimating 74–78Left-to-Right Mental Arithmetic23Math & Scripture—Joseph’s On-the-Job Training79Quiz 3 (2.5–2.7)Infinite Truths (Prov. 6:6–8)Joseph prepared Egypt for the famine (Gen. 41:25–57)24Chapter 2 Review80–81Mathardy: Ch. 2Chapter 2 ReviewCumulative Review 225Chapter 2 TestChapter 3: Basic Equations and Inequalities263.1 Solving Equations by Adding or Subtracting82–90Creation Wonders—Earthour fellow humans are precious (Gen. 1:27; Mark 12:31)God established the earth(Psa. 119:90; Job 26:7–8)*27Problem Solving—Guess and Check91–92Problem Solving—Guess and Check283.2 Solving Equations by Multiplying or Dividing93–98Lattice Squares293.3 Solving Two-Step Equations98–104Equations: Working Backwards303.1–3.3 ReviewQuiz 1 (3.1–3.3)313.4 Simplifying Before Solving104–8Simplifying Before Solving32Math in Use—David3.5 Using Equations109–15Calculator Skill 3A man after God’s own heart (2 Sam 24:10; Acts 13:22)333.6 Sets of Numbers and Inequalities115–19Quiz 2 (3.4–3.5)343.7 Solving Linear Inequalities120–25353.8 Using Inequalities126–3036Math & Scripture—King David’s Unwise Census131Quiz 3 (3.6–3.8)Infinite Truths (Job 31:6)comparing census numbers (2 Sam 24; 1 Chron. 21)37Chapter 3 Review132–33Mathardy: Ch. 3Chapter 3 ReviewCumulative Review 338Chapter 3 TestChapter 4: Number Theory394.1 Prime and Composite Numbers134–41Creation Wonders—The FloodPrime and Composite Numbersuniversal flood (Gen. 7:19; 9:11; 2 Peter 5:6)*404.2 Prime Factorization141–44Perfect, Deficient, and Abundant Numbers“prove all things” (1 Thess. 5:21)414.3 Greatest Common Factor144–48Quiz 1 (4.1–4.2)cleansing from sin (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 1:1)424.4 Least Common Multiple148–52GCF and LCMCalculator Skill 4434.5 Arithmetic Sequences152–58Quiz 2 (4.3–4.4)Christ is our example (1 Pet. 2:21)444.6 Geometric Sequences158–61Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences454.5–4.6 ReviewQuiz 3 (4.5–4.6)46Problem Solving—Look For a Pattern162–64Problem Solving—Patterns474.7 Bases165–6948Math in Use—Daniel4.8 Operations in Bases170–74prophecy of seventy weeks (Dan. 9:25–27)49Math & Scripture—Daniel’s Seventy Weeks175Quiz 4 (4.7–4.8)Infinite Truths (Dan. 9:24)accuracy of Scripture verified through fulfilled prophecy (Jer. 25:11)*50Chapter 4 Review176–77Mathardy: Ch. 4Chapter 4 ReviewCumulative Review 451Chapter 4 TestChapter 5: Rational Numbers525.1 Forms of Rational Numbers178–85Creation Wonders—TreesRational Number Formstrees used for building and as a symbol (1 Kings 1:5; Psa. 1:3)*finite life (Psa. 90:10), eternal life (Matt. 25:46; John 3:36)535.2 Comparing Rational Numbers186–9154Problem Solving—Draw a Picture192–93Quiz 1 (5.1–5.2)Problem Solving—Make a Sketch555.3 Decimal Equivalents194–98Patterns with Fractions Calculator Skill 5565.4 Ratio and Rate198–202575.5 Proportions 202–7Quiz 2 (5.3–5.4)Solving Problems Using Proportions58Math in Use—Eleazar5.6 Percent208–14Pascal’s TriangleEleazar’s obedience (Num. 3:32, 16:36–40, 31:31; Lev. 10:16–20)59Math & Scripture—Math and the Priests215Quiz 3 (5.5–5.6)Infinite Truths (Lev. 27:32)fractions (Lev. 5, 6, 22, 27)biblical units of dry measure for volume (Ex. 16; Ezek. 45:11)60Chapter 5 Review216–17Mathardy: Ch. 5Chapter 5 ReviewCumulative Review 561Chapter 5 TestChapter 6: Operations on Rational Numbers626.1 Addition and Subtraction218–25Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers636.2 Multiplication 226–30Multiplication of Fractions64Math in Use—John Philip Sousa231Quiz 1 (6.1–6.2)Creation Wonders—WhalesJonah and the great fish (Matt. 12:40)*656.3 Division232–36Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers666.4 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions237–40Pascal’s Triangle and Fractions676.5 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions240–44Quiz 2 (6.3–6.4)686.6 Solving Equations with Rational Numbers244–4769Problem Solving—Divide and Conquer248–49Quiz 3 (6.5–6.6)Problem Solving—Divide and Conquer706.7 Using Algebra250–54716.8 Operations with Scientific Notation254–58Calculator Skill 672Math & Scripture—The Wilderness Tabernacle259Quiz 4 (6.7–6.8)Infinite Truths (Ex. 29:32)God’s detailed designs (Ex. 25–31, 35–40a perfect sacrifice (Heb. 9:28)*73Chapter 6 Review260–61Mathardy: Ch. 6Chapter 6 ReviewCumulative Review 674Chapter 6 TestChapter 7: Percents757.1 Forms of Percents262–69Visualizing Percentthe virtuous woman (Prov. 31:10–31)767.2 Solving Percent Equations269–74Solving Basic Percent Equations77Problem Solving—Mixed Review275Quiz 1 (7.1–7.2)787.3 Using Percents276–80Creation Wonders—The Batbiblical references to bats (Lev. 11:19; Deut. 14:18; Isa. 2:20)*797.4 Scales281–86Scale Drawings80Math in Use—Julia Morgan287Quiz 2 (7.3–7.4)817.5 Discount and Markup288–92Problem Solving—Percents827.6 Commissions and Tips292–96Graduated Commission837.7 Interest297–302Quiz 3 (7.5–7.6)Calculator Skill 7847.8 Percent Change302–685Math & Scripture—Solomon’s Temple307Quiz 4 (7.7–7.8)Infinite Truths (1 Kings 6:37–38)the temple a pattern of heavenly things (Heb. 8:5)*tearing of the veil (Matt. 27:51)*86Chapter 7 Review308–9Mathardy: Ch. 7Chapter 7 ReviewCumulative Review 787Chapter 7 Test88Review for Final Exam89Review for Final Exam90Final Exam (Chapters 1–7)Chapter 8: Applying Equations and Inequalities918.1 Simplifying Equations310–16Creation Wonders—The Human CellGod’s handiwork (Psa. 19:1)God’s creation work in His own image (Psa. 139:14; Gen. 1:27)*92Math in Use—Moses8.2 Variables on Both Sides317–22Simplifying—Variables on Two SidesEquation Versus Identitywisdom of Moses (Acts 7:22)meekness of Moses (Num. 12:3)938.3 Applying Equations323–28Calculator Skill 894Problem Solving—Write an Equation329–30Quiz 1 (8.1–8.3)Art and Design958.4 Solving Inequalities331–35968.5 Applying Inequalities335–40Problem Solving—Equations and Inequalities97Math & Scripture—Ezekiel’s Temple Vision341Quiz 2 (8.4–8.5)Infinite Truths (Ezek. 43:2,4)God’s holiness and glory should inspire worship and praise (Ezek. 40–43)98Chapter 8 Review342–43Mathardy: Ch. 8Chapter 8 ReviewCumulative Review 899Chapter 8 TestChapter 9: Relations and Functions1009.1 The Coordinate Plane344–49Graphing1019.2 Relations350–54receiving Christ and becoming sons of God (John 1:12)102Problem Solving—Make a Table355–56Quiz 1 (9.1–9.2)1039.3 Functions357–61104Math in Use—Benjamin Banneker362Creation Wonders—The Human EyePoinsot Starsthe blessing of God’s gift of sight (Matt. 6:22–23; 1 Cor. 2:9)1059.4 Graphing Linear Functions363–67God’s plumb line in Israel (Amos 7:7–8)1069.5 Slope368–73Quiz 2 (9.3–9.4)1079.6 Slope-Intercept Form373–78Graphing Linear Functions1089.7 Direct Vatriations378–83Quiz 3 (9.5–9.6)Direct Variationconsistency of seasonal changes (Gen. 8:22)1099.8 Graphing Linear Inequalities383–86Problem Solving—Function Applications110Math & Scripture—Stewardship of Wealth387Quiz 5 (9.7–9.8)Calculator Skill 9Infinite Truths (1 Cor. 4:2)be good stewards of our spiritual wealth (1 Pet. 4:10)111Chapter 9 Review388–89Mathardy: Ch. 9Chapter 9 ReviewCumulative Review 9112Chapter 9 TestChapter 10: Statistics and Probability11310.1 Statistical Measures390–97Creation Wonders—The Human Earhear the Word of God (Isa. 66:5; Jer. 2:4, Deut. 5:1; Rom. 10:17)*11410.2 Diagramming Data397–40411510.3 Histograms404–10Quiz 1 (10.1–10.2)11610.4 Graphing Data411–17Statistical Sampling117Problem Solving—Make a Graph418–19Quiz 2 (10.3–10.4)Problem Solving—Using Graphs11810.5 Fundamental Principle of Counting420–2411910.6 Permutations424–2812010.7 Combinations429–32Calculator Skill 10Combinations12110.5–10.7 ReviewQuiz 3 (10.5–10.7)12210.8 ProbabilityMath in Use—Gideon432–38Gideon’s doubt (Judg. 6:15)Gideon’s trust (Judg. 7:20)12310.9 Independent and Dependent Events439–43124Math & Scripture—Gideon’s Big Task444Quiz 4 (10.8–10.9)Infinite Truths (Prov. 16:33)Gideon’s army (Judg. 6–8)125Chapter 10 Review445–47Mathardy: Ch. 10Chapter 10 ReviewCumulative Review 10126Chapter 10 TestChapter 11: Radicals12711.1 Square Roots448–54man created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27)128Problem Solving—Work Backwards455–56Problem Solving—Work BackwardsNumbers That Surprise12911.2 Radical Equations457–61Solving Equations Containing Radicalsdetermine true Christians by their fruits (Matt. 7:15–16)13011.3 Equations with Exponents461–64Solving Equations Containing Exponents13111.1–11.3 ReviewQuiz 1 (11.1–11.3)13211.4 The Pythagorean Theorem465–68Creation Wonders—The Human Heart“keep thy heart with all diligence” (Prov. 4:20–23)*133Math in Use—Bowditch11.5 Products and Quotients of Radicals469–74the gospel (1 Cor. 15:3–4)13411.4–11.5 ReviewQuiz 2 (11.4–11.5)13511.6 Sums and Differences of Radicals475–78Simplifying Radicals13611.7 Cube Roots478–81Cube Roots137Math & Scripture—The New Jerusalem482Quiz 3 (11.6–11.7)Calculator Skill 11Infinite Truths (Rev. 21:16)focus on heaven as you live(Matt. 6:19–21)*138Chapter 11 Review483Mathardy: Ch. 11Chapter 11 ReviewCumulative Review 11139Chapter 11 TestChapter 12: Geometry14012.1 Basic Geometric Figures484–90Figurate NumbersNoah’s ark (Gen. 6:14–16)Noah’s faith (Heb. 11:7)14112.2 Pairs of Angles491–96AnglesGeometric Proofs142Problem Solving—Organize Data with Diagrams497–99Quiz 1 (12.1–12.2)Problem Solving—Tables and Venn Diagrams14312.3 Polygons500–7Calculator Skill 1214412.4 Perimeter and Circumference508–13Creation Wonders—The Human BrainGod’s wisdom established all things (Rom. 11:34–36)14512.5 Congruence and Similarity513–19Quiz 2 (12.3–12.4)Congruence and Similarityfollow Christ’s example(1 Pet. 2:21)14612.6 Special Right Triangles520–25Special Triangles147Math in Use—M. C. Escher526Quiz 3 (12.5–12.6)14812.7 Coordinate Geometry527–31Coordinate Geometry—Distance and Midpoint14912.8 Symmetry and Transformations532–38transformation by renewing our minds (Rom. 12:2)150Math & Scripture—Building the Walls and Gates539Quiz 4 (12.7–12.8)catching the vision to build (Neh. 2:18)Infinite Truths (Neh. 6:15–16)151Chapter 12 Review540–41Mathardy: Ch. 12Chapter 12 ReviewCumulative Review 12152Chapter 12 TestChapter 13: Area and Volume15313.1 Areas of Parallelograms542–48instruction from observing ants (Prov. 6:6–11)*15413.2 Areas of Triangles and Trapezoids549–53Areas15513.3 Areas of Circles553–57Quiz 1 (13.1–13.2)15613.4 Lengths and Areas of Similar Regions557–6115713.5 Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders562–67Quiz 2 (13.3–13.4)15813.6 Surface Areas of Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres 567–73Surface Areas of Three-Dimensional FiguresDeltahedra15913.5–13.6 ReviewQuiz 3 (13.5–13.6)160Problem Solving—Predict with Graphs574–75Creation Wonders—Human Bloodthe blood of Christ cleanses us (1 John 1:7; Heb. 10:10–22)*16113.7 Volumes of Prisms and CylindersMath in Use—Ruth576–81Ruth’s loyalty and virtue (Ruth 1:16, 3:11)16213.8 Volumes of Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres582–86Volumes of Three-Dimensional FiguresCalculator Skill 13163Math & Scripture—God’s Wisdom and Noah’s Faithful Work587Quiz 4 (13.7–13.8)Problem Solving—Area and VolumeInfinite Truths (Gen. 6:22)Noah’s testimony (2 Pet. 2:5)164Chapter 13 Review588–89Mathardy: Ch. 13Chapter 13 ReviewCumulative Review 13165Chapter 13 TestChapter 14: Polynomials16614.1 Types of Polynomials590–95Prime-Generating PolynomialsGod’s manifold works of wisdom(Psa. 104:24)Christian monotheism(Deut. 6:4)16714.2 Adding Polynomials596–99Creation Wonders—The Senses of Smell and Tastebiblical references to taste and smell (Psa. 34:8; Eph. 5:2)16814.3 Subtracting Polynomials599–602Quiz 1 (14.1–14.2)169Problem Solving—Mixed Review603Adding and Subtracting Polynomials17014.4 Multiplying by a MonomialMath in Use—Charles Babbage604–8Calculator Skill 14Problem Solving—Multiple Strategieslaborers together for Christ(1 Cor. 3:6–9)*17114.5 Multiplying Binomials609–11Multiplying BinomialsQuiz 2 (14.3–14.4)17214.6 Dividing by a Monomial612–15Multiplying and Dividing by Monomials17314.7 Applying Algebra616–20Using Algebra17414.5–14.7 ReviewQuiz 3 (14.5–14.7)175Math & Scripture—Shipwrecked621Infinite Truths (Acts 27:22)“the just shall live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17)*176Chapter 14 Review622–23Mathardy: Ch. 14Chapter 14 ReviewCumulative Review 14177Chapter 14 Test178Review for Final Exam179Review for Final Exam180Final Exam (Chapters 7–14) ................

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