Brand Science | Brand Strategy | Marketing MO

-175895-33972500STRATEGIC MARKETING ROADMAP INSTRUCTIONS Strategic marketing is not just for big companies. It’s a requirement for every brand to make an impact in the crowded marketplace. Leading with marketing strategy instead of tactics is about simplifying and focusing on your essence to create a unified brand that is meaningful to your audience … and inspires them to take action. Define your strategy by addressing each component in the Strategic Marketing Roadmap worksheet. Refine each permanent element until complete. Update the initiatives and tactics as needed. Ensure that all brand stakeholders and customer-facing employees understand the strategy.If you’re struggling with any of the elements, or wish to explore them in a workshop with our team, connect with us. We work with select mid-market companies to guide them through the process, provide feedback, perform market research, and provide messaging and creative recommendations.INSPIREWhy, How, What Communications – Communicating from the inside out (starting with the “why” instead of the “what” from Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle) is more powerful and more likely to change behavior. Purpose – Your organization’s reason for being. An effective purpose reflects people’s idealistic motivations for doing the company’s work. It doesn’t just describe the organization’s output or target customers; it captures the soul of the organization.Buyer Personas and Their Inspiration – Semi-fictional representations of your typical customers. Describe each and include what inspires them. Core Values - Guiding principles that dictate behavior and action.?Core values help people to know what is right from wrong; they can help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their business goals.Vision – The audacious 10-year goal (or BHAG from Jim Collins’ work) that will inspire your team and your market and force them take notice.DIFFERENTIATECompetitive Advantages – Differentiators that describe how you are definitively better than the other options available in the marketplace.POSITIONDesired Mindshare - What you want the market, or a typical customer, to think of at the simplest and highest level. A single word or short phrase – it’s the impression you want to leave.DEFINEBrand Personality Traits – Your brand as described if it was a person, using 3 human personality traits.Brand Means – The 3 things your brand should mean to your customer.Brand Positioning Statement – The ~25-word statement that positions your brand; includes your brand name, what you do, for whom, and one or two of the most important differentiators or reasons people buy from you.Brand Story – The story behind your brand that captures the imagination of your founders, your purpose and makes an emotional connection with your market.Brand Experience – The experience your customer should have with your brand at each interaction. This is what you’re striving to deliver each time. AUDITTop 3 Initiatives – The top 3 initiatives to complete your strategy and begin implementation in the marketplace.IMPLEMENTBig Idea – A simple idea that encapsulates the strategy. Strive for something concrete and memorable. This is advertising 3 Tactics – The top three marketing or sales tactics to bring your strategy to life. ................

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