Psalm 127:3: “Behold, children are an inheritance from Yahuweh—the fruit of the womb is His reward.”

Psalm 128:1-4, 6: “Blessed are all who fear Yahuweh—who walk in His ways…Be blessed, and let it be well with you. Let your wife be as a fruit-bearing vine within your house, your sons like olive plants all around your table. Behold, so shall the man be blessed who fears Yahuweh…and let you see your children’s children!”

Genesis 1:26-28: “And Elohim said, `Let Us make man in Our image--according to Our likeness--and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock, and over all the earth and over all the creeping creatures that creep on the earth’. And Elohim created the man in His image…male and female He created them. And Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said to them, `Bear fruit and increase, and fill the earth and subdue it…’ ”

Psalm 8:2: “Out of the mouths of babes and infants, You have founded strength because of Your adversaries--to put an end to enemy and avenger”.

Every child that is born from male and female human parents is in the likeness and image of the Creator, thus, from birth, they become enemies of Lucifer! Each baby testifies to the beautiful nature and intelligence of his Maker.

In this article, I am not going to give space to writing about diabolically evil parents who abuse their children, sadistically torture them, use them for sex slaves, or the ones who give birth to children for use in sacrifice to Satan because they themselves are sex slaves of Satanists, or they are in league with Satan themselves. My purpose is not to take you through the horrors of what is being done to babies and children by diabolically evil people, but to point out to you how good-hearted people--people like you--innocently sacrifice their children to Satan by following the dictates of the culture we were raised in.

In contrast I will tell you a little of how a few deceived Muslim parents, raised in their ancient cultural thinking, think it an honor to sacrifice the children in order to blow up Jews in Israel, for Allah’s glory. Islam is more of a cultural legal system of government than a religion. It is a system of control by the muftis under Islamic law, much of which is not attached to the Koran. Their cultural history goes back into ancient times when their religion dictated that they offer their children in sacrifice to their gods—like Ba’al, Molech and Chemosh. In the wilderness journey the tribes of Israel were tempted by the beautiful women of pagan tribes they encountered, and by their religions.

In Leviticus 10:21 Yahuweh says: “You shall not let any of your seed pass through the fire to Molech…” Jeremiah 32:35: “They built the high places of Ba’al…to cause their sons and daughters to pass through the fire to Molech,

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which I commanded them not, neither came it into My mind that they should do this abomination”.

Before they entered the land, and afterwards, the children of Jacob (Jacob was named “Israel” by Yahuweh) had a strange attraction to offering their children into the iron hands of these fire-containing gods. When the House of Israel, the ten tribes, split from the three tribes of Judea after Solomon’s death, and moved up to live in the north of the land, they continued their practices of child-sacrifice. But, the tribe of Judah, from which we get “Jews” also sacrificed children to Moloch in the Valley of Hinnon in Jerusalem, as the book of Jeremiah tells us.

When the ten northern tribes scattered into other nations for trade purposes with the Phoenicians, they took these wicked practices with them. When Yahuweh finally had to scatter the rest of them by 722BCE into all nations AMONG the gentiles, they brought their abominations there too. Idolatry, and madness against their own children never really left their sin nature, though Christianity civilized them. Thus the western culture continues in idolatry and rejection of the Torah of Yahuweh (the teachings and instruction of the Kingdom of heaven for our life on earth to be good). The Torah puts the job of teaching the children how to be good citizens in the Kingdom of heaven into the hands of the fathers.

Because of lust for money and things, lust for position and prestige, advancement, control and power—which is all part of Idolatry—children are left with babysitters, put in public schools and day-cares afterwards, or pre-schools and nurseries, boarding schools or academies, so that idolatrous parents, driven by lust to accumulate wealth and rise the “corporate ladder” can live the lifestyle they want unhindered by their children’s needs.

There is nothing or no one that can replace your parental love for your children. Those who love their children put them before advancement in the idolatrous materialistic world. If you have to go from a $500,000.00 dollar house to a two bedroom apartment so that mom can stay with the children and home school them, and dad can spend more time with them teaching them the Word of Yahuweh, then do it. Isaiah 2:2-22 tells us that Yahuweh will rise in wrath to bring down the pride of man and all of his idolatry.

But, realistically, it is better to remain without children than to be so selfish as to bring them into the world only to abandon them for others to raise.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7: “Hear O Israel, Yahuweh our Elohim, Yahuweh is `echad’. And you shall love Yahuweh your Elohim with all your heart, with al your soul and with all your might. And the words that I am commanding you today shall be in your heart and you shall impress them upon your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up…”

The word “echad” is a family word—a unity word”—one in purpose and desire. Genesis 2:22-24: “And the rib, which Yahuweh Elohim had taken from the man

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He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And the man said, `This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…’ For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one (echad) flesh”. (Italics mine)

Genesis 1:26—“Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” Messiah was “begotten”—He proceeded out of the center of Yahuweh and took form in order to one day come and die for us. Father and Son are “echad”—one in unity and purpose. Messiah said: “I and the Father are one”. Thus Elohim started with a family of two with Adam and Eve, as Yahuweh is a family of two—Yahuweh the Father, and Yahushua Yahuweh the Son. Yah is the family name—I AM.

The principle of recreation by a “seed” is basic to His very nature. This is why the Luciferic world community loves to remove seeds from fruits and vegetables with genetic altering. This is why they are trying to create another race in their own image, and trying to destroy Yahuweh’s creation. Lucifier, his “fallen angels” (demons), and his human agents are dedicated to creating a world without Yahuweh or His Torah, or His image to remind them of Him.

Malachi 4:4-6 in the context of the second coming of Messiah as King: “Remember the Torah of Moshe, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Yisrael—laws and right rulings. See, I am sending you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahuweh. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.” The teaching of the children by the fathers of His instructions, must include teaching them to fear Yahuweh, obey Yahuweh, and love Yahuweh, with all their heart, mind and strength.

The one thing that will keep Yahushua, as He returns with the wrath of Yahuweh, from totally destroying the earth is that a remnant of Torah-observant people will be left on earth who will be teaching their children the Torah—the teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven found in the first five books of the Bible--turning their hearts to one another in the love of Yahuweh. It is the Torah-guarding set-apart, pure of heart, remnant that is the

salt of the earth.

In America the divorce rate is reaching 60%! This is usually because both partners live by “Greek love”—which is a feeling that seeks gratification for its self-life, for its security and its “self-esteem”. Yet the Word says to husband and wife: “…subjecting yourselves to each other in the fear of Yahwueh”. There is almost no fear of Yahuweh to be found in the western world. A vague concept of “God” can be taken or left, depending on how one feels. Hebrew understanding of love means to submit and lay down your life for the one loved. It involves commitment to a binding covenant, and responsible, mature, observance of that covenant of marriage. These principles are almost gone from American culture, and understanding of a covenant

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relationship is almost non-existent. If man and wife cannot keep covenant in a marriage, they won’t keep covenant with Elohim either.

The Bride of Messiah obeys His commands without question or compromise, and follows her “Lamb” wherever He goes.

In comparison, the divorce rate of the Orthodox Jews is so rare it is less than 1%. Father admonishes us to embrace His culture, where relationships are based on covenants!

From 167 BCE under the Greek rule of Antiochus Ephiphanes, who worked viciously at Hellenizing the Jews and who succeeded to some extent, to Rome’s Emperor Hadrian in 133 CE, the hate for the Torah was made into law. Under the rule of both, no one was allowed to circumcise their boys, guard Shabbat or the Festivals, teach the Torah, or refuse to eat pork. In other words, obedience to Yahuweh was forbidden! Thus these two cultures created a religion that also teaches that the Torah is obsolete and not to be obeyed—Christianity.

Thus the culture of Greece and Rome, with its religion, passed down to us today with its disdain and mocking of the Torah of Yahuweh, and thus the western-culture fathers, except for a small remnant of Jews and Torah-guarding Messianic believers, no longer teach their children the Torah, and have brought ruin upon their children.

Since the 1960s when prayer was taken out of school in America, Bible reading in class forbidden, witnessing about Jesus forbidden, speaking against sin forbidden, the rise in teen pregnancy, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, violence, and rebellion in general has been astronomical. The Bible and prayer were buffers for our children. Public school and all public media has programmed children into the idolatrous and rebellious culture of Greece and Rome, and today they are rebelling against all authority—their parents, teachers, the elderly, the police, and the governmental laws of the culture itself. Because the Torah has been removed from the exiled House of Israel, we have a large amount of children and youth that are rebellious, lawless, violent, and totally out of control. They mock at sin, mock goodness and purity, mock righteousness, mock parents and grandparents, and of course, mock “God” and the Bible. Besides the opening of a door to sexual license, the schools are now handing out condemns to children as young as fifth graders, and if the girls do get pregnant, they can go to an abortion clinic without their parents permission. Our culture has opened doors for all types of sex-related diseases--venereal disease and AIDS--and the destruction of young adults—body, soul and spirit.

Mark 13:12: “And brother shall deliver up brother to death and a father his child. And children shall rise up against parents and shall put them to death”.

What we have sowed, we will reap. We have not brought our children into the discipline of the Torah, nor taught them to fear Yahuweh—the Elohim of Israel--because we haven’t feared Him. And we haven’t feared Him because we

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don’t know Him. Our religion was just that—a religion. Without guarding His covenant it is impossible to know Him, or to know His Messiah personally.

We have taught our children the culture we were raised in, taken them to church, perhaps—giving them a lawless (Torah-less) religion that has told them the “God of the Old Testament” and His rules are not for today. Thus lawlessness has bred lawlessness and both will reap the results.

John 6:45: Messiah said: “It has been written in the prophets, `They shall all be taught by Yahuweh. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and

learned, comes to Me”.

John 5:46-47: Messiah speaking: “If you believed Moses, you would have believed Me, since He wrote about Me. If you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”

It is amazing that because Christians are taught to reject the Torah of Yahuweh, they do not obey the Messiah’s words either. Very, very few Christians obey even the basics of what “Jesus” taught. This is why they feel no need to teach their children the Word, for they don’t study it themselves.

Radical Muslims allow their children to blow themselves up for their god. This practice is a throw-back to the worship of ancient “familiar spirits” of demons, brought into today’s world. The House of Israel, the ten northern tribes that make up most of the people of the western world, also has brought forward the “familiar spirits” of demons in today’s sophisticated “modern” society, which are causing people to sacrifice their children to demons in a more subtle, “respectable” gentle manner.

The average Muslim does not want to sacrifice their child as a suicide bomber. Most don’t even read the Koran. Most Arabs or Iranian Farsi are family-loving people who just want to live like anyone else, raise their children and be happy. Except for Satanists and Lucifer worshippers, the people of the western world are horrified at child-sacrifice.

Yet, the United Nations funds children’s suicide bomber camps in places like Gaza and the refugee camps of the “West Bank”—Samaria. Because of the mind programming they get in these children’s camps, they willingly are ready to sacrifice themselves as martyrs for Allah. The word “love” does not appear in the Koran. The Scriptures are the only Book that teach us how to love Elohim and how to love our fellow man, and how to raise our children in love.

Muslim children in Israel are taught at a very young age how to throw stones at IDF soldiers. When older, they replace stones with hand grenades. When the

IDF ruled Gaza, oftentimes in raiding villages they would find weapons of all types in the walls and under children’s beds. It is the same for their raids in Samaria (West Bank). Fadi, a young resident of Jenin, in the West Bank, told the Hezbollah reporter that, “the explosives are designed to blow their (the soldiers) heads off, the next time they dare to enter our came will be over our dead bodies”. This kind of thinking gives prestige and identify to young Arab boys, who are too often not loved by their fathers. From the age of two they have to learn to fight for themselves or be beaten up by older children.

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Once weaned from the breast, they learn to survive by experience. The Palestinian Authority (the one that America pours billions of dollars into and supplies with weapons) puts cartoons on TV designed to make children hate Jews. In their schools, they are never taught about the U.N. partition of Palestine giving the Jews their own land, but only taught that the land is theirs and they have to take it back from the oppressors. Arabs who know the truth about what their own leaders are doing to stir up the trouble, have to be quiet and play the game, or else they are murdered by their own people. Christian Arabs suffer silently, and oftentimes are martyred.

But, American children are given video games to play that teach them how to

kill others for pleasure and entertainment. Movies on TV show violence and death, and young boys are given toy guns. In Germany, there is a video game that teaches children to kill Jews.

How do we “sophisticated” people sacrifice our children in “respectable” ways? By taking them away from the precious teachings of Yahuweh that will cause them to be wise, healthy, mature and strong, and throwing them into the arms of Lucifer’s people and his world system--people destined for the lake of fire. Lucifer’s world is teaching children and youth to be dummies--controllable, lustful, whiney babies--who demanding what they want, or else.

Orthodox Jews in the western world continue on with Hebrew culture also. In general, look at their children. They are submissive to authority, hard working, studious, learned and bright. They are helpful, promoters of charity. They are clean, moral and responsible. They are rarely put in jails or prisons for things they have done—because their minds are not rebellious to laws—to instructions and teachings of authority. They are law-abiding citizens. It is just that they prosper and advance because of their wisdom. A boy, before he takes his Bar Mitzvah at age 13, must memorize the book of Proverbs. Yahuweh says that when a boy can shave and a woman can conceive a child, they are adults. That is what He means when He says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”. “Old” is 13 for a boy and 12 for a girl. They are raised to be responsible adults at a young age.

The Jews begin training a son early for his bar mitzvah, or a girl for her bas mitzvah. From the Lekarev Report, Israel, Torah portion for Vayikra 1:1 (Leviticus 1:1): “Even little children BEGIN their study of the Torah in Vayikra.” Can you imagine that! -- Beginning to teach the Torah from Leviticus to little children! Of course, it teaches them the basics about sin, and rightness, and submission to the teachings of Yahuweh and what He requires

for their salvation. It gives them correct thought that produces responsible, mature people.

There is no “teenage” separation in Yahuweh’s culture. The singling out of the “teen age” was an invention by clothes marketers around 1950 to separate those from 13-19 and keep them in childhood without mature responsibility. It is during these years that Luciferic mind programming has been so successful in creating rebellious bullies and brats filled with lust, pride and all sorts of

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wickedness, training them in Globalism, evolution, and disrespect for authority. Instead of maturing them, the mind programming has given them license to commit fornication, take drugs and sell drugs, get drunk, lie, steal, cheat, and even beat up old men and women for fun.

But, the blame is squarely on the parents who turned them over to these programmers (public schools, TV, video games, CDs, etc.) because they were too busy making money to teach their children in their homes, like the Bible tells us to—and Hebrew culture dictates. Those youth who are home schooled and taught the Bible—especially the ones who are taught the Torah—are responsible, mature, kind, thoughtful, respectful, and hard working people--fit to be good citizens in society. It is generally known that the public schools purposely are dummying up American youth, so that they know very little, except to do as they are told. Our youth are being programmed to give back the desired responses programmed into them. Parents who are so into their own agendas and selfish ambitions will reap what they sow.

If you can’t train your child in the way he should go, when he is old (teenage) he will depart from truth, and perhaps turn you in to the authorities to please some hero in the military. It is best not to have children if you can’t train them in the Torah, because the Torah is what restrains the forces of anti-messiah, the Torah (the teachings and the instructions of the Kingdom of heaven for Yahuweh’s people on earth) and Michael the archangel of Israel. Once the Torah is forced underground by the anti-messiah (“the lawless one”) and Michael “stands” off to the side—as per Daniel 12:1—then we will have Satan in flesh on the Temple Mount. (II Thessalonians 2)

Most good parents think that they are doing right by enrolling their children in sports, in clubs and popular “kid” groups. But, too often pressure is put on young children to succeed in sports. This often affects their way of looking at themselves. If they are good at the game, they are honored. If they are mediocre at the game, they feel bad about themselves. Where does the Word teach us to put our children into competitive situations against other people’s children? That is a Greek/Roman thing—sports figures were gods in those cultures. Today, children make gods out of movie idols, sports figures, super heroes, and singers… young girls take role models from people such as Hannah Montana, who was recently found to have posed in the nude (she’s still a teenager).

T.V. programs, like American Gladiator and American Idol, make children want to fight like the gladiators or be famous like the singing performers.

The American Gladiators are big-sized people, they have super strength—and they are portrayed like the ancient pagan gods of Greece and Rome—like Zeus and Jupiter, Mars and Hercules. We are in the “days of Noah”—and the Nephilim of Genesis 6:2, 4 and Numbers 13:31-33 are back—the giants. Children and adults give honor to these gladiators as super heroes, just like they did before the Flood of Noah. Your children are being set up to follow the coming powerful human/demon mixtures, thinking they are super heroes.

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Children see women in very immodest clothes everywhere they go—even in church, so lust begins early. Lust begins with the eyes, just as Eve saw the tree of Lucifer “that it was good”. Yahuweh’s tree is not a mixture of good and evil—it is pure good—the highest good. The Internet is the full blooming of the tree of the knowledge (gnosis) of good and evil. Stay off the Internet, unless the Spirit of Yahuweh has you look for something He wants you to see--then get off of it. Don’t let your children have access to it, except under strict guidance. What you may not know is that the T.V. and Internet are also transmitting hidden messages to the subconscious. Unless you are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh, you won’t be protected by the Spirit of Yahuweh, and the demonic spirits will have every right to come into your house via these media and destroy your family.

Another thing to be aware of is the subtle programming of competitive games—whether sports or video games. It causes your child to choose sides—to choose who they want on their team, or what team to join, for their own advantage. Of course, they are taught not to choose children on the team that may be detrimental to winning. Winning is the ultimate thing in the satanic world. You and your children are driven by this principle many times without knowing it. Siding with those who will make you successful is “smart” in today’s society. The infirmed and old are considered beneath the young and strong—thus the mind-set is there for the killing of the old and infirmed in the days to come, because they are “non-productive”. You can see the curse that was put on Noah’s son Ham, because he dishonored his father, (Genesis 9:22-26) and the honor given to Shem, from which came Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because he restored honor to Noah.

In virtual reality games, oftentimes, children are required to choose who will live and who will die—for the good of the Group. Young children making these decisions cause them to be hardened and sadistic in their adult years.

From Marlin Maddoux’s novel, The Seal of Gaya page 283, speaking of the virtual reality games, “The virtual Reality of the psychogames is intended to blur the lines between illusion and fact in the pliable mind of the child. However, the emotions the stories produced in the child were real and served as a path for intrusion into his inner thoughts, belief system, and world-view. It is from this data that the Master Computer compiled his next level of indoctrination. At the end he would conform to the mandatory outcomes, or he would simply be recycled again and again through the system. If any child did not respond willingly, he would also be subjected to a series of drugs known as `personality helpers’ comprised of a variety of `psychobalance’ drugs that alter human emotions…Another family of drugs known as `psychoawareness” drugs were used to induce alternative states of consciousness in those who were resistant to `spirituality’. Touted as beneficial, drug therapy was one of the government’s most powerful and effective weapons of control”.

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Right now, in some states, doctors and/or the school system is ready to “chip” your child. All public schools demand children to be vaccinated before entering school. Many schools are also ready to make sure your child is on mind control drugs, receives their allotment of condemns, and are obedient citizens of a Fascist state that is Nazi-based. America is fast becoming a Fascist state!

The Creator sides with those who are poor, humble, and who “tremble at His Word”. Question motives, question messages, question everything that the world throws at you, but don’t balk at the Spirit’s commands! (Isaiah 66:1-2)

I John 3:4: “Sin is the transgression of the Torah”. The word “transgression” means “to rebel, to revolt, to break away from, to become an apostate.”

Unless the fathers turn the hearts of their children to the fathers—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and teach them the Torah of Yahuweh, the children will be lost.

John Quincey Adams was our sixth President (March, 1825 to March 4, 1829).

From Steve Quayle’s book Giants, page 188: speaking of public schools that purposely dummy up children: “For example, John Quincey Adams, at the `ripe old age’ of just 14, was the United States Ambassador to Russia. Adams spoke and wrote five languages and was sufficiently competent in the philosophy of government to represent American interest in a foreign court. And he does not appear to have been considered an exceptional child by his peers. Try not to shudder involuntarily when thinking about taking a 14-year old student out of one of our public schools and sending him to Russia to present America today. I dare say the average 14-year old public school child in America today is barely literate in one language and probably would be lucky if he could tell you what continent Russia was on—let alone locate it on the map without a lot of hunting. This type of student is the product of a system intent on keeping each citizen ignorant so that he won’t sense the invisible cage he is placed in. The students are trained to parrot unquestioningly…”

My brothers and sisters, we are in the days of the “dry tree”—when the Torah is despised and Yahuweh’s ways are ignored and rejected by those who believe the Bible, as well as those who do not, when hearing truth is rare, and the Bible is considered a “hate-crime book”.

Messiah Yahushua, on His way to His death, carrying His stake, said to those weeping for Him: “Weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children, for if they do they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry? For behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say, `Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bare, and the breasts that never gave suck”.

America, England, and the world as a whole, is being taken over by satanic-minded people and mixture-creatures of all sorts that have no conscience. They think no more of your child than they do a cockroach. In America we live in a lollypop bubble where reality is blurred, and our minds are dulled. The

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only thing that will break us loose from this hypnotic state is to baptize our mind into the Word of Yahwueh, and obey it! (Romans 12:2)

There is a strong movement world wide called “the environmental movement” or Ecology. Most of us think this is a side issue that is not very important to learn about. But, it is going to be the reason for taking you from your home

and sticking you into a city center, taking all the land outside cities and making them wilderness land, owned by the U.S. government and the U.N. (called “the wilding of America”) so that the spotted owl, the rattle snake, the raccoons, bear and deer can have your land. It is officially called “The Wildlands Project”. This comes from the core of it all--“Deep Ecology”--which says “All life, whether human or non-human is of equal value. Resource consumption should be limited to vital human needs with anything more than that being immoral. The human population should be reduced.”

That is really saying that non-human life is more important than human life. Therefore, if you live on a piece of property where a snake might live, and you are fencing in your property, they say (we’re talking PhDs here) that you are psychologically harming the snake by restricting its territory. Think that’s stupid? You’re right—it’s stupid. But, already an American business that fenced their property to keep rattle snakes out was forced to remove the fence because of psychological damage to the snakes, whose freedom to roam had been restricted.

But, you and your children have been programmed into this thinking since the 1940s—giving human emotions and mental abilities to animals—via cartoons, books, TV movies, and toys. Therefore, laws have actually been made and enforced in America that give a rattle snake more freedom than the owner of a business to fence in his property to protect themselves from the snakes.

These are reasons that you will be given for taking everything from you and herding you into a “sustainable development” corral, policed by foreign troops, while the outside world of animals, insects, reptiles, and arachnoids is free to roam.

Children and adults are now being de-humanized and programmed to accept these things when the take over happens. The “Green Peace” agenda is very subtly being taught in many ways in our culture. Al Gore, favorite of millions, is an avid worshipper of Mother Gaya—Mother Earth. His environmental agenda is just as described above—he promotes “Deep Ecology”. He, and the world community in general, are working for these goals. Watch his position in politics in the future!

As I wrote about in “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”, I show how we are being set up in many ways to be reduced to less than 150 million world wide, while the animal populations are going to be left to increase. Yet, in Revelation 8, we see that the trumpet judgments—the cataclysmic events to come from the cosmos—will burn up a third of the green things. Father will judge mankind for worshipping His creation rather than He, the Creator.

Child abuse is rampant in America and much of the western world. America is

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the leader in sex slavery and child pornography—exporting children all over the

world to be sold as sex slaves. Much of the kidnapping of children in the U.S. each year is for these purposes. America is the leader in the satanic sacrifice of babies and children--even to the highest levels of our government and news media and industry leaders.

America leads the world in abortions, in homosexuality, and in pornography.

Talk about sacrificing children to the gods—abortion is murder of innocent children. In China they have the “one child” law—if a family has over one child, they are either fined heavily, which they cannot pay, or taken to prison. So, if they have a girl then have a boy, the girl is killed—even if she is 4-5 years old. The “one child” law is coming to America, for we are following China’s policies in many things.

Children are mind-programmed from toddler age upwards through adulthood. Most American adults never leave toddler age in their basic emotions and not past age twelve in emotions and mental attitudes because of mind programming by the Illuminati Luciferic world system. This is why adults buy toys, clothes, food and other things for their toddlers and children that they themselves want—it is not for the child, it is for the childish adult. Your child does not need the latest fads in clothes and toys, backpacks, lunch boxes and shoes. Adult mothers dress often dress their little girls like whores and prostitutes, and call them “cute”. Little girls need to learn modesty by being dressed in clothes that cover their bodies respectably. Many little girls are shamed early in life by having their little bodies exposed, leaving life long emotional scars. Their little spirits know something is wrong, and they feel “dirty” about themselves.

We are a three-part being. The world only acknowledges the body and mind. But, the eternal spirit is quite different. A young child’s spirit is open to the Creator. But, the forcing of the world on them dulls that seeking of Him, sometimes very early in life.

Did you know that while a child is in the womb they can hear? They can also pick up spirits. For example, an unwanted child, when born, begins displaying rejection symptoms at an early age, which carries through life. If there is stress and arguing while the mother is pregnant, the child early will show displays of anger and stress. If you speak the Word over your unborn baby, that baby will be more peace, and its spirit more receptive to Yahuweh’s input. It is known that if you put teaching cassettes over your pregnant womb that the child’s desire to learn is heightened at an early age. If mother and father lay hands on their unborn baby via the outside of the womb, the baby will respond to Yahuweh’s love early in life.

When Mary, mother of Yahushua, visited Elizabeth, and began to praise Yahuweh, John, the future baptizer, leapt in Elizabeth’s womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Set-Apart Spirit of Yahuweh. (Luke 1:41)

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Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the belly I knew you, and before you came out of the womb I set you apart—I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations”.

Psalm 139:13b-17: “You have covered me in my mother’s womb. I give thanks to You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made!…My bones were not concealed from You, when I was shaped in a hidden place--knit together in the depths of the earth (womb). Your eyes saw my unformed body, and in Your book all my days were written…How precious are Your thoughts to me, Oh El! How great has been the sum of them!” (Italics mine)

As you lay hands on your unborn one, He will move by His Spirit to teach that unborn one, call them, and set them apart for Himself. If you did not do that with your children, teach your children to do that with their children.

Tragically, oftentimes, parents use their children for their emotional security. Because many parents are insecure, and feel unloved and unneeded, oftentimes they draw on the child’s affection to make them feel good. Psychologists call this “emotional incest”. There is a great deal of hidden emotional incest among mothers of young children—using the child to fulfill their emptiness. I’m not talking about sexual incest—there is enough of that, and it is horrible to even think about how many fathers abuse their daughters and sons, and how many mothers abuse them sexually also. It is a subtle emotional attachment—emotional incest--that is not pure and righteous. This is why oftentimes, the child is given whatever it wants, is not disciplined, and literally runs the family.

Cases of “domestic violence” in America have risen starkly. The beating and killing of children by violence in homes—by drunken fathers and mothers, fathers and mothers on drugs, emotionally ill parents--has risen dramatically in the last few years. Seeing their parents fighting, too, leaves deep scars in children’s minds and emotions. Divorce creates great stress and leaves deep

scars on children. Oftentimes the child who is abused grows up to be an abuser also. But, because parents are trained via public media to act like toddlers in a sand box, they scream and yell and throw things and have temper tantrums that are often uncontrollable, like a toddler, that is psychologically and emotionally damaging to the whole family. Look at much of the TV

programming—including children’s cartoons—and you see anger, violence, yelling, fear and trauma being depicted.

The American diet supplies children with food that is poor in nutrition. Children easily get hooked on this poor diet. Many children are overweight because of it. Instead of oranges and apples, celery and carrots, most are given junk food because they scream for it. Toddler-minded parents give in to their children’s demands because they themselves are undisciplined, and give their “kid” what they want to shut them up.

Children are often placed in front of Satan’s main programming device as a babysitter. From the earliest years, they are exposed to cartoons, videos, DVDs, and books, and teachers, who teach New Age principles, paganism,

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witchcraft, manipulation and control, sexual seduction, fear and anger--basic Luciferic doctrines and philosophies, besides being tormented by actual demons riding on these things into your child’s mind and body. I find that many Christian videos are also promoters of the occult.

One day, while sitting with an Armenian boy in Aqaba, Jordan, we were watching the cartoon favorite, “Arthur”. Cute huh? Oh yeah…real cute.

In just ten minutes, these little creatures who have human characteristics, were involved in a story that showed myths of Greek gods, dragons, occult teachings, mischievous manipulation, meanness, anger and hostility, rebellious attitudes, pride, haughtiness, and things that produce fear—monsters and supernatural creatures. Other cartoons teach ancient practices of warfare, witchcraft spells, eastern meditation, and occult theology. Some cartoons have bossy women in them that put down the boys, or seductive women in them that act “sexy” and who use their sexuality to get what they want. Look at the way the “super hero” women are dressed and how they act.

I was having breakfast one Shabbat, and my son-in-law turned on the TV for my grandson. There was an advertisement for the next cartoon. A sign said: “The following cartoon is for the education and entertainment of your child”. Then they began the cartoon “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”. My good son-in-law quickly changed channels.

Little children’s minds are being bombarded with these things. Images on the TV move too fast. Their senses can’t take them in logically, but the demonic spirits and their teachings go into the child’s subconscious mind, forming their personality! Imagine a glass over your child’s head that contains poisons of all types, bacteria and viruses, and horrible filth. Now imagine your sitting your child down so that whoever is holding the glass pours it into your child’s brain.

If you watch “America’s Home Videos” and/or let your child watch it, then know that you are training them to laugh at you when you suffer.

The psychological impact of that type of show is horrendous. It teaches children and adults to laugh at people and animals being hurt—it teaches

sadism and cruelty. The Torah teaches: “love your neighbor as you love yourself”—and “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.

Because of the toddler emotional mind-set, TV programming is full of people yelling at each other, while audiences laugh. Children grow up yelling. They grow up having no respect for either father or mother, and thus the role

models of mother and father are blurred or lost.

Also, think about this: The Pentagon’s “research” and other government-funded research done in underground laboratories of America, Germany, Russia, for examples, with DNA manipulation, are combining human DNA with

animal DNA, insect DNA, reptile DNA, and mixing human brain tissue in machines—robots. Since the teddy bear, named for former president Teddy Roosevelt, cartoons have featured animals with human characteristics, or monsters, or robotics with human characteristics. Many are violent and huge, and scary to children. They have been showing us what is going to be released

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to kill us, and we’ve been taking these little stuffed toys, and giving them to our children to “love”, hold, cuddle and kiss. These little creatures are on children’s pajamas, on their diapers, the underwear, and their shirts. The toys are in abundance. Little children are being taught to love what Yahuweh says is an abomination to Him. Try to take the teddy bear away from your toddler if they are used to sleeping with it—they scream. These little creations of bears, lambs, and you name it, with human characteristics, cause children to love and be attached to what is actually being created as DNA mixtures. Let’s get real here—our fantasyland programming has separated us from reality and we are passing on the demonic spirits to our children, who are being demonized.

I Corinthians 13:11: “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child. But, when I became a man I put away childish things”. The Apostle Sha’ul was talking about when he became 13 and had his bar mitzvah and became one of the adult community. Americans are not taught to grow up—they are taught to stay childish—so that they won’t recognize the prison they are in—won’t question anything—won’t look for answers and thus will be 100% controllable. Yes, I have written an article straight from the Illuminati handbook that tells about this programming to keep Americans from babyhood to adulthood so mind controlled that they enjoy their prison and never question anything. We are slaves in a prison, and everyone thinks they are so free. This is how far the mind programming has gone, and we pass it on to our children without knowing it.

Our children’s personalities are formed by 18 months. Up until the age seven, they innocently, naively, believe everything they hear and see from those they respect (parents, teachers, TV, etc.). This is frightening! What is your child led to believe is true? This means that by the time a child is seven, they have been totally programmed. Communists have said, “give me a child until the age of five and I’ll make a good communist out of them”.

Our education leaders in the government have plans to isolate all children from age five who have been taught by their parents in the Bible to believe in

“God”, to respect authority, and belief in their country. The education leaders of the Luciferic world say that these children are “mentally ill” and need to be reprogrammed. “Mental health” screening is coming for all children entering public schools, and for adults. In my article “Laws of Takeover” I give the agenda for this mental health screening.

From Texe Marrs’ book: Dark Majesty: page 269: “As Professor Chester Pierce of Harvard University’s Department of Educational Psychiatry suggested to a nations teachers convention, `Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with certain allegiances towards his founding fathers, towards elected officials, towards his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, towards the sovereignty of this nation

as a separate entity. It’s up to you teachers to make all these children well, by creating international children of the future’ ”.

Page 257-258: “Bertrand Russel, an advocate of a socialistic world government

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and a harsh critic of capitalism, proposed that authorities work on children’s minds `from an early age to produce the sort of character and sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable’. If the child is thoroughly indoctrinated Russel emphasized, any `serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible’. In shocking passages reminiscent of the Nazi racial experiments, Bertrand Russel also suggested the genetic selection…to develop a more perfect society. `The System, one may surmise, will be something like this: Except possibly the governing aristocracy, all but 5% of males and 30% of females will be sterilized…as a rule artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method…Children will be taken from their mothers and reared by professional nurses. To those accustomed to this system the family as we know it will seem as queer as the totem organization of the Australian Aborigines seems to us. The laboring class will have such long hours of work and so little to eat that their desires will hardly extend beyond sleep and food”.

Proverbs 22:15: “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him”. Yet in today’s society, to use “the rod of correction”—swatting their bottoms can be called “child abuse”. The Torah is the only valid instruction as to how to discipline your children. Yet, to apply Torah in teaching your children or disciplining your children is now being considered “illegal”.

Children today learn early to use temper tantrums to manipulate their parents into getting what they want. In most American households, the children rule household, not the parents. Parents often fear offending their children, lest the child get mad at them—again, toddler-minded programming.

In American society, the man is publicly emasculated--emotionally and mentally--and his wife is shown to be the boss. Sit-coms show men as being wimps and women as being aggressive, and children as being aggressive and abusive to their parents. In one recent commercial, a man has a megaphone and is reading a book about war to a weed that he has just sprayed in this driveway. He tells his inquisitive neighbor that he is encouraging the little

fighting army of the weed-killing product by reading the book. Stupidity to the max!

Speaking of His judgment, Isaiah 3:4 says: “I will give children to be their princes, babes shall rule over them. And people shall be oppressed, every one

by another, and every one by his neighbor, and the child shall behave himself proudly against the old ones, and the base ones against the honorable ones.”

I had finished teaching the Word in a home one night, and was asking for questions, and the young woman who owned the home, in her 20s, began to literally scream at me abusively—even with her parents sitting near her--because she had gone on the internet and found an article by a rabbi that disagreed with my teaching. Her parents, whom I thought were friends of mine, sat there and said nothing. Disrespect for older people is rampant—older people in American society are treated as anyone else, and often with disdain, mockery, and cruelty. Where did young people they get this thinking?

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Years ago, I took my children to a movie, supposedly for kids, called “Gremlins” (that was before I got educated in truth). In the opening scene, an old lady fell down the steps, and the children all laughed, and the gremlins laughed, and the audience in the theater laughed. My 5-year old went into shock. When I saw the look on her face, I got up and told my children we were leaving. That little girl was in shock for almost a week over that scene, for she had been taught to treat people with kindness.

All who have followed American cultural standards have, in some way, sacrificed our children to the god of this world—Lucifer. I don’t care if you take them to church, Bible studies, meetings, and Vacation Bible School. The training in the Word, if coupled with mind programming by Lucifer’s people, will be null and voided out. Lucifer knows how to play on our sin nature—and so children, or adults, being vulnerable to fun and games, follow what appeases their senses. If you follow your flesh, you will perish, the Word says—but, “if you are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh, you will live”.

Children do not know how to discern between life and death issues. If they are presented with the allurement of Satan’s world, they will follow it—and all the church stuff won’t mean anything when they get to be 14—“old”.

Richard Wurmbrand, who was in a prison in Romania for 18 years for his faith—often in solitary confinement, said that no Bible verse saw him through—it was the deep knowing in his spirit that Father was with him that sustained him. Teach your children the Word so that the presence of the Father is with them, even if they can’t remember the words. And even if their mind shuts down and they can’t think straight, they will know in their eternal spirit that He is with them.

From Psalm 111:9-11: “He has commanded His Covenant forever. Set-Apart and awesome is His Name. The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom…”

American culture does not teach the fear of anything except fear of failure, fear of man, fear of supernatural monsters and fear of Al Qaeda. The church

does not teach the fear of Yahuweh, nor does the Messianic church. To fear Him means to obey Him, and live like His nature and likeness. I’ve met a few of His set-apart remnant who are following first century lifestyle in following the Lamb who are beginning to know Yahuweh as the consuming fire that He is.

Some of them fear Him. The word “fear” in the Bible related to fearing Yahuweh means “to be terrified, paralyzed with fear, traumatic fear, dread”.

Never make any decisions out of fear of man! Jeremiah 17:5-9 is very clear that we are cursed if we fear man and lean on man…but very blessed if we trust and lean on Yahuweh.

Isaiah 8:13: “Yahuweh of hosts, Him you shall set apart. Let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread’.

Messiah--Matthew 10:28: “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But, rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna”.

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Are you teaching your children to fear Yahuweh? Americans are not prepared for the horrors of death by martyrdom, torture, imprisonment, or dehumanizing treatment by family, friends and foreign troops. When disasters hit now, people just lay down and wait for the government to come help them. We are a nation of pathetic weaklings, who train our children to also be whiney babies, pathetic weaklings, and scared of every bully that lifts its head. Whining is a part of the life of most Americans if they don’t get what they want, or if somebody says something they don’t like. People run to psychiatrists (who deal with the mind, not the eternal spirit) and take their children to these people too, to “help them get over their hurts”. Yet hardly anyone knows the Elohim of Israel well enough to trust Him to help them get over their hurts. Support groups, counselors, psychologists, and all that kind of man made help is not going to do for you what spending time in the eternal Word of Yahuweh will do—as taught by His spirit.

One of the Illuminati’s main tricks, they tell about themselves, is to keep Americans so busy that they don’t question anything. From childhood, children are taken here and there, and the lifestyle is so hectic. Thus as they get older, to sit alone with Yahuweh’s Spirit is “yucky”—something to be avoided. The attitude of most is: Why sit alone reading a boring old book, talking to someone whom you can’t see, when you can be out shopping!

Thus, my constant theme of “get alone with Him in the Word and let Him Teach” has gone unheeded for the most part—and yet it is the only thing that will save you and your family from mental and emotional disaster in the days ahead!

In the Third World, when a family member dies, Christians use the funeral as a platform for preaching the Good News of salvation, and start a church. This is normal pattern. They are not in love with this world, but seek one to come. They teach their children to stand even to the death to remain loyal to Jesus.

I am running into so many religious people who are very arrogant in their self-righteousness, so into the promotion of their ministries, so into the promotion

of themselves, that in the face of torture and death, they will have nothing to hold onto—because they do not know Him.

In North Korea, the Christians teach their children to be martyrs, because if anyone finds them with even a verse from the Bible, they are liable to death.

Teach your children to stand up for Yahushua and Yahuweh even in the face of torture and death—for they will be faced with death before too long.

Get the Voice of the Martyrs magazine and use the children’s section to teach your child about other children who are martyred for their faith, and/or whose parents are martyred for their faith. Get Richard Wurmbrand’s book, The Triumphant Church and learn how to face torture in prison and overcome. It is a textbook in learning how to overcome, even in solitary confinement. It can be purchased through The Voice of the Martyrs. We cannot know ourselves if we are not tested. We will be tested, and how will we pass our tests? Public

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schools train the children early-on to pass their TAAS tests, and College-Prep. Tests. Are you preparing yourself and your children for the eternal test!

Proverbs 13:24: “He that spares his rod hates his son, but he that loves him chastens him”. Hebrews 12 tells us that the good father disciplines his sons.

That means that wimpy parents who won’t discipline their children, really do not love them.

Proverbs 23:13: “Withhold not correction from the child, for if you beat him with the rod, he shall not die. You shall beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell

Proverbs 19:18: “Chasten your son while there is hope, and let not your soul spare for his crying”.

I always found that a little “switch” from a tree against the leg, stings. It often causes more crying than using the belt to the bottom. The bottom was invented, I’ve heard, for spanking. It’s the most padded part of the body. The Word does not talk about hitting your child in the face—slapping them—hitting their heads, jerking their arms, kicking them or dehumanizing them in any way—that’s abuse. It does not talk about “caneing” as they do in some Asian countries to criminals. It is not talking about abuse. It is talking about just enough “sting” to get the point across.

Colossians 3:20-21: “Children, obey your parents in all, for this is well-pleasing to the Master. Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged”.

If you train them early in Torah, they won’t want to be rebellious!!!

For most of us, our Christian religion and our culture that is part of our religion has taught us about a teddy bear god—one that is fantasy and illusion, a concept, a philosophy--a sentimental attachment. Few fear Him, so few have any wisdom or understanding, or hate of evil.

Wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8:13 says: “The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil. I have hated pride and arrogance, and the evil way and the perverse mouth”.

How will your child learn to fear Yahuweh and obey His Word if they are raised

on supernatural super heroes, magic and illusion, fear monsters and bad people?

Excerpts from II Timothy 3:1-4: “But know this, that in the last days hard times (“raging insanity”) shall come. For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, thankless, wrong

doers, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self control, fierce, haters of good, betrayers, reckless, puffed up with pride and arrogance, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Elohim…” This describes American culture to perfection.

Many Christians think Harry Potter is just a child’s fantasy story, as are the Walt Disney stories we’ve all grown up with. But, Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca Witch!

Anything that shows the supernatural world doing magic, illusions, things that

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razzle dazzle the childish mind, is programming them into desire for signs, wonders, and exciting demonstrations of power by occult forces.

An ex-Satanist told me that the real danger of Harry Potter is that it teaches Satanic philosophy—get what you want, any way you want, no matter who you hurt. This is the message coming at your children and at you in all arenas.

I’ve been in and out of, and lived, in the Third World for about 15 years. The children in remote areas of Africa and Mongolia for example have no toys. Their clothes are often torn and they often don’t have shoes. But happy—oh yes! They wind up string and make balls. They put rocks on plates and “play house”. They make up games. They are normal children, yet are not taught the evils that our children are taught in the western world!

This is why the Luciferic Eugenics programs are directed at destroying the third world people by wars they orchestrate, by weather warfare manipulations of destroying weather, by diseases created in our laboratories, by poverty, by drought to cause famine, by pollution of their water supply, and any other means available, because they are not controllable, neither do they have big bank accounts to appease the rich. Many are Christians that actually obey the Bible, which is an offense to Lucifer. They are using the Third World people as experimental rats, just like they are the American people, to find ways of

killing people more efficiently. That is why diseases, invented in American laboratories, like AIDS at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, are administered to people in the Third World of Africa and Asia. If it kills the people successfully over there, they spread it other places. Notice how many diseases supposedly come from Asia and Africa?

If you only knew the horrors of vaccines, you would never vaccinate your child.

The ones given to babies, before their immune systems are even developed enough to handle them, contain mercury—a deadly poison. Fluoride, supposedly so good for your teeth, is also a deadly poison. Aluminum, known to cause Alzheimer’s disease, is in 350 products in the US—and parents give these products to their children daily.

I heard twice now on NBC Nightly News that American parents who do not vaccinate their children are not being good parents, and are exposing other children to disease. They are isolating parents who are doing right by their children as being bad citizens—irresponsible people.

Do you realize that if you begin vaccines, begin going to a Pediatrician after your child is born, that your child and you are being registered? That means

that if you cross the Pediatrician at any point, you can be referred to the child protect agencies as a bad parent.

Who is delivering your unborn child into the world? Who is your doctor? Who is going to care for your child after it is born? Do you know these people personally? What is behind their nice smiles? Some in the medical profession are Satanists, skilled in child sacrifice. Some from foreign countries view life and death differently than life-loving Americans. Some are New Age believers. Most are seculars, but have a variety of religious belief-systems in their

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upbringing. Some are Luciferics—33rd degree Masons, Shriners, and members of other types of occult groups. Who are you giving your child into the hands of—what type of human? After World War II the Nazi doctors who did hideous atrocity experiments on Jews and Christians, were invited to the US to put their findings into the AMA (American Medical Association). Today, drugs given to babies and little children for unnecessary things, like spitting up, are experimental. Your child, to many of them, is a lab rat. Do you realize that with the biological and chemical spraying done on the American people by our government, that we are all rats in their thinking? The U.N. calls the American people “cattle”, and their peace-keepers “cannon fodder”.

There is a trend that Gynecologists love—“C-sections”. Our Father gave us the way of birth that is best for the mother and for the baby. Induced labor is another disaster waiting to happen each time. It has caused the death of children. Through natural birth, the child learns how to struggle for its survival in coming into this world—which is good for its body, its mind and its spirit.

Gynecologists push C-sections because it is convenient for them. Sometimes, with difficulties in childbirth a C-section is necessary—but that is not common.

Remember also, that after World War II, when the Nazi scientists and doctors that England, the Vatican and America sponsored in their experiments in Germany and Poland, came to the U.S., Pediatrics was then created as a branch of Psychology. In some cases they actually create scenarios for excuses to give your child unnecessary drugs. Vaccines are also a part of Nazi “research” and development. The real purpose of this field is so that they have access to your child’s mental development—keeping notes on your child’s progress—so that if you do not do as they say at some point, you will be reported to the Child Protection Agencies as an abuser, and your child could be taken from you.

In Exodus 1:16-22, Pharaoh orders the Hebrew midwives to kill all the boys at birth. But, the midwives feared Yahuweh, and wouldn’t kill the boys. Is your child’s doctor like the Hebrew midwives, or programmed by Lucfier to believe that your child is no better than a rattlesnake, a raccoon, or a dog? Beware of doctors, especially foreign doctors, whose religious backgrounds have brought demonic spirits into their lives--for most do not think like Americans or Jews--they do not love life like you or the Jews do.

An advertisement for the book, Out of Control—Who’s Watching Our Child Protection Agencies?, by Brenda Scott says: “This book of horror stories is true. The deplorable and unauthorized might of Child Protection Services is capable of reaching into and destroying any home in America. No matter how innocent and happy your family may be, you are one accusation away from disaster. Social workers are allowed to violate constitutional rights and often become judge, jury, and executioner. Innocent parents may appear on computer registers and be branded `child abuser’ for life. Every year, it is estimated that over one million people are falsely accused of child abuse in this country.”

Let me be really blunt about what is about to come under martial law…or

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before. Right now, your child’s pediatrician, doctor, teacher, school nurse, or a social worker with any child protection service has the right to create a scenario (true or false) in which your children can be taken from you at any time, and put in state institutions to be raised by the state.

Many parents have already lost their children to the state because of some trumped up charges of abuse—and many of them Christian parents. The Bible is soon to be labeled a “hate crime book” and if you teach your child the Bible, you will be listed as a potential harmer of society. Home schooling will be outlawed, and anyone teaching their children at home will have their children taken from them to be taught by the state. These things are coming very fast.

In my article “The Compound and the Pope”, I showed how this polygamy cult in Texas that was exposed (April 2008) just before the Pope’s arrival, is being used as a test case to turn American citizens against anyone who is “different” in their religious beliefs, so that the state can come in and separate men, women and children, and send children to state institutions and foster homes, as the State of Texas did with 416 children at the compound, on circumstantial evidence of “abuse”. No, I do not agree with polygamy, or with things that may have been abusive to the women and girls at that compound—that is evil. But, what if all of those accusations about abuse of women and children is a lie? The state of Texas decided that even 2-year old children had to be removed from their mothers. About 100 children are under the age of 4. The ages of the children are from 4 months to 17 years of age.

The U.S. States are overseen by the federal government, who is setting precedents for the breaking up of families and putting men, women and children into different sections in concentration camps already set up across America. The intelligent children will be programmed and used. The slow

ones or what they deem “defective” children will be killed, as with defective (unusable) adults.

Children are now being chipped from birth, some without parental consent. The news is boldly proclaiming the benefits of having your child chipped in his right hand—for his protection, of course. It won’t be long before, along with having to have all vaccinations before entering public school, a child will have

to be chipped to get anywhere with the state. It won’t be long before any parent who home schools, doesn’t vaccinate their children, won’t go the pediatrician routine, don’t dress their kids in the styles of the culture, etc., will be branded as “strange”, and then “bad”, and then “criminal”.

This is why He says over and over for His people to get out of end-time Babylon, which we know for sure is America by the explicit wording of all Biblical texts on that subject, as well as historical progression.

The chemical spraying from the air that make us all lab rats over here in America, and in England too I found out, is breaking down the immune systems of children and adults, so that we will be too weak to resist.

Famine is planned, both for America and England and many other places on earth, as well as wars, and diseases, and take-over by foreign troops.

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Therefore, our children, especially those young ones, will be the target of evil Satanists for either sacrifice to Satan/Lucifer, or to be reprogrammed by the state to be used for their purposes. Young girls and boys will be targeted for rape and other sexually perverted tortures. Young girls will be kept in “rape camps” and their fetuses or babies “harvested” for satanic sacrifice. These are realities.

Do you love your children enough to train them in the Torah, so that they will willingly die before submission to such things, train them to die as respectable martyrs, or get them out of this country all together? Or will you keep them in this satanic society we have all been baptized in, and let them die and go to hell?

This is not to put you in fear! It’s time true believers, born again people, filled with His Spirit, stop being cowards and weaklings, and grow up, and take responsibility for themselves and their children before it is too late. And it is very close to “too late” now. You must get serious, IF you haven’t already—and train yourself and your children in the Word so that they choose martyrdom rather than defection and the mark of the beast.

It says in the Word in Ezekiel 14:12-23 that we are responsible for ourselves, and our children (if over 13) are responsible for themselves. We can only be a covering for our children if they are under 13—and only then, by prayer and by our own obedience to His Covenant. He will help the little children of His servants, not the children of lazy, disobedient people. But, if we renege on our responsibility to train them in the Torah, then what can He do to help us or

them? Only by His sovereign mercy will He save some of the children of the lawless.

If you have read my article “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”, the Illuminati has already mind-programmed Americans into busy-ness to the extent that they think they have to work until they drop. Thus children, it is estimated, see Daddy about 8 minutes a day, and mom as rarely, if they are in public schools.

Few modern parents sit and talk to their children much at all, yet the Torah of Yahuweh tells us to teach our own children throughout the day.

The plans of the Luciferic Illuminati--who do NOT think like you do, but think like Satan--are out to totally program your child for hell, or destroy them.

If you are in a rat-race lifestyle, stop it. Get off the merry-go-round. Mothers: Stay home and teach your children basics of the three “Rs”—you know—the old fashioned “readin, ritin, and rithetic”. Father’s teach your children the Torah every day.

John Quincey Adams was a normal kid who became U.S. Ambassador to Russia at age 14—how was he taught? These early leaders were taught from the Bible as a basic textbook. Did you know that the Word, and obedience to it, actually causes your mind to be sharper and your intelligence level to grow stronger? Why do you think the Orthodox Jews of Europe have an IQ higher than everyone else across board? Is the House of Judah smarter than the House of Israel—the

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10 northern tribes of Jacob? The ones of the House of Israel that submit to the Covenant and guard the Torah are wiser than all those who do not!

Judah and Levi have kept the Torah through the generations and the House of Israel has gone for paganism, idolatry, materialism, and a “prodigal son” lifestyle. Therefore, yes as a whole, Judah is smarter.

Home schooled children are more mature and respectful, accept authority, and are more responsible than the average public school child.

Why are so many college students ensnared to praying back thousands of dollars in “student loans” after graduation, and many don’t even get good jobs?

It is because that whole system is Lucifer-based. The main purpose of Colleges and Universities is to take your child’s mind and baptize it into the “world brain”. For more information on the “world brain” that our children are being programmed into, please ask for the article “Mind Manipulation”.

Who told parents that from the birth of their child onwards they need to start saving money to send their child to college? Where did that come from? It came from mind programming. Question everything you do—is it Scripture-based or world-system based?

I John 2:15-17: “Do not love the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him, because all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away and the lusts of it, but the one doing the desire of Elohim remains forever”.

Ja’cob 4:4: “Adulterers and Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever, therefore, intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”.

In Mathew 7, Messiah says “you will know them by their fruits”—many

Christians and Messianic people are showing fruits of the kingdom of darkness—not the love of the Father, and therefore the tares are rising above the wheat, and the masks are coming off. The true born again, set-apart, pure-hearted ones are the ones Yahuweh claims as His own—they are humble, loyal, kind, gentle, gracious, full of faith and kindness, they have the love of the Father.

There is little conscious of sin anymore in general. But, humility and

repentance are almost unheard of. There is enormous rise in self-justification, selfishness, selfish agendas, hidden manipulation, religious spirits of pride and haughtiness, and control spirit (Jezebel) among so-called Christians and Messianic people. The Harry Potter spirit is strong among those who call themselves “believers”, and it is getting stronger.

Make sure you watch what your children watch on TV. I was shocked that a Veggie Tales DVD entitled “God Made Your Special”, when watching it with my grandson, to find that in it children were being taught that little space creatures in space ships from outer space are good, and should be loved as part of God’s special people. It’s kind of like the Catholic Church’s telling its people that when the aliens come from other planets to earth, they should be received as “Christians” because they are “for the Pope”. In the same DVD, the doctor

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is dressed in a fez and has a Knights Templar cross on his coat—symbols of Islam and Catholicism’s murderous Crusades against the Jews. Are these two religions connected? – You bet they are! There have been movies, cartoons and toys for years that promote the goodness of space aliens—yet we now know them to be fallen angels of Lucifer.

This is just the tip of the iceberg on information about what is planned for you and your children by the illuminati Luciferic government that you live under.

To reject Yahuweh’s instructions and teachings is to reject the real Jewish Messiah. Are you subjecting your child to the lies and deceptions of the Greco/Roman religion of Christianity? If so, they can never know the real Elohim (God) of Israel nor His Messiah, nor the Messiah coming with a Kingdom, because Christianity has substituted their doctrine for the covenant of Yahuweh, just as the rulers of Greece and Rome rejected Yahuweh’s Torah and substituted their rules. Notice that almost all Christians and Messianic people have a belief system that they piously demonstrate in their assemblies, yet the rest of the week they live life as any other moral worldly secular person?

Make sure that you are pure in your own heart, and then teach your children—not man-made doctrine—but how to hear from the Spirit of Yahuweh and learn from Him for themselves. They do not need theology—they need to know Him, so that they will lay down their lives, if possible, for Him.

Shalom and love,


May 11, 2008 -- Mother’s Day USA

May 14th, Mother’s Day—1951--is the 57th anniversary of my new birth (John 3:3, 5; II Corinthians 5:17)

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