Single Subject Credential Programs: Traditional, …

Single Subject Credential Programs: Traditional, ACT, FYI, Intern


Department of Secondary Education

California State University, Northridge


Your Professional Teaching Portfolio (PTP) will represent your work during the single subject program at CSUN. The six major domains organized into thirteen Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) provide the organizing principle for the portfolio. Consult the CSUN website for the full wording and description

of each TPE:

A. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

TPE 1 Subject-Specific Pedagogical Skills for Single Subject Teaching Assignments

B. Assessing Student Learning

TPE 2 Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction

TPE 3 Interpretation and Use of Assessments

C. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning

TPE 4 Making Content Accessible

TPE 5 Student Engagement

TPE 6 Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices in Grades 4-8/9-12

TPE 7 Teaching English Learners

D. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

TPE 8 Learning About Students

TPE 9 Instructional Planning

E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

TPE 10 Instructional Time

TPE 11 Social Environment

F. Developing as a Professional Educator

TPE 12 Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations

TPE 13 Professional Growth.

You will begin collecting artifacts and learn about the Professional Teaching Portfolio in an early course in your credential program, primarily SED 511 for candidates in post-baccalaureate programs. During the program, in foundational and secondary methods courses and in field experiences/student teaching, you will continue to collect a variety of artifacts for possible inclusion in the PTP that will be reviewed by different instructors. The PTP itself will grow over the course of the program, and you will receive feedback on potential artifacts in SED 521, SED 525 single subject, and SED 554 (or SED 593/594). You will create and submit the final version of the PTP during the SED 555/555I supervised instruction course, with guidance from the supervisor/seminar.

CANDIDATES ENROLLED IN SED 555 or 555I IN SPRING 2004 MUST SUBMIT THE PTP TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY EDUCATION BY MONDAY, MAY 10, 5:00 P.M. Soon after this submission, the PTP will be evaluated by two trained readers who are subject area teaching specialists. To be recommended for the Single Subject Preliminary Credential, your PTP must be rated as “Passing,” with scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the PTP scoring rubric on all 13 TPEs. A copy of your Individual Induction Plan (TPE 13) will be placed in your Credential file.


The PTP is a collection of artifacts that you thoughtfully select to show evidence of critical teaching knowledge, teaching abilities, and professional development. In the final PTP submitted, each artifact and its accompanying write-up should clearly demonstrate your competence in the selected Teaching Performance Expectation (TPE). Please see the attached for examples of artifacts from the single subject program courses and examples of artifacts that might be selected for each TPE.

Two artifacts only per TPE are to be included in the final PTP submitted, for a total of 26 artifacts, each accompanied by a write-up. You are strongly encouraged to select artifacts that you have created yourself. When student work is selected, delete the last names of any students. Required artifacts are listed below. Please type entries, except for student work, journals, or notes.


1. Title page with your name, name of credential program (Traditional, ACT, Intern, FYI), subject matter specialization, date, CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS, and phone number.

2. Table of Contents, with titles of the two artifacts selected for each TPE

3. A section for each Major Domain (A-F) with the domain title, separated with a tab divider.

4. A subsection for each TPE (1-13), also separated with a tab divider.

5. For each of the 13 TPE subsections, include two artifacts, each with a write-up as described below. The write-up for each artifact should be placed immediately before the artifact itself.

6. For each artifact, the write-up includes the following:

a. The title of the TPE being addressed, e.g., TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments

b. The title of the artifact, e.g., WWII Project Assignment with Student Work Samples

c. A description of the artifact and its context. This description provides details about the activity, assignment, handout, or other artifact. For example, if the artifact is a lesson plan created during student teaching, be sure to describe the class for which it was developed, as well as the unit, the classroom situation, and any other details that will increase a reader’s understanding of the lesson. If the artifact is a case study, identify and describe the university course in which you wrote it, the purposes of the assignment, and any other details that will increase a reader’s understanding of the case study.

d. An analysis that explains how the artifact is related directly to the TPE. Provide reasons and evidence that the artifact demonstrates you have met the competencies described in the TPE. Do not focus on only one sentence or phrase of the TPE, but clearly explain how the artifact shows your abilities with significant concepts of the specific TPE.

e. A reflection of one page (two pages maximum) is the final, critical part of the write-up for each artifact. The reflection is the thought process that occurs after completing the artifact. In general, the reflection explains what you learned from engaging in this lesson or activity or assignment. 1) What insights about your teaching or student learning have you gained? 2) Describe how the lesson, activity, assignment, etc. will allow you to make decisions about your teaching in the future with increased understanding or pedagogical skill. (If appropriate, consider whether you would teach this lesson the same way in the future or change it in some way.) 3) How will the information gained by completing a particular assignment impact your future teaching practice? This section allows you to show assessors that you will use what you learned from this artifact to inform and improve your practice in the future.

7. Required artifacts include the following:

a. Examples of student work with teacher responses (TPE 3)

b. Lesson that incorporates technology (TPE 4 or TPE 5)

c. Unit or Semester Plan (TPE 9)

d. SED 555/555I Midterm or Final Evaluation (TPE 13)

e. Individual Induction Plan (IIP) (TPE 13)

And, finally: The presentation of your portfolio is important; it is likely that you will use your PTP as you interview for positions and/or as you enter a Professional Induction Program. The PTP is the beginning of your record of development as a professional.

TPEs Single Subject Credential Program Courses, and Professional Teaching Portfolio Possibilities

|*addressed|SED 511 |

|***concen-| |

|trated | |

|focus | |

|TPE 1 |Unit/semester plan or lesson plan (1-2 days) demonstrating knowledge of and competency with subject matter academic content standards; handout you have created to address content |

| |learning through different learning styles; project for students with student samples (delete last names) and your responses to demonstrate knowledge of subject and academic content |

| |standards; assessment of textbook that includes evaluation of text’s approach and coverage of subject matter concepts |

|TPE 2 |Informal assessment you have created to monitor student learning; lesson plan (1-2 days) with questions or activity for monitoring student learning; photographs of your working with |

| |groups of students; observation focusing on how another teacher monitors student learning; videotape that demonstrates your monitoring of student learning |

|TPE 3 |Required: Examples of student work with teacher responses. Suggestions: Informal assessment you have created to determine student learning of objectives, with student samples (delete |

| |last names) and your responses to students; project you have created with student samples (delete last names, photos could be used if appropriate); writing assessment you have created |

| |with student samples and your responses to those students; two or more versions of an assessment showing modifications for learners with special needs or English learners, with student|

| |samples and your responses |

|TPE 4 |Required for TPE 4 or 5: lesson plan(1-2 days) that incorporates technology; Suggested: lesson plan (1-2 days) that shows two or three approaches (learning styles) to help students |

| |learn content; lesson plan that incorporate manipulatives, graphic organizer, visual/performaing arts, diagrams, or other activities to assist with the learning of content. |

|TPE 5 |Required for TPE 4 or 5: lesson plan (1-2 days) that incorporates technology. Suggested: lesson plan(1-2 days) that actively involves students in learning; modifications of lessons for|

| |struggling readers/learners that increase student engagement; lessons and student work samples of student questioning; pre-reading activity that promotes interest in a topic to be |

| |studied |

|TPE 6 |Lesson plan that demonstrates appropriate times and activities for middle school or high school students; |

| |assessment you have created that demonstrates a successful format for middle school or high school students; |

| |lesson or assessment that demonstrates appropriate activities for students with special needs |

|TPE 7 |Lesson plan with modifications for English learners; assessment with modifications for English learners, with student examples; Lesson plan that addresses reading comprehension or |

| |vocabulary instruction; pre-reading activity that builds backgrounds of English learners so that learning is enhanced; videotape of a class lesson that demonstrates strategies that |

| |develop English learners’ academic language or comprehension |

|TPE 8 |Case study of student(s), class, or school; IEP for student with special needs; survey you gave to students to learn more about their abilities and/or interests; assessments you have |

| |created or modified to learn student background knowledge, academic language abilities, reading/writing skills and how you use those outcomes in your planning and establishing of goals|

|TPE 9 |Required: unit/semester plan (2-6 or more weeks, with at least five days of daily lesson plans). Suggested: weekly plans showing attention to the sequencing of instruction; lesson plan|

| |(1-2 days) demonstrating connections between the content to be learned and students’ backgrounds, experiences, and interests; differentiated lessons, showing modifications for students|

| |with varied needs. |

|TPE 10 |Supervisor notes that focus on your use of instructional time; lesson plan (1-2 days) that demonstrates effective variety of activities during a class period or week; student responses|

| |to reporting on group work time; lesson plan that you have adjusted in order to increase the use of instructional time available for student learning; field notes focused on use on how|

| |class time is used |

|TPE 11 |Photographs of students working in your class; classroom management plan; lesson plan (1-2 days) that shows the establishment of clear expectations for student behavior; lesson plan or|

| |lesson activity designed to help students learn to work responsibly with others; videotape of classroom discussion or group work |

|TPE 12 |Notes from a parent conference with description of follow-up or outcomes; IEP for student with special needs; 504 conference for student with special needs; program of sessions |

| |attended at a professional conference; handout for parents at Open House; class newsletter created for parents; letter to parents at the beginning of the year; handout of professional |

| |development session attended with implications for your teaching |

|TPE 13 |Required: SED 555 or 555I Midterm or Final Evaluation |

| |Required: Individual Induction Plan (IIP) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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