Personal Pronouns - Level 4

Personal Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns and the words that go with the nouns. To avoid repeating nouns, you can replace nouns with pronouns. Personal pronouns usually refer to persons.

Joanna studied the script. She studied at home.

Some pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence. A pronoun used as a subject is called a subject pronoun.

The lines are difficult. They are hard to learn.

An object pronoun is used as the object of a verb or as the object of a preposition, such as to, in, or at.

Roberto’s teacher helped him.

The teacher gave the script to him.

|Subject Pronouns |Object Pronouns |

|Singular |Plural |Singular |Plural |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |

|Used before nouns |Used alone |

|my |our |mine |ours |

|your |your |yours |yours |

|his |her |its |their |

|Contractions |you’re |it’s |they’re |

| |(you are) |(it is) |(they are) |

Guided Practice: Circle the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence.

Example: Mary discussed (her, hers) subject with Jane. Her

61. Jane’s topic is smoke signals, but (her, hers) is not.

62. Your topic is easy, but (my, mine) is difficult.

63. (Their, They’re) topic is the telegraph.

64. (Her, Hers) teacher wants oral, not written, reports.

More Practice: Write the possessive pronoun in each sentence and indicate whether it comes before a noun or stands alone by placing a check mark in the correct place on the chart.

| |Possessive Pronoun |Before a noun |Stands alone |

|Example: |Ours is a history project. |Ours | | α |

|71. |His project requires a lot of research. | | | |

|72. |The Pony Express is the subject of my report. | | | |

|73. |I think that mine is the most interesting topic. | | | |

|74. |The Pony Express had a major role in our mail service. | | | |

|75. |Its purpose was to carry mail to California. | | | |

|76. |A rider changed his horse in two minutes. | | | |

|77. |The responsibility for the mailbag was his. | | | |

|78. |Young riders rode their horses at top speed. | | | |

|79. |Theirs was an important mission. | | | |

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence below.

80. (Her, Hers) was a long letter.

81. (He’s, His) response came quickly.

82. “(Your, You’re) topic sounds interesting,” he replied.

83. “Perhaps (our, ours) neighborhood library can help.”

84. “(It’s, Its) collection on history is excellent.”

85. “(Our, Ours) is not a big library,” Mary thought.

Indefinite Pronouns

Remember that a noun referred to by a pronoun is called the antecedent of the pronoun. An indefinite pronoun, however, refers to a person, place, thing, or idea that may not be specifically named.

Someone left the window open.

Anybody could have done that.

Some indefinite pronouns are singular; others are plural.

|Indefinite Pronouns |

|Singular |Plural |

|Anybody |Everybody |Nothing |All |Most |

|Anyone |Everyone |Somebody |Both |Others |

|Anything |Everything |Someone |Few |Several |

|Each |Nobody |Something |Many |Some |

Use the singular possessive pronouns his, her, and its with singular indefinite pronouns. Use the plural possessive pronoun their with plural indefinite pronouns.

Everybody should bring his or her textbook to class Today.

All students should bring their textbooks to class Today.

Remember that when an indefinite pronoun is used as a subject, the verb must agree with it.

Singular: Everyone is cold.

Plural: Some are shivering.

Guided Practice: For each sentence, underline the indefinite pronoun and circle the word in parentheses that agrees with it.

86. Someone (has, have) left the tent flap open.

87. Everybody (is, are) freezing in here.

88. Few (has, have) warm enough clothing.

89. Everything outside (is, are) covered with snow.

More Practice: Write the verb that agrees with each underlined indefinite pronoun.

Example: Someone (has, have) sent me three notes. _________has_____

90. All (was, were) addressed , “Dearest Nicole.” _____________________

91. Some (was, were) decorated with hearts. __________________________

92. Something (tells, tell) me I have a secret admirer.

93. In the tent at camp everyone (wonders, wonder)_______________________

94. Several of the campers (guess, guesses) about it.

95. Someone (say, says) Kyle wrote the note. ___________________________

96. All (enjoys, enjoy) the guessing game.

97. Both of my sisters (thinks, think) it might be Kyle. ____________________

98. Others (believes, believe) Jake is responsible. _______________________

99. Nothing (gets, get) me more excited than a good mystery. ______________

100.Each of my friends (enjoys, enjoy) a challenge like this. _______________

| |Singular |Plural |

|Possessive Pronouns |his or hers, its |their |

|Verbs |Is |Are |

| |Was |Were |

| |Has |Have |

| |Tells |Tell |

| |Wonders |Wonder |

| |Guesses |Guess |

| |Says |Say |

| |Enjoys |enjoy |


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