The Crucible/Salem Witch Trials Internet Hunt

The Crucible/Salem Witch Trials Internet Hunt

Visit the web sites provided to answer the following questions.

Go to to answer these questions:

1. Visit “Chronology.” On what date was the first documented case of “bizarre behavior”? What happened that day?

2. Who was the first woman condemned to die for witchcraft? When was she hanged?

3. How long did the witchcraft episode last, from the first case of a child’s illness to the last person executed?

4. How were the families of those executed later compensated?

5. Visit “Examinations and Evidence.” Skim the “Examination of Tituba.” Who did she saw in the Lentoe Chamber? What did this person ask her to do?

6. What “creatures” did Tituba claim to see?

7. Visit “The Crucible.” When was this play written? What “important theme” was Miller addressing?

Go to “The Salem Witch Museum,” to answer the following questions:

8. Visit the “Salem Witch Trials of 1962” link. Read the description. What was significant about the beliefs of the Massachusetts colony in the 17th Century?

9. Go to “About the Museum.” What is “Haunted Happenings”? What events occur during this festival?

10. Go to the link for “Witches: An Evolving Perception.” Read the information about this exhibit. What is the formula for a witch hunt?

11. From the homepage, visit “Salem 1692 Sites.” Click on Haverhill. Who is buried there?

12. Now, click on Marblehead. What sites can you visit there?

Go to the Arthur Miller Society Official Website, , to answer the following questions:

13. Click on “Chronology of Arthur Miller.” When was Miller born?

14. When did Miller publish “The Crucible”?

15. Who did Miller marry in 1956?

16. What happened in Miller’s life in 1957? Was this upheld?

17. Visit “Miller’s Major Works.” Name five other plays he wrote.

18. What was the title of Miller’s only novel? What was it about?

Go to “The Internet Movie Database,” and search “The Crucible” to answer the following questions:

19. How many film productions of “The Crucible” have been made since 1965?

20. Click on the 1996 film “The Crucible.” For what awards was this film nominated?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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