Module 4 – Chapter 5:

Module 5 – Chapter 6: Le cadre de vie

Objectifs 1

Liste des activités obligatoires 2

Pas-à-pas: Point de départ 2

Pas-à-pas: Exploration I 4

Pas-à-pas: Exploration II 5

Pas-à-pas: Exploration III 5

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux lire… 6

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux écrire… 6

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux comprendre… 6

Pour mieux comprendre la culture francophone 6

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux parler… 7

Plus de pratique? 8

Pas-à-pas: Examens 8

Réponses 10


|Communication Goals |Vocabulary and Grammar Goals |Cultural Goals |

|You will learn to… |You will learn… |You will learn about… |

|Talk about your country and your town |Vocabulary to describe where you live |Means of transportation in France |

|Find your way to different places |Prepositions |French cities and urban life |

|Talk about your daily life |The verb faire |Mauritania, a former French colony in |

|Ask questions and get information |How to ask questions |the Indian Ocean |

Personal Goals:

When might you use these skills (i.e.: giving directions to a French-speaking tourist, asking for directions while traveling, etc.)? Is there a skill you want to practice more or a study strategy that you might like to try out? Write down some ideas in the space below or on a separate piece of paper.

Liste des activités obligatoires

Required activities will appear in boxes in the pas-à-pas sections that follow this page.

Module Requirements

____ Workbook: Complete oral and written workbook activities for chapter 6

__ Conversation: Select a scenario from one of the following activities from this chapter in the textbook to act out with the instructor:

p.164 C’est votre tour

p.166 Communication et vie pratique, ex. C

p.167 C’est votre tour

p.170 Communication et vie pratique, ex. C

____ Practice MAT

Modular Achievement Test

Written Test (Score: ___/ 75) Oral Test (Score: ___/ 25)

Grade for this module:______

Pas-à-pas: Point de départ

Mon pays, ma ville, mon quartier

Throughout this chapter you will use the following vocabulary related to travel & directions.

DÉCOUVERTE D’UN PAYS discovery of a country

un fleuve a river, specifically a river that flows to the sea

une montagne a mountain

une plaine a plain

une ville a city


un aéroport an airport

une autoroute a highway

une banlieue a suburb

le centre-ville downtown

le chemin de fer railway

un cimetière a cemetery

une église a church

la gare train station

un hôpital a hospital

une ligne de chemin de fer a train track

la mairie city hall

une mosquée a mosque

un parc a park

une piscine a swimming pool

un plan a city map

un pont a bridge

une poste a post office

une rivière a river. NOTE: a rivière is generally smaller than a fleuve and usually flows into a lake or another river, rather than the ocean.

la SNCF the Société nationale des chemins de fer français—the French national train system.

un stade a stadium

une synagogue a synagogue

un syndicat d’initiative tourist information bureau

DÉCOUVERTE D’UN QUARTIER discovery of a neighborhood

un arrêt d’autobus a bus stop

un autobus a bus

une auto-école a driving school

la bibliothèque municipale the public/municipal library

un cinéma a movie theater

un grand magasin a department store

une librairie a bookstore

un magasin a store

un magasin de chaussures a shoe store

un magasin de vêtements a clothing store

la maison des jeunes the youth and community center

le métro the subway

un parking public a public parking lot

une pharmacie a pharmacy NOTE: A pharmacie is not like an American drugstore where you can get medication as well as paper products, etc. Pharmacies only sell medecine and prescription drugs.

une station de métro a subway station

un théâtre a theater (for plays)

les WC publics public toilets

LES AVANTAGES (m.) ET LES INCONVÉNIENTS (m.) advantages and disadvantages

bon marché cheap/inexpensive NOTE: This adjective is invariable; e.g., une voiture bon marché.

le bruit noise

la circulation traffic

les espaces verts (m.) green spaces

le manque lack

la pollution pollution

pratique practical

les problèmes (m.) problems

à proximité nearby

quelque chose something

le stationnement parking

toujours always

le transport transportation

_____ Check your comprehension of the vocabulary by doing activities A and B on pp. 158-159 of your text. Answers to all exercises in this section are found at the end of the module.

_____ Complete the point de départ activities in the workbook

Your instructor will check the free responses during your workbook check appointment. If you have questions regarding these exercises or the responses provided in the key, take notes so that you can be sure to ask your instructor during your workbook appointment.

Info-culture: Les moyens de transport Read the information on pp. 160-161 and complete the activity in the Pour mieux comprendre la culture francophone section.

Pas-à-pas: Exploration I

Les prépositions

_____ In this section, you will learn how indicate location using prepositions Read the exploration on p. 162.

_____ Before completing the written activities in the QUIA workbook, you may want to do exercise A in your textbook on p. 163. Answers and annotations to all exercises in this section are found at the end of the module.

_____ Complete the activities on prepositions in the workbook.

Your instructor will check the free responses during your workbook check appointment. If you have questions regarding these exercises or the responses provided in the key, take notes so that you can be sure to ask your instructor during your workbook appointment.

Pas-à-pas: Exploration II

Le verbe faire

_____ In this section you will learn about the irregular verb faire, which has the primary meaning of “to do” or “to make”. It is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Read the exploration on p. 165.

Add one more faire expression to your vocabulary list that you will find useful: faire le marché, which means to go shopping (at the market).

_____ Before completing the written activities in the QUIA workbook, you may want to do exercises A and B in your textbook on p. 166. Answers and annotations to all exercises in this section are found at the end of the module.

_____ Complete the activities on the verb faire in the workbook.

Your instructor will check the free responses during your workbook check appointment. If you have questions regarding these exercises or the responses provided in the key, take notes so that you can be sure to ask your instructor during your workbook appointment.

Pas-à-pas: Exploration III

Les mots interrogatifs et l’inversion

_____ In this section, you will learn how to ask questions to get answers other than yes or no and also how to create questions using inversion. Read the exploration on p.168.

_____ Before completing the written activities in the QUIA workbook, you may want to do exercise A and B in your textbook on pp. 169-170. Answers and annotations to all exercises in this section are found at the end of the module.

_____ Complete the activities in the workbook.

Your instructor will check the free responses during your workbook check appointment. If you have questions regarding these exercises or the responses provided in the key, take notes so that you can be sure to ask your instructor during your workbook appointment.

Intégration et perspectives:

Où habiter?

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux lire…

_____ Read the passage on pp.172-173 in your textbook and then answer the Avez-vous compris? questions on p. 174. You may check your answers in the key at the end of this module.

_____ Read the passage about Nord-Pas-de-Calais on p. 100 in the workbook, first skimming for the answers to the questions.

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux écrire…

_____ Complete On consulte une encyclopédie Internet and Où habitez-vous? in the workbook. Your instructor will check your work at your chapter 6 workbook appointment.

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux comprendre…

QUIA-partie orale

_____ Complete the listening passage, dictation, and pronunciation for chapter 6 in the workbook.

Pour mieux comprendre la culture francophone

The following readings on Francophone culture are strongly recommended. In addition to increasing your understanding of Francophone cultures, these readings will help prepare you for the culture section on each Modular Achievement Test.

Info-culture: Les moyens de transport

_____ Read the cultural information on pp. 160-161 in your text. Answers to these exercises are found at the end of the module. You might find it useful to make a table in which you compare transportation in France and in the U.S.

|Form of transportation |Similarities |Differences |

| | | |

|Cars/highways | | |

| | | |

|Train | | |

| | | |

|Air travel | | |

Info-culture: Les villes et la vie urbaine

_____ Read Info-culture: Les villes et la vie urbaine on p. 175. Using the grid below, do a comparison of city life in France and in the U.S. Answers to these exercises are found at the end of the module.

| |France |the United States |

|Public Transportation | | |

| | | |

|Shopping | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Housing | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Chez nous: En Mauritanie

Read the information on Mauritania on page 178 of your text and answer the questions in your textbook on page 179. You may check your answers in the key at the end of this module.

Pas-à-pas: Pour mieux parler…

_____ Practice the following role-play activities from the chapter in preparation for your oral test. Your instructor will ask you to play one or several of these activities in your conversation appointment.

p.164 C’est votre tour

p.166 Communication et vie pratique, ex. C

p.167 C’est votre tour

p.170 Communication et vie pratique, ex. C

You should also be prepared to respond to questions your city and neighborhood. Jot down some potential answers in the space provided below.

Plus de pratique?

Quiz yourself on the language and grammar presented in this chapter at the website for Invitation au monde francophone. Quizzes over chapter 6 can be found by selecting “chapter 6” on the scrollbar, then clicking on “tutorial quiz.” Here, you can also find a glossary and virtual flashcards to practice new vocabulary.

Watch the video for chapter 6 at . Click on “French,” then log in to your OSU account and follow the instructions.

Pas-à-pas: Examens


_____ Take the Practice MAT at

The oral sections for the Practice MAT are located at . Click on “French,” then log in to your OSU account and follow the instructions. If you have a 90+, it is optional but recommended.

Print out a copy and write your answers on that copy.  Then go to the answer key at and check your answers .  Correct your answers with a different color ink and make an appointment to have it checked by an instructor.

On a separate piece of paper, record feedback from your instructor after the grading of your Practice MAT. What might you improve before taking the MAT?

_____ You are now ready to take the Modular Achievement Test (Written and Oral sections) for this module.


The two parts of the MAT, oral and written, can be completed in any order.

|_____ Take the written MAT in the Individualized Instruction testing room. Because there is a listening section, you will need to bring |

|headphones to listen to it. You will have as much time as you like to complete the written MAT. You will not need an appointment to take the|

|written section, but you will need one appointment to have it graded. |

| |

|_____ Take the oral MAT by scheduling an appointment with an instructor. It will be a one-on-one session in which you will complete one |

|conversation and one situation, taken from the list below. Your score will be based on your instructor’s assessment of your skills in |

|grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. |

Oral Test


I. Votre quartier

1. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a près de chez vous?

2. Y a-t-il de bons restaurants? des supermarchés? des pâtisseries?

3. Habitez-vous près d’un arrêt d’autobus?

4. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a derrière et en face de votre appartement (ou de votre résidence ou de votre maison)?

5. Est-ce qu’il y a une librairie à côté de chez vous?

II. Vos activités habituelles

1. Qui fait le ménage chez vous? Combien de fois par semaine?

2. Qui fait la cuisine? Aimez-vous faire la cuisine?

3. Faites-vous vos devoirs tous les soirs?

4. Avez-vous beaucoup de temps libre? Que faites-vous quand vous avez du temps libre?

5. Combien de fois par mois faites-vous le marché?

III. Les indications

1. Est-ce que la bibliothèque d’OSU est près de chez vous?

2. Quelle direction prenez-vous pour aller chez vous?

3. Prenez-vous parfois l’autobus pour aller en ville?

4. De l’université, comment aller au City Center?

5. Est-ce que vous habitez loin de l’université?


I. De nouveaux voisins

You are living in France and notice that some people have just moved into the apartment above yours. Ask the concierge (who makes it his/her business to know everything!) about these people (e.g. number of people in the family, who does what [cooking, shopping, etc.]), where they go in their free time, etc.) Ask at least 5 questions, and don’t forget to indicate that you have understood the answers by giving an appropriate reaction or follow-up question.

II. La routine quotidienne

You are participating in a cultural exchange program and have just met your new roommate (the instructor). To get to know him/her better, ask about the following: does s/he like to take walks, does s/he do housework every day or every week, does s/he cook, where does s/he do the grocery shopping, recreational activities (sports, camping, etc.) Be sure to make appropriate follow-up comments to show you have understood what s/he said.



Point de départ: Mon pays, ma ville, mon quartier

Communication et vie pratique (pp. 158-159)

Ex. A

1. Faux. Strasbourg est situé dans l’est de la France.

2. Faux. Lyon est situé sur le Rhône.

3. Vrai.

4. Vrai.

5. Vrai.

6. Vrai.

7. Faux. Lille est au nord de la France.

8. Answers will vary.

Ex. B

Answers will vary.

Info-culture: Les moyens de transport (pp. 160-161)

Your answers will vary but may resemble the following:

|Form of transportation |Similarities |Differences |

| |French autoroutes are the equivalent |The French drive faster and more |

|Cars/highways |of American freeways and turnpikes. |aggressively than Americans, French |

| | |cars are smaller than American ones, |

| | |and gasoline is more expensive in |

| | |France. |

| | |Train travel provides a convenient way|

|Train | |to travel in France – in the US, the |

| | |train is not as popular. There is one|

| | |nationalized rail company in France, |

| | |but there are several lines in the US.|

| | |Régional is a regional line that |

|Air travel | |travels simply within France. |

Exploration 1: Les prépositions

Communication et vie pratique (p. 163)

Ex. A

1. Non, il n’habite pas entre la poste et le musée.

Il habite à côté de la piscine.

2. Oui, elle habite assez loin de la gare. (opinion may vary; assez loin = rather far)

3. Non, il n’habite pas derrière l’église.

Il habite en face de l’église.

4. Non, elle n’habite pas rue de la Poste.

Elle habite rue Carnot.

5. Non, elle n’habite pas en face de l’école.

Elle habite à côté de l’école.

6. Non, elle n’habite pas à côté de l’hôtel de la gare.

Elle habite à côté du supermarché.

Exploration 2: Le verbe faire

Communication et vie pratique (pp. 166-167)

Ex. A

1. Qu’est-ce que tu fais maintenant?

2. Qu’est-ce que Jacques fait ce soir?

3. Qu’est-ce que Serge et Mireille font ce weekend?

4. Qu’est-ce que vous faites dimanche après-midi?

5. Qu’est-ce que nous faisons demain soir?

6. Qu’est-ce que Michèle fait samedi soir?

Ex. B.

1. Je fais mes devoirs aussi.

2. Jacques fait du camping.

3. Corinne et Tristan font du ski.

4. Vous faites des courses.

5. Tu fais du sport.

6. Nous faisons le ménage.

Ex. C

Answers will vary, but use of the verb faire should resemble the samples provided in the text.

Ex. D

Answers will vary.

Exploration 3: Les mots interrogatifs et l’inversion

Communication et vie pratique (pp. 169-170)

Ex. A

1. Quand va-t-il quitter l’appartement?

or Quand est-ce qu’il va quitter l’appartement?

2. Avec qui partage-t-il l’appartement?

or Avec qui est-ce qu’il partage l’appartement?

3. Combien de pièces y a-t-il dans cet appartement?

or Combien de pièces est-ce qu’il y a dans cet appartement?

4. Comment les chambres sont-elles?

or Comment est-ce que les chambres sont?

5. Où est la salle de bains?

6. Comment les gens du quartier vont-ils en ville?

or Comment est-ce que les gens du quartier vont en ville?

7. Où est l’arrêt d’autobus?

8. Qu’est-ce que les voisins aiment faire dans le parc pendant le week-end?

Ex. B

1. Est-ce une grande ville?

2. Les habitants de Montréal sont-ils sympathiques?

3. Est-il possible du faire du ski pendant le weekend?

4. Les gens de Montréal font-ils souvent du ski?

5. Y a-t-il des musées intéressants à visiter?

6. Les étudiants habitent-ils dans le centre-ville?

7. Les résidences universitaires sont-elles loin du centre-ville?

8. Faut-il prendre le métro pour aller en ville?

Ex. C

Questions and answers will vary.

Ex. D

1. Est-il possible de visiter les îles de Lérins?

Oui, il est possible de visiter les îles de Lérins.

2. Le vieux port est-il intéressant à visiter?

Oui, le vieux port est intéressant à visiter.

3. Où est le Palais des festivals?

Le Palais des festivals est sur la Croisette, près des services du tourisme.

4. Les casinos sont-ils près de la Croisette?

Les casinos sont près de la croisette.

5. La gare maritime est-elle loin de la gare SNCF?

La gare maritime n’est pas très loin de la gare SNCF.

6. Les plages sont-elles près du centre-ville?

Oui, elles sont près du centre-ville.

Info-culture: Les villes et la vie urbaine (p. 175)

| |France |the United States |

|Public Transportation |The French system of public transportation | |

| |is excellent, The autobus is safe, | |

| |efficient, and inexpensive. The métro | |

| |subway system is in major cities in France | |

| |and is constantly updated. | |

|Shopping |Shopping centers (les centres commerciaux) | |

| |are increasingly common and are located on | |

| |the outskirts of cities. They contain | |

| |large department stores, supermarkets, and | |

| |small retailers. Les grandes surfaces | |

| |(superstores or large supermarkets) have | |

| |become increasingly popular but are | |

| |criticized because they take business away | |

| |from smaller, specialized shops. | |

|Housing |French suburbs mix single-family dwellings | |

| |and HLMs (government-built housing units | |

| |that are criticized for their | |

| |unattractiveness and sterility. Because of| |

| |this, the government has made efforts to | |

| |improve their appearance and relocate them | |

| |to cities). Nearly 10% of the French | |

| |population lives in communities that are | |

| |located outside of urban centers where | |

| |people can avoid the stress of city life | |

| |and commute to work in the city. In the | |

| |1970s, the French government encouraged the| |

| |construction of villes nouvelles and | |

| |villes-dortoirs outside of urban areas to | |

| |avoid overcrowding in cities and to avoid | |

| |congestion. | |

Intégration et perspectives: Où habiter? À Paris ou en province? Dans le centre-ville ou en banlieve? Avez-vous compris? (p. 160)

Answers will vary.

Avez-vous compris? questions for Chez nous: En Mauritanie (p. 179)

1. C’est faux. La majorité des Mauritaniens sont musulmans.

2. C’est vrai.

3. C’est vrai.

4. C’est faux. Il habite dans un appartement à Nouakchott avec plusieurs copains.

6. C’est vrai.

7. C’est faux. Les enfants peuvent écouter les conversations des adultes, mais ils ne peuvent pas participer à ces conversations.


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