Sasidi Flores Marketing Plan

Camp Systems Marketing PlanSasidi Flores MGMT530PA/Marketing StrategiesDec. 16th, 2011Petra SpillmanSouthwestern College Professional StudiesTable of ContentsExecutive Summary3Mission Statement4Situation Analysis4The Internal Environment4The Customer Environment 6 The External Environment8SWOT Analysis 11 Marketing Goals and Objectives 14Marketing Strategy 15Marketing Implementation 17Evaluation and control 18References 20List of IllustrationsFigure 1-1. CAMP mobile on an IPAD 9Figure 1-2. CAMP mobile on an iphone 10Figure 1-3. SWOT Analysis 12Figure 1-4 4P’s Table 17Executive Summary“Computer Automated Maintenance Program (CAMP) Systems introduced aircraft maintenance tracking to the business aviation market in 1968. Through a solid strategic vision, it has become the leading independent provider of aviation management products and services with a proven track record of over 40 years (, 2010).” CAMP Systems offers a variety of options for over 9100+ aircraft, covering 116 models, built by 17 different aircraft manufacturers (Cox, 2006).” CAMP has now become the exclusive maintenance tracker for companies such as Cessna, Hawker Beechcraft, and Bombardier Learjet to name a few. “In the spring of 2009, CAMP Systems acquired Cesscom which was a division of the aircraft manufacturer Cessna (Lombardo, 2009).” The acquisition of Cesscom has doubled the amount of customers and aircraft the company provides service too. With this in mind, CAMP management will need to refocus its strategies in order to keep up with demand, and ensure that the influx of new aircraft doesn’t hinder the current production model. CAMP Systems understands that we live in a world where information needs to be accessible at a moment’s notice. The investments made today will only increase the capabilities of the software and provide customers with access to state-of-the-art technology. To continue the same level of service, CAMP must implement a new marketing strategy that will ensure the short and long term success of the company.Mission Statement The mission of CAMP Systems is to provide the tools, information, and services needed to effectively maintain and manage private and business aircraft. The CAMP product suite includes Maintenance Management, Inventory Control, Flight Scheduling and Engine Trend Control Monitoring. CAMP understands that we live in a world where information needs to be accessible at a moment’s notice, and all products and services are fully web-enabled so that customers have global access to all of their aircraft maintenance, inventory, and scheduling information with no special software required (). Situation AnalysisThe Internal EnvironmentReview of marketing goals and objectives:1. Build upon the culture of empowerment to ensure that we are marketing correctly based off direct feedback from current and potential customers2. Restructure the current marketing goals and objectives due to recent buyouts3. The company owns the maintenance tracking software, so we must remain focused on building upon the current model and making the product betterReview of current marketing strategy and performance: The current marketing strategy has been sustained through word of mouth within the aviation community. The company has recently placed field service representatives throughout the United States to visit current users and talk to potential customers at aircraft maintenance service centers. The products that CAMP offers are based off of what customers inform the company they need and would like to potentially see. CAMP offers the first twelve months of its services free for brand new aircraft out of the factory, and older aircraft that have never been on the system will not receive twelve months of free service, but will be offered special promotions. The aircraft industry has been in an economic slump for the last three years and CAMP has seen the sale of new aircraft slow down considerably. The company has done a great job of establishing itself, and not relying on just new aircraft to build up its customer base. CAMP has recently been losing customers to its competitors due to the cost of the service and management has stated that they will not budge on pricing due to the high quality of the product. Review of current and anticipated organizational resources: The challenge for CAMP is the fact that they do not market their product. They have been around for the past 42 years through word of mouth. When the aircraft industry is doing well, CAMP’s customer base increases dramatically. For instance, the Hawker Beechcraft department at CAMP has a renewal rate of 79%. That means that for every 100 aircraft that leave the factory, after the first free year, the company retains nearly 79 of them. CAMP currently has signed contracts with 17 different aircraft manufacturers such as Cessna, Hawker Beechcraft, and Bombardier Learjet to name a few. These contracts make them the exclusive maintenance tracker to each manufacturer’s aircraft. We will continue to pursue more manufacturers and sign agreements to become their exclusive maintenance tracker. CAMP has acquired Pratt & Whitney’s engine condition trend monitoring program, which will allow customers to potentially save tens of thousands of dollars. Review of current and anticipated cultural and structural issues: CAMP Systems has been in the aircraft maintenance tracking industry for 40+ years which has allowed them to develop a structure that has been sustainable and will continue to grow. There is an organizational chart that details the key leadership positions, and how each department is structured. We are a small company and that alleviates the day to day politics that exist within a larger organization. We must keep in mind that as the company continues to expand there will be organizational changes, and possibly some cultural changes. The customer environment Who are CAMP Systems current and potential customers? The customer base consists of: 1. aircraft owners 2. Pilots 3. Jet Charter-private companies 4. Government agencies (i.e. NASA)The potential customers will be associated with the private aircraft industry. The wide array of customers, spanning many different places around the world, will allow CAMP to open up in markets that have not yet been tapped. The customer base in Europe and Brazil is growing, and CAMP plans on ensuring that they don’t sit behind on this market.What do customers do with the CAMP Systems products? Customers just need to have access to a computer, laptop, Ipad or smartphone and can view any items that may be coming due on their aircraft. They can also update their aircraft total times, which will allow the program to give customers the most accurate information. You are also able email your personal analyst with any questions or concerns about your aircraft or the system. Customers have the option of tracking the internal workings of their engines which captures data that can prevent potential catastrophic damage. If you’re a company with a fleet of aircraft, CAMP offers inventory control which allows you to track all your calibrated tools, and major components. If you run a private charter company, CAMP offers flight scheduling, which allows you to create manifests for flights, book hotel and rental cars, and create a database history of all transactions. Where do customers purchase CAMP Systems products? Customers can purchase the products offered at CAMP by calling the sales office located in New Hampshire. Potential customers can also contact the analyst in charge of their particular aircraft model, and they can pass the information on. When do customers purchase the CAMP Systems products? Customers can purchase the product during company business hours. New aircraft owners will receive the product once they pick up their aircraft from the manufacturer. Why do customers select CAMP Systems products? Safety of flight begins with a properly maintained aircraft. CAMP not only tells you what needs to be done and when it needs to be done, but we also supply you with the relevant text and illustrations to perform the work. This will save you valuable time researching and organizing your maintenance work. Your maintenance records are available to you via the internet, so no matter where you are in the world you can access your records in real time. The aircraft you own, operate and maintain are made safer by the use of CAMP.Why do potential customers not purchase the CAMP Systems products? Potential customers don’t purchase the product because they may not know about our services. We have also received input from former customers that feel the price is too much and would rather pay a company less money for a spreadsheet. The external environmentCompetition: CAMP Systems major competitors are located at various locations around the world. The number one competitor does have a satellite office three miles away from our Wichita, KS office. The competition has recently made a push to steal away our customers by offering maintenance tracking service on spread sheets at 25% percent of what we charge. The CAMP systems management team has made it clear that they will not compromise the services currently offered, and feel that customers that leave will eventually come back. The competitions strengths are being in the same location as us and offering their services at a cheaper price. Their weaknesses are that they do not invest on the technological side and only make up a small percentage of the market. Economic growth and stability: The company headquarters is located in Ronkonkoma, NY, and the sales office is in New Hampshire. The company’s office in Wichita, KS is an asset because the three major U.S. aircraft manufacturers are located there. It also allows new aircraft owners to meet their analysts face to face and develop a relationship with the person who they will depend on to maintain their aircraft. The Wichita, KS office has moved in to three different offices due to recent buyouts and expansions. The company is in a great position for more growth through acquisitions. Political trends: Local and federal politics have played a role recently in how private aircraft owners are viewed. The aircraft manufacturers in Wichita, Ks have threatened to take their work to other countries unless local and state politicians were able to give them tax breaks. After a couple of months of negotiations, the aircraft manufacturers and state politicians were able to come to an agreement that will keep them here in Wichita. This is great for CAMP because it will allow us to continue to meet our customers when they pick up their aircraft. Legal and regulatory issues: CAMP Systems is a maintenance tracking program that assists aircraft owners in maintaining their aircraft. The information that customers send us and update in our system is not considered legal under the eyes of the Federal Aviation Association (FAA). The FAA doesn’t mind aircraft owners utilizing maintenance tracking software but they expect them to understand that their aircraft maintenance log entries are what determine if work was done or not and if the plane is legal to fly.-21399523812500Figure 1.1 Technological advancements: CAMP Systems offers a web based software that allows customers access to their information anywhere in the world. We live in a world where people want information at a moment’s notice. The company has done a great job of ensuring that they don’t remain stagnant, and strive to innovate. When CAMP began, there services were all done on paper and customers would have to mail information to the company. Now customers can log on through a computer, lap top, Ipad, and smartphone to send us information. They can also view all of their aircraft information anywhere in the world in real time. As CAMP continues to grow and expandand expand, they are constantly working on enhancing the software to make the use of the system more user friendly for customers. Figure 1-2Sociocultural trends: After the attacks of 9/11, private aircraft sales rose dramatically because people were afraid to fly on commercial airlines. We have seen an ease in peoples willingness to fly commercial again. The current issue has members of congress calling out CEO’s flying in private aircraft to Washington asking for bailout money. This has put a negative light on the private aircraft industry. SWOT AnalysisStrengths1. Industry leader in Aircraft maintenance tracking2. State-of-the-art technology3. Continuing to expand customer base4. Company owns the software5. Exclusive contracts with aircraft manufacturers Weaknesses1. Aircraft industry is sporadic2. No marketing department3. No clear defined strategyOpportunities1. Ability to open more offices around the world2. Aircraft market picks up, so does our customer base3. Completed buy-out of engine trend monitoring, which will allow us to offer packaged deals4. Pursue contracts with aircraft manufacturers who we currently don’t have one with yet5. Advertise how we can save a company money and time with our system Threats1. Customers shopping elsewhere because they do not carry cash anymore.2. Competitors who market their product3. Contracts are for 10 years and the company has the possibility of losing out when the contract expires4. Competitors branching out internationally before usFigure 1.3CAMP SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL - SWOT Matrix StatusItem and ReasonStrengthIndustry leader in Aircraft maintenance trackingState-of-the-art technologyContinuing to expand customer base Company owns the softwareExclusive contracts with aircraft manufacturersWeaknessAircraft industry is sporadicNo marketing department No clear defined strategyOpportunityAbility to open more offices around the worldAircraft market picks up, so does our customer baseCompleted buy-out of engine trend monitoring, which should allow us to offer packaged dealsPursue contracts with aircraft manufacturers who we currently don’t have one with yetAdvertise how we can save a company money and time with our systemThreatCompetitors offering services at a cheaper priceCompetitors who market their productContracts are for 10 years and the company has the possibility of losing out when the contract expiresCompetitors branching out internationally before usDeveloping competitive advantages: The SWOT matrix illustrates how CAMP can utilize their technological strengths to maximize opportunities. The recent buy-out of Pratt & Whitney’s engine condition trend monitoring service will allow CAMP to package services in to bundles, saving customers’ money. CAMP is also focused on signing contracts with more aircraft manufacturers around the world, which will surely bring in a new customer base. We will evaluate the needs of the customers through yearly surveys and ensure that we are giving customers 100% customer satisfaction. Developing a strategic focus: CAMP Systems focus will be to attract potential customers through ad campaigns, commercials, and aircraft conventions. We will develop a plan to ensure that we target every aircraft convention in the U.S. and around the world. CAMP will focus an ad campaign through aviation magazines and websites. We will capitalize on our internal strengths and external opportunities to penetrate in to markets we have yet to establish ourselves in.Marketing Goals and ObjectivesMarketing Goal 1:Build upon the culture of empowerment to ensure that we are marketing correctly based off direct feedback from current and potential customersObjective 1A: The marketing department will put together print ads in aviation magazines and websites Objective 1B: Ensure the field service representatives are visiting customers and retrieving the information marketing needs to make sure that we are tailoring the ads correctlyMarketing Goal 2:Restructure the current marketing goals and objectives due to recent buyoutsObjective 2A: Get with the sales department and ensure that marketing is properly advertising the package deals to current and potential customers Objective 2B: Create a new staging area for future aircraft conventions to capture everything the CAMP has to offer after recent acquisitionsMarketing Goal 3:The company owns the maintenance tracking software, so we must remain focused on building upon the current model and making the product betterObjective 3A: Have marketing get with the software development department and see what the future of the CAMP platform will look like Objective 3B: Ensure that development signs off on marketing using the information they received towards creating a new quarterly message to current and potential customers.Marketing StrategyPrimary (and Secondary) Target MarketPrimary target market: All sexes, race, ages 18 and over with ownership of an aircraft and a private Pilots license Secondary target market: All sexes, race, ages 18 and over with ownership of an aircraft and a private Pilots licenseProduct StrategyThe product strategy of CAMP Systems is to position ourselves as a company that strives to be different, challenges the status quo, and never stops innovating. CAMP Systems is the aircraft maintenance tracking industry leader because we exceed customer expectations and put customer safety above everything else. If customers thought that CAMP Systems only covered their aircraft maintenance needs, now we offer engine condition trend monitoring, which allows us through the download of data, to view inside the heart of a customers’ engines and ensure that everything works in proper order, which also can prevent catastrophic failure. CAMP Systems provides highly trained aircraft maintenance analysts, that will personally look over each customers’ aircraft logs and ensure that no maintenance tasks were missed. The state-of-the-art technology at CAMP allows customers to track and monitor their aircraft maintenance and scheduling from a computer to their smartphone.Pricing StrategyThe current price for a Hawker Beechcraft King Air 200 runs for $3100.00 a year. The service features a dedicated analyst which the competition doesn’t offer. The most recent buy-out of the Pratt & Whitney’s engine trend monitoring system, should allow us to offer package deals for someone who tracks their plane on our system and allows us to track their engine systems. If there are customers who have up to five aircraft on the system, we would offer 10% discount on the total price. If a customer has up to ten aircraft on the system, we would offer a 15% discount on the total price. Currently, any aircraft that are new out of the factory will automatically receive one year free of full service. We plan on also offering the engine condition trend monitoring for one year free to give customers a glimpse of the total service they receive with CAMP. Distribution StrategyThe only items that are distributed to customers are monthly reports that we send out. We try to give customers as many options as possible in relation to the information they want to see. Although our service is available online 24 hours, 7 days a week, there are customers who would like to have a hard copy of the information they see online. That’s why once a month we mail out printed reports at no extra charge.Figure 1-4 – 4P’s MatrixMarketing ImplementationStructural IssuesCAMP Systems offices are all loaded with computers, phones, and analysts. There are also extra offices at each location, so that when management comes in to town, they can utilize the space. The marketing department will be working closely with the field service representatives to ensure that we properly stage CAMP’s booth at aircraft conventions.Evaluation and controlFormal ControlsCAMP Systems has a finance department out of the New York office that deals with all the customer payments. The contracts are built in the New Hampshire office and when their done, the finance department mails out the statements to customers. All orders for supplies such as stationary and paper are done through the office secretary. All orders for computers, and computer hardware are done through each offices respective IT specialist. Informal ControlsThe company would like to market younger pilots and aircraft owners through social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. This would help us reach another segment of the aviation industry that we normally wouldn’t tap in to.Marketing AuditsMarketing activities will be monitored utilizing everyone throughout the company. The most vital assets in the company are the aircraft maintenance analysts, because they are the ones that interact with the customers on a daily basis. The analysts at CAMP Systems hear from the source what it is that they want and need. The marketing department will put together reports based off of information from the aircraft analysts, field service reps, aircraft conventions, and social media websites. These reports will be complied and give CAMP a true reflection on how to continue further marketing wise, or restructure the current format. ReferencesCox, J. (2006, January 1). CAMP Systems. Retrieved December 4, 2010, from : O.C. & Hartline M. (2011). Marketing Strategy 5th edition, Thomson Learning / South-Western College PublishingLombardo, D. A. (2009, May 6). Camp Systems Takes Over Cessna Cescom Mx Tracking. Retrieved December 4, 2010, from AINonline:Commercial Script: CAMP Systems InternationalLocation: Aircraft service center Pilots officeActors: 1 woman pilot and 1 male pilotIt is early in the morning and you can see the sun has just come up. There are two pilots in an office, sitting at a table and planning their flying for the day. Each pilot has a laptop and a smartphone next to them on the table. The male pilot is planning his day and talking with his Director of Maintenance to ask what work will be coming due soon, so that he can ensure he’s safe to fly for the day. The female pilot is on her laptop signing in to her CAMP Systems maintenance tracking account. The male pilot seems to be getting more and more frustrated during his phone call, and a few seconds later, he tells his Director of Maintenance, “How did no one see this coming?” The male pilot hangs up the phone, and closes his laptop clearly upset. The female pilot asks, “Whats going on?” The male pilot responds, “I was supposed to be flying today, but my Director of Maintenance informs me that the plane is grounded because someone missed a task that was due a week ago. The female pilot asks the male pilot, “Have you ever heard of CAMP Systems?” The male pilot responds, “I’ve heard of them but I don’t know what they do. You see so many advertisements in aviation magazines and I usually skip by them.” The female pilot begins to explain that CAMP Systems is a maintenance tracking software program that informs you when work is to be done on your aircraft. The female pilot continues to explain that by utilizing the CAMP traffic light system, you can tell within seconds if you can fly that day or not. The female pilot also mentions to the male pilot that the program allows you to see what maintenance is coming due, so that you are able to plan your flights, not days but months in advance. The male pilot asks the female pilot, “How long have you been using CAMP?” The female pilot responds by saying that she first learned about CAMP at the annual National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) convention and has been with them since. She also mentioned that CAMP has been the private aircraft maintenance tracking Industry leader for 42 years. The female pilot goes on to mention all the different aircraft manufacturers that CAMP Systems is the preferred maintenance tracker for. The female pilot mentions, “You also get your very own personal analyst who is extremely knowledgeable on the aircraft you fly and ensures that everything on your aircraft is current and up to date. The male pilot’s face is in awe of all the information that is readily available to him and then says to the female pilot, “I can’t begin to tell you all the time I spend going through log books to make sure that I don’t get dinged by the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) and all along this program was right here.” The male pilot than says, “I’m guessing there is more that CAMP offers beyond what’s on your Laptop?” The female pilot looks at the male pilot and says, “are there times when you don’t have your laptop?’ The male pilot responds, “Of course!” The female pilot reaches for her cell phone and opens up the CAMP Systems mobile application. She than begins to tell the male pilot, “When I can’t access a wifi area to view my CAMP account on my laptop, I can use the CAMP mobile app and view my due list straight from my phone.” The male pilot is in complete shock and tells the female pilot, “O.K., I have only seen two things that CAMP offers and I’m sure that if I see any more, I’m going to beat myself for not knowing about this sooner.” The male pilot than says, “How do I sign up for a CAMP account right now!” The female pilot explains how easy the process was and that she would have her customer representative contact him. The male pilot tells the female pilot, “I have had a horrible start to my day, but thanks to you, I will be having more fun flying and less time stressing about maintenance, Thank you!” The female pilot than says, “No problem, and I know you will see how CAMP is not only a service, but an investment for your future.” ................

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