Chapter 17: Organizing Life’s Diversity

Chapter 17: Organizing Life’s Diversity


Section 17.2: The Six Kingdoms

I. How are evolutionary relationships determined?

A. Structural Similarities

* Species are closely ________________ and may have ______________from a common ancestor.

B. Breeding Behavior

* Sometimes ____________________behavior provides important clues to _______________________ among species.

C. Geographical Distribution

* __________________helps to determine their relationships with other species.

D. Chromosome Comparison

* Both the ___________________ and structure of chromosomes provides ____________ of relationships among species.

E. Biochemistry

* Closely related species have similar _______________ sequences, and therefore similar proteins.

II. Phylogenic Classification: Models

*Species that share a common ____________________ also share an evolutionary ________________.

* Phylogeny = the evolutionary history of a ________________.

A. Cladistics

* One biological system of ___________________that is based on phylogeny is cladistics.

* Scientists assume that as groups of organisms _________________and evolve from a common ancestral group, they retain some unique inherited characteristics that taxonomists call derived_____________________.

* ____________________ = branching diagram that models the phylogeny of a species based on the derived traits of a group of a group of organisms.

B. Another type of model

* Fan-like Model = diagram incorporates _________________ information and the knowledge gained from anatomical, embryological, _______________, and cladistic studies.

III. The Six Kingdoms of Organisms

a. Archaebacteria = live in __________________environments, prokaryotes; __________________

Ex. ______________________________________________________

b. Eubacteria = prokaryotes, very strong cell_____________, some cause disease but most are harmless and actually helpful


c. Protists = eukaryotic organisms that ______________complex organ systems and lives in moist environments, diverse group (unicellular/ multicellular)


d. Fungi = decomposer,__________________; unicellular or multicellular eukaryotes that absorbs nutrients from organic materials.


e. Plants =__________________, oxygen producers, photosynthetic eukaryotes. Cells contain a cell _____________ and chloroplasts.

Ex. _______________________________________________

f. Animals = multicellular_________________; heterotrophs

Ex. _______________________________________________


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