Psychology 47 - Health Psychology

Psychology 47 - Health Psychology


Catherine A. Sanderson

Merrill 325, 542-2438,

Office Hours: Monday 1:30 to 2:30 pm, Tuesday 11 am to noon, Wednesday 10:30 to 11:30, Thursday 1 to 2 pm


Health psychology examines how psychological states influence physical health in a variety of ways. The three central issues that we will focus on in this class are the promotion and maintenance of health (e.g., how psychological factors influence health-promoting and health compromising behaviors), the development of illness (e.g., how psychological factors influence the development and progression of disease), and the treatment of illness (e.g., how psychological factors influence the management of illness).


The textbook used in this class is Health Psychology (Sanderson, 2003). The book can be purchased at the Jeffrey Amherst Bookstore, and is on reserve at the Science Library. There is also a course reader—the link to these articles is provided on the library homepage. The textbook will be used primarily for background, whereas the articles in the course reader will be discussed in section meetings and included on exams.


This course includes six major requirements: a 5 to 7 page lab report (due 10-4, 10 am), a 10 to 12 page research paper (due 11-15, 10 am), a midterm exam, an in-class presentation, participation in discussion, and a non-cumulative final exam. Both exams will consist of multiple choice and essay questions. The exams and term paper will each count for 25% of your grade, the lab report will count for 20% of your grade, and overall class participation and the in-class presentation (of your research paper) will be worth 5% of your grade.

The due dates for all assignments are listed on the syllabus. Given this advanced warning, it is expected that you will be able to complete these assignments on time: if you anticipate any conflicts (e.g., athletic events, workload in other classes, job interviews, thesis work), feel free to turn in either of the papers as early as you would like to avoid such conflicts. No extensions for any reason will be given without a note from the Dean.

This class places a heavy emphasis on learning how to think about and apply psychological principles to health-related issues. The textbook readings provide general background information, whereas the articles in the course reader provide specific research examples. It is imperative that you have done all of the reading before coming to class.

Honor Code

I expect that each student will complete all course assignments in an honorable way. Students should neither give nor receive any type of assistance (including from other students, course materials, class notes) during the exams, and should complete all research and writing of the term paper independently. I take academic dishonesty (including plagiarism and cheating) very seriously, and will take every step to detect and report such events to the Discipline Committee.

Date Topic Reading Assignment

9/8 Introduction Chapter 1, Mokadad

9/13 Research Methods Chapter 2, Jordan & Zanna, Moseley et al.

9/15 Theories of Health Behavior Chapter 3, Diem et al., Martin et al.

9/20 Stress and Coping Chapter 4, Cohen, S. et al., Sherman et al.

9/22 Personality Chapter 5, Deary et al., Iribarren et al.

9/27 Social Support Chapter 6, Ditzen et al., Kulik & Mahler

9/29 Health-Compromising Behavior: Chapter 7 (213-238), Dal Cin et al.,

Smoking Gerrard et al.

10/4 Health-Compromising Behavior: Chapter 7 (238-265), MacDonald et al.,

Alcohol Use Prentice & Miller

10/6 Health-Compromising Behavior: Chapter 8 (267-396), Christakis et al.,

Obesity Heatherton et al.


10/13 Health-Compromising Behavior: Chapter 8 (296-313), Sanderson et al.,

Eating Disorders Zabinski et al.

10/18 Health Compromising Behavior: Chapter 14 (571-574), Durbin et al.,

Injury Schwebel et al.

10/20 Review/Catch-Up

10/25 Midterm Exam

10/27 Pain Chapter 9 (315-337), Bandura et al.,

Kahneman et al.,

11/1 Pain Management Chapter 9 (338-363), Cohen, L. et al.,

Kennell et al.

11/3 Chronic Illness: CHD Chapter 10 (365-397), Christenfeld et

al., Quittner et al.

11/8 Chronic Illness: Cancer and AIDS Chapter 10 (397-423), Anderson et al.,

Kelly et al.

11/10 Terminal Illness: The Patient Chapter 11 (425-440), Fried et al., Singer et al.

11/15 Terminal Illness: The Survivors Chapter 11 (440-468), Bonanno et al.,

Schulz et al.

11/17 Issues in Health Care Interactions: Chapter 12 (469-499), Croyle et al.,

Screening and Utilization Cvengros et al.

11/29 Issues in Health Care Interactions: Chapter 12 (499-523), Brandon et al.,

Adherence and Relapse Koenig et al.


12/1 Designing Persuasive Communications Chapter 3 (60-63), Chapter 13 (525-

544), Detweiler et al., Siegel et al.

12/6 Designing Persuasive Communications Chapter 13 (544-558), Gerend & Smith,

Jones & Leary

12/8 In-class presentations

12/13 In-class presentations

12/15 Conclusions and Future Directions Chapter 14, Jokhio et al., Raisler et al.

Final Exam – Self-Scheduled


Andersen, B.L., Yang, H.C., Carson, W.E. III, et al. (2008). Psychological intervention improves survival for breast cancer patients: A randomized clinical trial. Cancer, 113, 3450-3458.

Bandura, A., O'Leary, A., Taylor, C. B., Gauthier, J., & Gossard, D. (1987). Perceived self-efficacy and pain control: Opioid and nonopioid mechanisms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 563-571.

Bonanno, G.A., Papa, A., Lalande, K. (2005). Grief processing and deliberate grief avoidance: A prospective comparison of bereaved spouses and parents in the United States and the People's Republic of China.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 73, 86-98.

Brandon, T.H., Collins, B.N., Juliano, L.M., & Lazev, A.B. (2000). Preventing relapse among former smokers: A comparison of minimal interventions through telephone and mail. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 103-113.

Christakis, N.A, & Fowler, J.H. (2007). The spread of obesity in a large social network over 32 years. New England Journal of Medicine, 35, 370-379.

Christenfeld, N., Glynn, L.M., & Phillips, D.P. (1999). Exposure to New York City as a risk factor for heart attack mortality.  Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 740-743.

Cohen, L.L., Blount, R.L., & Cohen, R.J. (1999). Comparative study of distraction versus topical anesthesia for pediatric pain management during immunizations.  Health Psychology, 18, 591-598.

Cohen, S., Tyrrell, D.A., & Smith, A.P. (1991). Psychological stress and susceptibility to the common cold. New England Journal of Medicine, 325, 606-612.

Croyle, R.T., Smith, K.R., & Botkin, Jeffrey R. (1997). Psychological responses to BRCA1 mutation testing: Preliminary findings.  Health Psychology, 16, 63-72.

Cvengros, J.A., Christensen, A.J., Cunningham, C., Hillis, S.L., & Kaboli, P.J. (2009). Patient preference for and reports of provider behavior: impact of symmetry on patient outcomes. Health Psychology, 28, 660-667.

Dal Cin, S., Gibson, B., Zanna, M.P., Shumate, R., & Fong, G.T. (2007). Smoking in movies, implicit associations of smoking with the self, and intentions to smoke. Psychological Science, 18, 559-563.

Deary, I.J., Batty, G.D., Pattie, A., & Gale, C.R. (2008). More intelligent, more dependable children live longer: a 55-year longitudinal study of a representative sample of the Scottish nation. Psychological Science, 19, 874-880.

Detweiler, J.B., Bedell, B.T., & Salovey,. (1999). Message framing and sunscreen use: Gain-framed messages motivate beach-goers. Health Psychology, 18, 189-196

Diem, S.J., Lantos, J.D., & Tulsky, J.A. (1996). Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on television-Miracles and misinformation. New England Journal of Medicine, 334, 1578-1582.

Ditzen, B., Neumann, I.D., Bodenmann, G., von Dawans, B., Turner, R.A., Ehlert, U., & Heinrichs, M. (2007). Effects of different kinds of couple interaction on cortisol and heart rate responses to stress in women. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 32, 565-574.

Durbin, D.R., Elliott, M.R., & Winston, F.K. (2003). Belt-positioning booster seats and reduction in risk of injury among children in vehicle crashes. Journal of the American Medical Association, 289, 2835-2840.

Fried, T.R., Bradley, E.H., Towle, V.R., & Allore, H. (2002). Understanding the treatment preferences of seriously ill patients. New England Journal of Medicine, 346, 1061-1066.

Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., & Lane, D.J. (2005). Smoking cessation: Social comparison level predicts success for adult smokers.  Health Psychology, 24, 623-629.

Gerend, M. A., & Shepherd, J. E. (2007). Using message framing to promote acceptance of the human papillomavirus vaccine. Health Psychology, 26, 745-752.

Heatherton, T.F., Striepe, M., & Wittenberg, L. (1998). Emotional distress and disinhibited eating: The role of stress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 301-313.

Iribarren, C., Sidney, S., Bild, D.E., Liu, K., Markovitz, J.H., Roseman, J.M., & Matthews, K. (2000). Association of hostility with coronary artery calcification in young adults: The CARDIA Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 283, 2546-2551.

Jokhio, A.H., Winter, H.R., & Cheng, K.K. (2005). An intervention involving traditional birth attendants and perinatal and maternal mortality in Pakistan. New England Journal of Medicine, 352, 2091-2099.

Jones, J.L., & Leary, M.R. (1994). Effects of appearance-based admonitions against sun exposure on tanning intentions in young adults. Health Psychology, 13, 86-90.

Jordan, C.H., & Zanna, M.P. (2005). How to read a journal article in social psychology. In J.T. Cacioppo & G.G. Berntson (Eds.), Social Neuroscience: Key Readings (pp. 271-279). Psychology Press: New York.

Kahneman, D., Fredrickson, B.L., & Schreiber, C.A. (1993). When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science, 4, 401-405.

Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Diaz, Y.E., Stevenson, L.Y., Hauth, A.C., Brasfield, T.L., Kalichman, S.C., Smith, J.E., & Andrew, M.E. (1991). HIV risk behavior reduction following intervention with key opinion leaders of population: An experimental analysis. American Journal of Public Health, 81, 168-171.

Kennell, J., Klaus, M., McGrath, S., Robertson, S., & Hinkley, C. (1991). Continuous emotional support during labor in a US hospital: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 265, 2197-2201.

Koenig, L.J., Pals, S.L., Bush, T., Palmore, M.P., Stratford, D., & Ellerbrock, T.V. (2008). Randomized controlled trial of an intervention to prevent adherence failure among HIV-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy. Health Psychology, 27, 159-169.

Kulik, J.A., & Mahler, H.I. (1989). Social support and recovery from surgery. Health Psychology, 8, 221-238.

MacDonald, T.K., Zanna, M.P., & Fong, G.T. (1996). Why common sense goes out the window: Effects of alcohol on intentions to use condoms.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 763-775.

Martin, J., Sheeran, P., Slade, P., Wright, A., & Dibble, T. (2009). Implementation intention formation reduces consultations for emergency contraception and pregnancy testing among teenage women. Health Psychology, 28, 762-769.

Mokdad, A.H., Marks, J.S., Stroup, D.F., & Gerberding, J.L. (2004). Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. Journal of the American Medical Association, 291, 1238-1245.

Moseley, J.B., O'Malley, K., Petersen, N.J., Menke, T.J., Brody, B.A., Kuykendall, D.H., Hollingsworth, J.C., Ashton, C.M., Wray, N.P. (2002). A controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee. New England Journal of Medicine, 347, 81-88.

Quittner, A.L., Espelage, D.L., & Opipari, L.C. (1998). Role strain in couples with and without a child with a chronic illness: Associations with marital satisfaction, intimacy, and daily mood.  Health Psychology, 17, 112-124.

Prentice, D.A., & Miller, D.T. (1993). Pluralistic ignorance and alcohol use on campus: Some consequences of misperceiving the social norm. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 243-256.

Raisler, J., Alexander, C., & O’Campo, P. (1999). Breast-feeding and infant illness: A dose-response relationship? American Journal of Public Health, 89, 25-30.

Sanderson, C.A., Wallier, J.M., Stockdale, J.E., & Yopyk, D.J. (2008). Who feels different and does feeling different matter?: The impact of culture on the presence and consequences of feeling discrepant from the thinness norm. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 27, 991-1016.

Schulz, R., et al. (2001). Involvement in caregiving and adjustment to death of a spouse: Findings from the Caregiver Health Effects Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 285, 3123-3129.

Schwebel, D.C., Summerlin, A.L., Bounds, M.L., & Morrongiello, B.A. (2006). The Stamp-in-Safety program: A behavioral intervention to reduce behaviors that can lead to unintentional playground injury in a preschool setting. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 31, 152-162.

Sherman, D. K., Bunyan, D. P., Creswell, J. D., & Jaremka, L. M. (2009). Psychological vulnerability and stress: The effects of self-affirmation on sympathetic nervous system responses to naturalistic stressors. Health Psychology, 28, 554-562.

Siegel, J.T., Alvaro, E.M., Crano, W.D., Lac, A., Ting, S., & Jones, S.P. (2008). A quasi-experimental investigation of message appeal variations on organ donor registration rates. Health Psychology, 27, 170-178.

Singer, P.A., Martin, D.K., & Kelner, M. (1999). Quality end-of-life care: patients' perspectives. Journal of the American Medical Association, 281, 163-168.

Zabinski, M.F., Wilfley, D.E., & Calfas, K.J. (2004). An interactive psychoeducational intervention for women at risk of developing an eating disorder.  Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72, 914-919.


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