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Side PanelExpand side panelBreadcrumb:Module 6: Generalist Social Work PracticePrevious?Next?InstructionsWrite an in-depth response to each of the?prompts?numbered below. Number your response with the question. Each response needs to be at least four sentences in length. Refer to "Writing Rubric" (in the Getting Started Module and the syllabus)?for content and grammar guidelines. If you research information outside of the textbook, document your reference after the cited information. Complete your work in .doc file and upload it into the dropbox folder. Upload your file into the dropbox folder.After reading Chapter 6, "Generalist Social Work Practice", and the readings?"Client System Assessment Tools for Social Work",?"How to write an Assessment", "Ethical Dilemmas", and "Documentation Guidelines"; then?write an in-depth response to each of the prompts that follow?with at least three to four sentences each.?Define?what generalist social work is; then?outline?the key frameworks used with a brief explanation of each with an example.Case management is a core approach with most settings that manage clients;?Define?what it means and then?outline?the process used within it; engagement assessment, intervention and evaluation.?Define?each one and?give an example?of what each would look like with a client.Assessment is the core part of any social work setting.?Find?an example of an assessment form online or if you have access to one from an agency use that.?Outline?what the agency assessment covers for client intake. Do you think the assessment form is complete or missing areas that are needed for client information? Go to Readings and click on the link for "Client System Assessment Tools for Social Work" and read the information on assessment. Then click on the second link for "How to write an Assessment" and review this. Does the assessment form you obtained match the key areas addressed in this article? If so how and if not what is not covered in the form you obtained?Watch the video linked above. Identify some key elements noted in the video about what social work involves. Share one specific fact on the history of social work that you did not know. What material from this chapter connects to the video?From the reading in the textbook, list what roles the social worker has and give an example of each.Documentation in social work is absolutely critical. Go to Readings and click on the link entitled "Documentation Guidelines". Read through the material on documentation. Summarize the significant factors in how you are to document your work with clients.Ethics are the standards for how any person does social work. Go to the back of the textbook to page 473. Read through all of the code of ethics until page 494. Outline the six core values, the purpose of the code of ethics, the six principles. The primary ethics that need focused on is on page 477-481. Outline the ethics listed on these pages and note the one that has the most detailed and required information to follow. The NASW has revised the code of ethics to address social media. Go to the link under Readings and look at the new rules. State 2 new rules for ethics and social media listed. ................

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