SCSC Year 12 Business Management

2010 Question 1The Global Financial Crisis has led to a substantial reduction in the number of customers for Flyalot Airlines. Management is predicting that a further drop in customer numbers will occur over the next twelve months. As a result management is reviewing all areas of the organisation.a. Define the term performance indicator. 1 mark b. Identify and explain how two stakeholder groups of Flyalot Airlines would have been adversely affected by the Global Financial Crisis. 4 marksc. Identify two management functions. For each function discuss one strategy that Flyalot Airlines could use to overcome the problems caused by decreasing customer numbers.4 marksd. For each of the strategies you have identified in part c., select and justify a performance indicator that could be used to measure the success of the strategy.4 marksQuestion 2Wonderful Toys Company manufactures wooden blocks that were found to contain small amounts of lead paint that can be poisonous to children. The company recalled all of this product.What management style could Wonderful Toys use in this crisis? Explain why you have chosen this management style. Refer to two features of this style in your explanation.5 marksQuestion 3Ms West has just purchased a designer clothing and manufacturing company. She would like to expand the company and start pare and contrast two potential management structures that would assist Ms West to achieve these aims. Which management structure would you recommend to Ms West? Justify your choice.6 marksQuestion 4The Charity Foundation is a service organisation assisting children who have been affected by natural disasters. It aims to raise money and collect goods to distribute to children in need.Identify and explain the key elements of The Charity Foundation’s operations management system. In your answer provide one example of each key element.6 marksQuestion 5Ethical and socially responsible management is an important part of an operations management system.Identify and describe two operations management strategies. Discuss the benefits to an organisation of adopting an ethical and socially responsible approach to management in these areas.6 marksQuestion 6Allen’s Advertising Agency has recently employed six graduates. After six months, three of the graduates have resigned due to low job satisfaction.a. Explain Locke’s theory of motivation. Discuss how using this theory might assist the Human Resource Manager to motivate the remaining three graduates.4 marksb. In addition to improved job satisfaction, discuss two other benefits to Allen’s Advertising Agency that could be achieved through the use of Locke’s motivational theory.4 marksc. The Human Resource Manager at Allen’s Advertising Agency also considers using reward management. Discuss how reward management is linked to motivation in an organisation. In your answer identify and explain the way one financial and one non-financial reward could improve motivation.6 marks d. The Human Resource Manager needs to employ three new graduates. Discuss the selection processes that could be used to ensure that the new staff meet the needs of the organisation.5 marksQuestion 7Managing change is a vital part of ensuring the success of a large-scale organisation. Analyse possible driving and restraining forces which might cause change in a large-scale organisation. Illustrate your answer with references to an issue or organisation that you have studied this year.10 marks2011Question 1In the foyer of the head office of Southern Industries hangs a sign that states ‘Employees are our most important resource. If we look after our staff everything else will take care of itself’.Define the term corporate culture.1 markb. Describe one way management can develop an organisation’s corporate culture.2 marksc. Compare and contrast Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories of motivation.4 marksd. The Human Resource Manager of Southern Industries needs to use performance indicators to assist him in monitoring staff morale.Describe and justify two suitable performance indicators he could use to measure staff morale.4 markse. The Human Resource Manager of Southern Industries has identified a problem with staff in the maintenance phase of the employment cycle. He believes that staff performance can be improved by implementing more effective? induction?? training and development.Explain both induction and training and development. Discuss how these practices will assist in the effective management of staff.6 marksQuestion 2Freda Campbell is setting up a new business in Melbourne that will manufacture and sell furniture.?a. Evaluate two positive and two negative contributions of large-scale organisations to the economy.4 marksb. Many large-scale organisations use a multistage planning process in order to achieve their objectives. Explain each of the steps in this process.5 marksc. Identify, describe and justify a facilities design and layout strategy that Freda could use for manufacturing the furniture.5 marksd. The key elements of an operations management system are inputs, processes and outputs.?Discuss how ethical and socially responsible management practices could affect each of these elements.6 marksFreda will need to employ 250 people and is considering factors involved in managing human resources such as employee expectations.e. Explain how employee expectations of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) and job security will need to be addressed by Freda.4 marksf. Describe and justify two management skills, other than communication, that Freda could use while establishing her business.4 marksQuestion 3Jason Green is an Operations Manager who has just moved from an organisation that provides Internet services to an organisation named Trendsetters, that manufactures clothing. His supervisor has indicated that one of his first tasks is to work with the Human Resource Manager to update the firm’s employee relations policies. Jason is concerned about making changes too soon after he arrives.Define the term policy. ?1 mark Explain the similarities and differences between the centralised and decentralised approaches to employee relations. 4 marks13 2011 BUSMAN EXAM c. Outline three differences between the operations management of service and manufacturing organisations.3 marksd. Jason is aware that there will be some changes at Trendsetters as a result of updating the employee relations policies.Discuss one benefit of adopting a low-risk practice as a strategy for effective change management.2 marksQuestion 4A writer for a business magazine recently stated ‘Change is a process that must be managed effectively to lead to success’. Management theorists have provided guidelines to assist managers with their change processes in order to achieve desired outcomes.Explain four steps from Kotter’s 8-step theory of change management. Discuss how the effective use of Kotter’s change theory could impact on the internal environment of an organisation.In your answer refer to an organisation or a significant change issue you have studied this year.10 marks2012Question 1In the chocolate industry, four large-scale organisations dominate the market, collectively accounting?for 92% of all chocolate sales. Currently these four organisations compete on price. The smallest of the?four organisations, Websters, is less able to take advantage of economies of scale than the three larger organisations. As a result, Websters has decided to focus on competing on quality rather than price to ensure its long-term success.Sam Webster, grandson of the founder of the business, is currently the CEO and has identified that numerous changes must be made.As the focus of Websters shifts to quality, it will need to measure quality as part of its operations management. A human resources audit has identified that the current staff do not have the necessary capabilities to implement this change. To allow the staff to develop the necessary capabilities, Mr Webster has identified two preferred options.improve the capabilities of the current staff purchase and import state-of-the-art equipment from Belgium. While the purchase of equipment will be more expensive initially, it will improve productivity and reduce waste and carbon emissions in the longer term. a. Define ‘market share’. ?1 mark b. Identify and explain two methods from the strategy of managing quality that Websters could use to ensure a high-quality chocolate product. 4 marksc. Identify and justify two performance indicators that Websters could use to measure the success of the business’s change in focus.4 marksd. Describe and justify one management practice or process from each of the three phases of the employment cycle that could apply to Websters as it changes its focus to compete on quality.6 markse. Describe one difference between the operations management of a manufacturing organisation, such as Websters, and a service organisation.2 marksf. Analyse the ethical and social responsibility issues associated with the two options (as stated on page 2) that Mr Webster is considering to develop the capabilities of the staff.6 marksQuestion 2Glass Transport is a long-established bulk transport provider, which has recently taken a decision to invest in becoming a national parcel delivery service. The opportunity that CEO Catherine Glass seized on arose from fast-growing online sales. In order to build the expanded business, a significant number of new staff will be required. Some of these staff could be relocated from the bulk transport division and some will need to be recruited. Service standards will need to be set and new vehicles purchased. Further decisions will be made to determine whether parcel pick-up from residential and business premises will be offered.The major existing competitor in parcel delivery is a government-owned postal service. Its business of delivering mostly letters is declining because of emails and texting. Its delivery infrastructure is mostly suited to letters, not parcels. The growing parcel sector is a highly profitable business opportunity for the organisation that ‘gets it right’.As Glass Transport is becoming more complex in its service offerings, Ms Glass is considering changing the management structure of her organisation.a. Discuss an appropriate management structure for Ms Glass’s expanding business.4 marksb. By nature, Ms Glass is a consultative manager.Identify two characteristics of this management style, and explain one advantage and one disadvantage of using this style.4 marksc. Ms Glass has identified that she will have to use the management roles of organising, leading and controlling.Define each role and explain how the use of these roles will contribute to the success of her new national parcel delivery service.6 marksd. Describe Locke’s theory of motivation and explain how Ms Glass could use this theory to motivate staff.4 marksQuestion 3?a. Describe two factors from the internal and/or external environments of large-scale organisations, anddiscuss how they have impacted on an organisation that you have studied this year.6 marksb. Large-scale organisations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, exist to achieve specific objectives.Explain two differences between the objectives of for-profit and not-for-profit large-scale organisations.4 marksc. Explain a significant change issue that you have studied this year and describe two ways in which it impacts on large-scale organisations.4 marksQuestion 4Change management theories provide a template for successful change in large-scale organisations. Explain how Kotter’s change management theory could be used topromote driving forces for change reduce restraining forces for change promote the use of low-risk practices. ?In your response, include an example from a large-scale organisation or significant change issue that you have studied this year. 10 marks2013Question 1 (8 marks)?a. Identify two characteristics of large-scale organisations. 2 marksb. Outline two positive and two negative contributions that large-scale organisations make to the?Australian economy. 4 marksc. Stakeholders may place competing demands on large-scale organisations.?Explain why this may occur. 2 marksQuestion 2 (18 marks)?ZX Bank is a large retail bank that operates in all states in Australia.In response to a recent market survey of its customers, it is considering opening its branches on Saturdays and Sundays.Currently, the bank’s employees feel that their expectations regarding conditions of employment and work-life balance are being met.The employees have been asked about the proposed change in opening hours and 70 per cent said that they would prefer not to work on weekends but, if they had to, they would expect higher pay rates on those days.The Human Resource Manager has responded, saying that an increase in pay rates might make opening on weekends unprofitable. The bank executives are hoping to reach an agreement with the employees that keeps pay rates at current levels.Both sides believe that it is important to discuss this issue further.a. Employee expectations include a number of factors.Explain what is meant by work-life balance and conditions of employment. Refer to the information about ZX Bank in your response.4 marksb. To resolve the issue regarding the proposed change in opening hours and the employees’ expectations of higher pay rates on weekends, the bank executives will need to apply a range of management skills.Describe two management skills and justify their use in this situation. 4 marksc. Compare the centralised and decentralised approaches to employee relations. 4 marksd. Discuss the likely consequences of banks or other large-scale organisations introducing new?technology to optimise operations. 6 marksQuestion 3 (19 marks)Alice Smith has read the biographies of many great business leaders. She would like to follow in?the footsteps of these successful leaders. Alice has just taken over as the CEO of The Traveller’s Helpmate, a business that publishes print and online travel guides. Her observation is that her staff are professional, highly educated and independent. In private conversations, some staff have said that they felt underappreciated by the previous CEO as positive feedback was rarely provided.a. Define the following leadership qualities that Alice will need in order to be an effective leader. ? interpersonal? informational? decision-making3 marksb. The biographies that Alice read indicated the importance of a strong corporate culture.Identify two indicators of corporate culture and explain how each reflects the shared values and beliefs?of an organisation. 4 marksc. Alice wants The Traveller’s Helpmate to be seen as ethical and socially responsible. To meet this goal, she is reviewing the key elements of her operations system.Describe one ethical and social responsibility issue that Alice may consider from each of the three?elements of the operations system. 6 marksd. Alice is choosing between two approaches to staff motivation – Herzberg or Locke.Evaluate the key aspects of both of these theories of motivation and recommend which theory she?should adopt. 6 marksQuestion 4 Describe two driving forces for change and analyse their impacts on the internal environment of a large-scale organisation that you have studied this year.(6 marks)Question 5 Explain how Kotter’s theory of change management can be used to support the ethical and socially responsible management of change.(4 marks)Question 6 The movement of staff into, through and out of an organisation (the employment cycle) is generally managed by theHuman Resource Manager.With reference to management practices and processes that are associated with each phase of the employment cycle, discusshow the management role of planning could be used in the establishment phase how performance indicators could be used in the maintenance phase how the choice of management style could impact on the termination phase.(10 marks)? ................

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