Welcome to Sixth Grade Science

Welcome to Sixth Grade Science

Science Lab 2, Room 109

Mrs. Moore



We have a class website located within the Holloway site. Please access this website for extra learning opportunities, test study help, games, puzzles, and vocabulary work. Students should access links pertaining to our current unit of study.

Assignments, schedule and testing information may also be found

To access the website go to: campuses Holloway teacher sites Mrs. Moore

Contact Information

• Email mooree@

• Holloway School phone number 903/839-5656

TUTORIALS Students are always welcome to contact me for tutorials and I will be glad to assist them. However, I do have scheduled tutorials at the following times. Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from tutorials as needed.

AM TUTORIALS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:20-7:40am (Great for when students need to just drop in to quickly double check work with me at the beginning of the day.)

PM TUTORIALS: Tuesdays: 3:05-3:40 pm (This tutorial time is reserved for students who need more regular, personal, & intense assistance and will be limited to only those who have parental scheduling for tutorials)

BEFORE SCHOOL BENCHMARK TEST REVIEW: On the mornings of the week leading up to and on Benchmark testing day, I will provide extra test review time for all students. Students may drop in time from 7:20-7:40am.

Assignment Book

• Students will be given an assignment book that will be kept at the front of their binders

• Assignments will be copied from the board daily (there will always be an assignment on the board—parents should never see No Homework or None written in the science homework section)

• Parents will be asked to sign their child’s assignment book every Monday for the previous week’s work. Assignment books will be checked in class on Tuesdays. Please do not sign books in advance.


• Each student is issued a science textbook to take home. This book remains at home.

• Instructional handouts are kept at school in students’ science folders

• Labs will be done in class to reinforce lessons

• Science Journals will be utilized throughout each lesson


• Any work not finished in class will be homework if applicable.

• All homework is due at the beginning of the assigned class day


• Absent work—students have one day for each day absent to complete assignments

Grading (Extra details are provided in the Student Handbook)

• Daily grades will be taken on homework and quizzes. This will count for 60% of the overall grade

• Tests will count for 40% of a student’s average

• Any homework, quizzes or tests can be retaken for a grade no higher than 70. Students have 4 days to redo an assignment. Quizzes and tests must be redone in the classroom. Homework can be redone at home. Benchmark tests are excluded and are not allowed to be corrected or redone.

• Assignments/projects that are less than 70% completed or not turned in on time are not allowed a retake opportunity.

• Students may retake tests/quizzes/projects during advisory periods, tutorials, or a time designated by the teacher if these times are not achievable.

• A grade sheet will be placed behind the science divider and students will be responsible recording their grades on this paper. Parents will sign the grade sheet at each reporting time of progress reports and report cards.

Extra Credit

• Newspaper articles that are science related can be done for 5 points extra credit ( ONLY 5 articles can be done in a six week grading period and are always due one week before the benchmark test.)

• Other extra credit ideas will be placed on the board for students to choose


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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