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UNIT 3 LAB PORTFOLIO BIOL 2401: HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY IINTRODUCTION TO ARTICULATIONS, MUSCULAR TISSUES & SKELETAL MUSCLESNAMES:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________INTRODUCTION TO ARTICULATIONSAt Home: Cut out & use your Joint Classification Concept Map cards to build a Concept Map. They are located on the webpage.Check the information with your Lecture Outline – take a picture to use as your KEY.Continue working with the Concept Map cards until you know the materials without using your notes!Place your Concept Map cards into a baggie & attach to the submitted Lab PortfolioAt Home: Create a set of Joint Motion flashcards for the following categories containing: name, specific description, and example.Sliding: glidingAngular: flexion, extension, lateral flexion, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, circumductionRotation: rotation, lateral rotation, medial rotationSpecial movements: elevation, depression, protraction, retraction, inversion, eversion, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, supination, pronation, oppositionIn Lab: Using the above information on Joint Motion – act out & analyze the following scenarios:ACTIVITY JOINTS INVOLVEDMOTIONS REQUIRED: identify by individual jointSquats(down)HipKnee AnkleSquats(up)Jumping jacks (arms up)Jumping jacks (arms down)In Lab: Using the model provided: Make an outline sketch & identify all the structures of the knee joint that can be seen in each view:Femur, tibia, fibula, patella, medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, lateral meniscus, medial meniscus, patellar ligament, quadriceps tendon, articular cartilage, synovial cavity, articular capsuleStudy the PPT: Bones & Joints applications REVIEW5830954346079Frontal view:0Frontal view:496570222996Sagittal section0Sagittal sectionSKELETAL MUSCLES OF THE BODYSKELETAL MUSCLES: ANTERIOR VIEW2171700260985In Lab: Match the number on the figure to the specific skeletal muscle that identifies it._____Adductor longus_____Biceps brachii_____Brachialis_____Brachioradialis_____Deltoid_____Extensor digitorum longus_____External oblique_____Fibularis longus_____Flexor carpi radialis_____Gastrocnemius_____Gracilis_____Iliopsoas_____Intercostals_____Internal oblique_____Masseter_____Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)_____Orbicularis oculi_____Orbicularis oris_____Palmaris longus_____Pectineus_____Pectoralis major_____Pectoralis minor_____Platysma_____Pronator teres_____Sternohyoid_____Trapezius_____Rectus abdominis_____Soleus_____Triceps brachii_____Rectus femoris_____Temporalis_____Vastus lateralis_____Sartorius_____Tensor fasciae latae_____Vastus medialis_____Serratus anterior_____Tibialis anterior_____Zygomaticus_____Sternocleidomastoid_____Transversus abdominisSKELETAL MUSCLES: POSTERIOR VIEWIn Lab: Match the number on the figure to the specific skeletal muscle or connective tissue that identifies it._____Adductor magnus227774516510_____Biceps femoris_____Brachialis_____Brachioradialis_____Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon_____Deltoid_____Extensor carpi radialis longus_____Extensor carpi ulnaris_____Extensor digitorum_____Fibularis longus_____Flexor carpi ulnaris_____Gastrocnemius_____Gluteus maximus_____Gluteus medius_____Iliotibial tract_____Infraspinatus_____Latissimus dorsi_____Occipitofrontalis (occipital belly)_____Rhomboid major_____Semimembranosus_____Semitendinosus_____Soleus_____Sternocleidomastoid_____Teres major_____Trapezius_____Triceps brachiiINTRODUCTION TO MUSCULAR TISSUEMUSCLE TISSUE TYPESDIRECTIONS: Sketch & describe each type of muscle tissue based on the following characteristics.MUSCLE TISSUELabelled sketch of MICROSCOPICAPPEARANCE(striated or non-striated)NERVOUS-SYSTEMINNERVATION(somatic or autonomic nervous system control)VOLUNTARYORINVOLUNTARYSkeletal muscle tissueSmooth muscle tissueCardiac muscle tissueCONNECTIVE TISSUE SHEATHS OF SKELETAL MUSCLEDIRECTIONS: Match the letter of the description and/or function to the connective tissue sheath that defines it.A. Dense irregular connective tissue separating each skeletal muscle_____Superficial fasciaB. Fibrous connective tissue that bundles muscle fibers into fascicles_____Deep fasciaC. Dense regular connective tissue that attach skeletal muscle to bone_____ EpimysiumD. Areolar connective tissue that covers each individual muscle fiber_____ PerimysiumE. Dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle_____EndomysiumF. Bundles of skeletal muscle fibers that are covered by perimysiumG. Adipose and areolar connective tissues separating skin from muscleGROSS ANATOMY OF SKELETAL MUSCLE TISSUE1828801409700Match the number on the figure to the specific structure that identifies it. _____Blood vessels_____Femur_____Endomysium_____Perimysium_____Epimysium_____Skeletal muscle fiber_____Fascicle composing skeletal muscle_____Tendon_____Fascicle wrapped by perimysiumMICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS Match the number on the figure to the specific structure that identifies it.33337550800_____ Dark A band_____Mitochondrion_____Nucleus_____Light I band_____Myofibril_____SarcolemmaMatch the number on the figure to the specific structure that identifies it.195262511430_____Dark A band_____Light I band_____Nuclei_____Skeletal muscle fiber504825276225Match the number on the figure to the specific structure that identifies it._____A band_____Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)_____I band_____Skeletal muscle fiber_____H zone_____Terminal cisternae of SR_____M line_____Transverse (T) tubule_____Mitochondria_____Triad_____Myofibril(s)_____Z disc_____SarcolemmaDIRECTIONS: Match the letter of the description and/or function to the muscle structure that defines it.A. Point of contact between a motor neuron and skeletal muscle fiber_____EndomysiumB. Large oval organelle in muscle fiber that controls protein synthesis_____SarcolemmaC. Specialized smooth ER that releases calcium ions during contraction_____SarcoplasmD. Contractile protein structures that compose sarcomeres_____NucleusE. Membrane-bound organelles that synthesize adenosine triphosphate_____MitochondriaF. Three membranous structures that facilitate simultaneous contraction_____MyofibrilsG. Cell membrane of skeletal muscle fiber that transports ions_____Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)H. Large organelle located in neuroglia that synthesize myelin sheath_____Transverse (T) tubuleI. Contractile units of thick and thin filaments that compose myofibrils _____TriadJ. Areolar connective tissue that covers each skeletal muscle fiber_____Motor neuronK. Rod-like organelles composed of myofilaments that contract_____Motor end plateL. Specialized cell that releases acetylcholine to begin contraction _____Nucleus of Schwann cellM. Cytoplasm of skeletal muscle fiber where contraction occursN. Tube-like extension of sarcolemma that increases cell’s surface areaMASTERING A&P PHYSIOEX LAB EXERCISESKELETAL MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGYIn order to understand skeletal muscle physiology, it is important to understand specific factors that affect contraction, such as voltage and stimulus frequency. To investigate these factors, log into Mastering A&P and perform the following lab activities in Lab Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology in PhysioEx 9.1.ACTIVITY 2: The Effect of Stimulus Voltage on Skeletal Muscle ContractionFollow the directions below to complete this lab activity:Log into Mastering A&PClick on “Study Area (myA&P)” (a new window will open after clicking the link)In the “Study Area (myA&P)” window, click on “PhysioEx 9.1” located on the left side under “Lab Study” (a new window will open after clicking the link)Click on “Access PhysioEx 9.1” (a new window will open after clicking the link)In the “PhysioEx 9.1” window, select “Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology” (a drop-down menu will appear)Select “Activity 2: The Effect of Stimulus Voltage on Skeletal Muscle Contraction”After selecting “Activity 2”, the PhysioEx 9.1 window will refresh to allow access into “Activity 2”Before beginning the lab activity, click the “Overview” and “Introduction” tabs and read the information provided. Answer the pre-lab questions based on this information.After answering the pre-lab questions, click the “Experiment” tab and follow the step-by-step directions to perform the experiment.After completing the experiment, click “Submit” and then click the “Lab Report” tab – click on “Continue” when the dialog box appearsWhen the lab report is generated, click “Save to PDF” – open the PDF file and print PAGES 2 – 10Staple PAGES 2 – 10 of the lab report to this part of the Unit 3 Lab PortfolioPRE-LAB QUESTIONS:Before beginning the experiment, answer the pre-lab questions based on the information provided in the “Overview” and “Introduction” tabs.Skeletal muscles are composed of hundreds to thousands of individual cells, called ____________________, which produce ____________________, also referred to as ____________________.Can electrical stimulation generate muscle contractions? (Yes or No)___________________A single contraction of a whole skeletal muscle is called a ____________________.What are the three phases of a muscle twitch?_________________________________________________________________________________________________The ____________________ is the time period between muscle stimulation and muscle response.What occurs intracellularly during the latent period? Name one specific organelle involved in this process._________________________________________________________________________________________________What phase of the muscle twitch involves myofilaments forming cross bridges, which causes muscle tension to develop?_________________________What phase of the muscle twitch involves the muscle fibers returning to rest, which ends muscle contraction?_________________________What will be investigated in Activity 2?_________________________________________________________________________________________________How do muscle fibers respond to an increase in voltage? _________________________________________________________________________________________________Does an increase in voltage cause an increase or decrease in muscle force?_________________________POST-LAB QUESTIONS:After performing the experiment, use the experiment data and the graphs in the lab report to answer the post-lab questions.What was the threshold voltage (minimum voltage) necessary to generate active force (contraction) of the muscle? (Answer in volts)_________________________What was the maximum voltage applied to the muscle, which did not produce any significant change in the active force? (Answer in volts)_________________________Why did the active force of the muscle increase throughout the experiment?_________________________________________________________________________________________________ACTIVITY 3: The Effect of Stimulus Frequency on Skeletal Muscle ContractionFollow the directions below to complete this lab activity:Log into Mastering A&PClick on “Study Area (myA&P)” (a new window will open after clicking the link)In the “Study Area (myA&P)” window, click on “PhysioEx 9.1” located on the left side under “Lab Study” (a new window will open after clicking the link)Click on “Access PhysioEx 9.1” (a new window will open after clicking the link)In the “PhysioEx 9.1” window, select “Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology” (a drop-down menu will appear)Select “Activity 3: The Effect of Stimulus Frequency on Skeletal Muscle Contraction”After selecting “Activity 3”, the PhysioEx 9.1 window will refresh to allow access into “Activity 3”Before beginning the lab activity, click the “Introduction” tab and read the information provided. Answer the pre-lab questions based on this information.After answering the pre-lab questions, click the “Experiment” tab and follow the step-by-step directions to perform the experiment.After completing the experiment, click “Submit” and then click the “Lab Report” tab – click on “Continue” when the dialog box appearsWhen the lab report is generated, click “Save to PDF” – open the PDF file and print PAGES 2 – 4Staple PAGES 2 – 4 of the lab report to this part of the Unit 3 Lab PortfolioPRE-LAB QUESTIONS:Before beginning the experiment, answer the pre-lab questions based on the information provided in the “Introduction” tab.____________________, also, known as the staircase effect, is the progressive increase in force generated when a muscle is stimulated in succession.Does the strength of a muscle contraction increase or decrease when the skeletal muscle is repeatedly stimulated?_________________________ ____________________ is achieved by increasing ____________________, which is the rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle.POST-LAB QUESTIONS:After performing the experiment, use the experiment data and the graphs in the lab report to answer the post-lab questions.Did the active force increase or decrease as the muscle was stimulated in repeated succession?_________________After repeated stimulation of the muscle at 8.5 volts, was a plateau effect noticed in the graph? (Yes or No)What was the maximum active force achieved after repeated stimulation of the muscle at 8.5 volts? (Answer in grams)_________________________ ................

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