Bones Worksheet

Bones Worksheet

1. The figure below is a lateral view of the head. Label the following bones. After you have labeled the bones, coloring them using the following chart:

maxilla – yellow parietal bone – light blue

mandible – light green temporal bone – dark blue

nasal bone – purple occipital bone – dark green

frontal bone – red zygomatic bone - orange

2. The figure below is an anterior view of the head. After you have labeled the bone, color them using the previous color-coding chart.

3. The figure below is an inferior view of the head (with mandible removed). Label the bones and color-code according to the chart below:

palatine bone – orange occipital bone – dark green

maxilla – yellow

4. The figure below is a lateral view of the vertebral column. Label each of the following regions and color-code according to the chart below.

thoracic – dark green sacrum - red

coccyx – dark blue cervical – orange

lumbar – yellow

5. The figure below is an anterior view of the thorax. Label the subdivisions of the rib cage and color-code according to the chart below.

body – purple manubrium – light blue

ribs – red xiphoid process – dark green

How many pairs of ribs do women have? _______ pairs

How many pairs of ribs do men have? _______ pairs

Is the thorax shown above considered to be part of the axial skeleton or appendicular skeleton? ________________________________

6. The figure below is an anterior view of the pelvis. Label the following parts and color-code according to the chart below.

ischium – orange ilium – dark blue

pubis – purple sacrum - red

7. The figure below is a diagram of the hand. Identify the following bones and color-code according to the chart below.

phalanges – light green carpals - purple

radius - orange metacarpals – light blue

ulna - red

Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings:

8. Tibia Ulna Fibula Femur

9. Manubrium Body Xiphoid process Styloid process

1 0. Skull Rib cage Vertebral column Pelvis

11. Ischium Scapula Ilium Pubis

12. Frontal Zygomatic Temporal Occipital

13. Humerus Tarsals Radius Ulna

14. Identify the following bones:

Color the bones of the axial skeleton blue and the bones of the appendicular skeleton red.


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