Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan 3

State Standards

GLE 0807.12.1 Investigate the relationship between magnetism and electricity

SPI 0807.12.2 Recognize that electricity can be produced using a magnet and wire coil.

Learning Objectives

-students will have a better understanding of electrical energy

-students will have a better understanding of electromagnetism

-students will be introduced EV’s


45-55 minutes


-promethean board

-paper. Pencils, calculators

-poster boards, markers

Materials: none


Electro- magnetism, electrical energy, EV(electric cars)

Attention Grabber(Promethean Board)

The teacher will show the video to introduce these concepts. )) After viewing the video, the teachers says, “ Electrical energy from a battery can power an electrical motor that then makes motion. The energy in a battery is a form of chemical energy, since it is produced by either an electrical charge being created by ions in the battery or by getting its charge from the sun (chemical energy created by the fusion in the core of the sun) that is

collected on solar panels. Electrical energy can also be produced and stored by a

battery, using mechanical motion. The alternator in a car runs when the motor runs,

producing electricity which is stored by a battery. This is the same as the way a turbine

works. When metal spins in a coil made of copper wires, it creates an electrical charge,

which can be stored. “


“Now we are going to sketch out an electro-magnet and label it parts.( students viewed this in the video). Once you have sketched this, then explain how it fits into the bigger picture- Generator. How does the generator work? How does the electric motor work on EV’s?( Students use paper and pencil to sketch out these ideas) Once finished, they come together as a group(groups of 5) and sketch their individual electro magnets on the poster board. They also list “nuggets” of knowledge, facts about the generator, electro magnet, and electric motors.

Closure Activity

Students share in their groups their sketches and findings with the rest of the class.


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