FWS Pd - Quia

FWS Pd ____ _____________________

Date _______________ _____________________

Vivid Verbs

AIM: ________________________________________________________________________

Do Now: Read May Swenson’s poem and circle as many verbs as you can identify associated with the sunset’s actions.

Part I

Ornamental Sketch With Verbs by May Swenson

Sunset runs in a seam

over the brows of buildings ___________________________________

dropping west to the river,

turns the street to a gilded stagger, ___________________________________

makes the girl on skates,

the man with the block of ice, ___________________________________

the basement landlady calling her cat

creatures in a dream, ___________________________________

scales with salamander-red ___________________________________

the window-pitted walls,

hairs the gutters with brindled light, ___________________________________

helmets cars and boys on bikes

and double-dazzles ___________________________________

the policeman's portly coat,

halos the coal truck where ___________________________________

nuggets race from a golden sled,

festoons lampposts to fantastic trees, ___________________________________

lacquers sooty roofs and pavements,

floats in every puddle ___________________________________

pinks of cloud,

flamingos all the pigeons, ___________________________________

grands all dogs to chows,

enchants the ash cans into urns ___________________________________

and fire-escape to Orleans balconies.

Vivid Verbs [Viv: Latin for ] ____________________________________________________________

Part II

|Nouns |Occupation: _____________ + Job-related verbs |

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Part III: “Let’s do the numbers”

Imagine you’re writing for the public radio show “Marketplace” and you’re reporting on the day’s stock market results. You (and your listeners) get bored of always reporting prices “rose” or “fell.”

Your job is to report either an increase or decrease in share prices for ____ companies using vivid verbs that you tailor to that particular company.

Here are examples of companies you can use in your report but you can replace them:

|Nike |Starbucks |

|Exxon Mobil |General Motors |

|Coca-Cola |Union Pacific (railroad company) |

|Netflix |AT & T |

| | |

i.e. For Facebook, you might report that “the price logged in at a record low of $20.19” or

that “there’s a lot to like about the price increase of 50 cents.”

Read Wendy Kelleher’s “A Very Boring Story” and revise verbs, tense, and sentence variety.

A girl went into a room. She sat down. She looked out the window. A boy went into the room. He looked at the girl, then sat down next to her. They looked out the window. They saw a friend coming into the same room.

The friend said, “Hi, you guys. What are you doing?”

They said, “We are looking out of the window. What are you doing?”

He said, “I’m looking at you.”

He sat down next to them. They looked out of the window. They were very bored. The girl went out of the room. The boy went out of the room. The other boy went out of the room.


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