|CRITERION |1 (Significantly deficient) |2 (Somewhat deficient) |3 (Adequate) |4 (Proficient) |

|PURPOSE |Writing rarely summarizes; consistently |Writing summarizes in some parts, but |Writing summarizes adequately in most |Writing summarizes throughout; purpose is |

|To what degree does the writing demonstrate the writer’s |strays from purpose. |occasionally strays from purpose. |parts, but strays from purpose in one or|consistently apparent. |

|intent to summarize? | | |two areas. | |

| |

|CONTENT (FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT) | Writing consistently reflects lack of |Writing reflects only partial | Writing reflects good literal |Writing reflects strong literal, |

|To what degree does the writing demonstrate comprehension|comprehension of the text summarized. |comprehension of the text summarized. |comprehension of the text summarized. |inferential, and critical comprehension of|

|of the text summarized? | | | |the text summarized. |

| | | | | |

|To what degree are relevant details from the text (a) | | | | |

|used to support the presentation of main idea(s) and (b) | | | | |

|restated in the writer’s own words? | | | | |

| |Writing fails to present relevant |Writing presents details that support |Writing presents relevant details that |Writing presents relevant details that |

| |details from the text summarized in |identified main ideas, but such details |adequately support identified main |strongly support identified main ideas; |

| |support of main ideas identified. |may be inadequate in number, only |ideas, but these details may |these details are effectively presented. |

| | |partially developed, or ineffectively |occasionally be ineffectively presented.| |

| | |presented. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|STYLE |Sentence structure is consistently |Sentence structure is often ineffective,|Sentence structure is effective and |Sentence structure is consistently |

|To what degree does the writing demonstrate effective |ineffective, or immature. |or immature. |mature most of the time. |effective and mature. |

|syntax (sentence structure), maturity and appropriateness|Language skills (word choice, |Language skills (word choice, |Language skills (word choice, |Language skills (word choice, vocabulary) |

|of language skills (word choice, vocabulary)? |vocabulary) consistently lacks maturity |vocabulary) often lacks maturity and |vocabulary) is generally mature and |is strongly and consistently appropriate |

|To what degree does the writing demonstrate an awareness |and appropriateness. |appropriateness. |appropriate. |to a college-level paper. |

|of audience in terms of characteristics, background |Writing demonstrates no awareness of |Writing demonstrates minimal awareness |Writing demonstrates adequate awareness |Writing demonstrates strong awareness of |

|knowledge, level of interest and level of formality? |audience’s characteristics, background |of audience’s characteristics, |of audience’s characteristics, |audience’s characteristics, background |

| |knowledge, level of interest and level |background knowledge, level of interest |background knowledge, level of interest |knowledge, level of interest and level of |

| |of formality. |and level of formality. |and level of formality. |formality. |

| | | | | |

|CORRECTNESS |Writing consistently violates standards |Writing frequently violates standards |Writing occasionally violates standards |Writing consistently conforms to standards|

|To what degree does the document adhere to standards |governing the conventions of written |governing the conventions of written |governing the conventions of written |governing the conventions of written |

|governing the conventions of written expression (e.g., |expression. |expression. |expression. |expression. |

|agreement, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling)? | | | | |

| |

|FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS |Writing does not comply with formatting |Writing contains several errors in |Writing contains one or two errors in |Writing contains no errors in formatting. |

|To what degree does the document comply with formatting |requirements. |formatting, some of which are |formatting that do not significantly | |

|requirements specified by the scholarly style adopted or | |significant. |detract from the quality of the work. | |

|by the instructor (e.g., title page, bibliography)? | | | | |


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