Module 1: Skills Practice

Module 1: Skills Practice

Participant A

1. Tony

You are a 40 year-old HIV-positive male. You have a live-in female main partner and have sex with male partners. The physician you’ve been seeing for 2 years has just informed you that you are infected with secondary syphilis and provides treatment. You have sex fairly regularly with men you meet at the clubs, several different friends whom you have known for a couple years, and your girlfriend.

When you have sex with men, you assume that they are HIV+ unless they tell you otherwise. You do not use condoms with people you assume to be living with HIV. You have no problem using condoms with men who ask you to or who state that they do not have HIV. You do not initiate the conversation about your sex partners’ HIV status but have no problem telling people you are HIV infected.

• Interact with the provider normally.

• Disclose any information he/she requests.

• Offer other information, if you would like. Improvise!


2. Yelena’s Health Care Provider

Your patient is a 34-year-old female who tested positive for HIV 3 years ago. Her name is Yelena, and she is new to your practice. She was seen at your office for her first HIV care appointment 1 month ago when she complained of a discharge and vaginal irritation. She was diagnosed with a yeast infection. In her short time with you, she has missed 3 appointments and is not a good historian. You suspect she has a substance abuse problem. She’s here today for a follow-up exam to her yeast infection.

• Develop an opening statement.

• Use open-ended questions to begin the risk assessment – focus on who, what and how.

• Use close-ended questions to get more specific information.

Module 1: Skills Practice

Participant B

1. Tony’s Health Care Provider

Your patient is a 40 year-old HIV-positive male, who has been in care for 2 years. You referred him to a dermatologist for a rash and inform him today that he has secondary syphilis. He is treated today and has no additional symptoms.

• Form an opening statement – in previous visits Tony has disclosed that he has sex, not only with his steady girlfriend, but with men as well. You have not, however, done a comprehensive assessment for sexual and other risky behaviors.

• Use open-ended questions to begin the risk assessment – focus on who, what and how.

• Use close-ended questions to get more specific information


2. Yelena

You are Yelena, a 34-year-old female who tested positive for HIV 3 years ago. You were referred to this particular provider about 3 months ago but have only been in care for 1 month because you’ve missed a few appointments. You have a history of injection drug use and are trying to quit using, but have slipped and have had sex with another male partner in addition to your boyfriend, Tony. You are here today as a follow-up for a yeast infection. You were given miconazole cream and scheduled to come back last week but you missed that appointment because you feel okay.

• Interact with the provider normally.

• Disclose any information he/she requests.

• Offer other information, if you would like. Improvise!


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