VARK | a guide to learning styles

ONLINE COURSE ORIENTATIONA template for the online teacherThis template has been designed for teachers who have students learning online. It is not a resource that can be sent to the students unaltered. It requires the teacher to customize it for their subject(s) and their students. It could be used to introduce the teacher at the start of the teaching and also used to offer advice about Online Learning. It includes opportunities for the teacher to explain their requirements and their expectations and advice about online learning. Cut and paste the points and strategies that will be really helpful for your students and add others that you know about and they can use. Who am I? (My orientation) Delete those that are not required and complete those that need more information. You could also use this as a checklist. Your students could select the statements that they find are likely to be the most helpful for their learning.I am your teacher for this course and I have been teaching online successfully for _____I have taught this course for ____My previous students in online courses have said that my teaching was ____I like to use these technologies in my courses and if you have not used these before I can help you learn from them. (audio, videos, podcasts, readings, examples, exercises that prepare you for tests…)I communicate with my students using these media: texts, discussions and critiques, assignments emails, Facebook, ZOOM sessions, Skype allows me to know how you are feeling about your progress and to give you opportunities to raise questions. I like to use tests so that I know how my students are progressing and where they need help. I understand that my students learn in different ways and that I need to recognise those differences and design learning tasks to suit them.I know that some students find online learning difficult and many do not complete their course so I will try to motivate my students using encouragement and making tasks manageable.I will be ready to answer questions promptly so that my students can feel supported. We know from research that students often learn as much from other students as they do from teaching so I will try and provide links to other students in this course and cater for those who like to work in teams and groups. Video conferencing may be useful for this. I can help with your time management skills and designing a study schedule and routines.I may be able to be flexible with some requirements. e.g. extra time, other resources…Online learning makes significant use of VARK’s Read-write preference so if you have a low score for that preference, I will try to help with any tasks that use that mode.How will I get to know you? (Your Orientation) I will send you some questions on a worksheet that will help me to know something about you.I will start at the very beginning of the course material so that you are quickly on task.There is a syllabus for this course and you can indicate to me the parts that you might find difficult and those that may be easier.There is an assignment plan so you know what you have to do and how much time is necessary for you to be successful. The assignments include multi-choice tests, paragraph answers, longer essays, problem-solving tasks, projects, practical work, gathering information from a variety of sources, using your prior knowledge, using your own environment and sources. You can ask me for additional resources or different ways to learn. You can teach me in new ways that I have not used before.You can tell me about your other commitments that may use your time.You need to have technology skills and access to a reliable internet connection. You can tell me about that. There are also tracking programs that you can find online so you know if you are on track for success. My OU Strategy This is one of my best suggestions for online and other learning. It has helped many of my learners and it may help you to succeed in your course. What is OU? The initials are for The OTHER YOU and it refers to the negative vibes and voices that invade your head when you are learning. It is the “little voices” that are determined to distract you into time wasting - otherwise known as PROCRASTINATION. Here are some examples that my students have told me about OU tactics. Jane “When I am preparing for some study time, OU (she is a person in my head) suggests that we should first of all rearrange my study space or shift the resources I am using to another area.” Dao “OU convinced me to write home rather than finish the assignment.“ Chad“My OU told me that I was way too hungry to do any study and that I should go out and buy some food.” Ryan“I had a whole morning set aside on my schedule for an essay due in two days and Mr OU said that that was much too long and we could do it easily the next day as the deadline was still a week away. So, I went driving with my friends. I was late sending it in.”Michelle “My OU upsets my routines by wanting to shift from one assignment to another. I need to stay longer on each task so I keep moving and get things finished in time.”Meaghen“The OU strategy is simple but effective. It can be used to minimise procrastination. During my online study, sometimes I could not stop OU from winning so it is good to have a strategy in clear words so you can say “No! You need to do it NOW!”What can you do to combat OU? You have to deal with OU by bargaining. That is the only way to close him/her down. When OU makes a time-wasting suggestion, start your bargaining by arguing back.Say “Yes. I will rearrange the room (or eat some food, or text a message home or go driving with friends) – BUT, ONLY AFTER DOING THE WORK I HAVE SCEHDULED FOR NOW!!!During your study week work with people in your course and get ideas and help from them. That keeps OU away.Some other tried-and-tested suggestions for online success.Take a break from study (but not when OU says so).Contribute to discussions and feedback sessions. Accept offers of help. There may be opportunities to contact your tutors and teachers in their “office hours”.Make a study plan and let it rule your life. Have a space that is for learning. One of my students taped a ribbon around an area in her bedroom that was for study. Another area that was for relaxation, texting friends and emailing folks at home. Having a separate space between university and normal daily life can help. Use your desk as a barrier.Build change and variety into your study schedule so you don’t get bored with the sameness of a single task for too long. ................

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