Single Patient IND


FDA Approved

Risks Associated with Temozolomide

Frequent (Between a 10-50% chance that this will happen)

• Feeling tired, tiredness, weakness

• Hairloss

• Difficulty passing stool

• Diarrhea, which is frequent, loose watery stools, which can cause dehydration and may require hospitalization and treatment with intravenous fluids. Severe and prolonged diarrhea can be life-threatening.

• Dizziness

• Muscle weakness of the whole body

• Difficulty sleeping or falling asleep; unable to sleep

• Memory impairment

• Feeling sick to the stomach, vomiting

Occasional (Between a 1-10% chance that this will happen)

• A low number of white blood cells that may increase the risk of infection. It may become life- threatening. Symptoms of infection may include fever, pain, redness, and/or difficulty breathing.

• Low number of red blood cells that can causes tiredness and shortness of breath. May require a blood transfusion.

• Headache

• Convulsion or seizure

• Low number of platelets, which may cause bleeding and bruising. Bleeding may be serious or life threatening and may required a blood transfusion.

Rare (Less than a 1% chance that this will happen)

• Allergic reaction that may include a rash, hives, fever, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. Although usually reversible with treatment, it can be severe or life threatening.

• Skin irritation, rash

• A second cancer related to the treatment of your first cancer. This usually occurs years after treatment for the first cancer.

• Damage to the bone marrow (irreversible) which may cause infection, bleeding, and may require blood transfusions.

• Severe skin rash with blisters and can involve inside of mouth and other parts of the body.




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