Martha Lake Elementary School




Our mission is to create an environment that offers all students opportunities to participate in challenging, authentic and collaborative inquiry by providing engaging learning experiences reflective of diverse teaching and learning styles.

Martha Lake Elementary

17500 Larch Way

Lynnwood, WA 98037

Main Office: 425-431-7766

Fax: 425-431-7764




o Arrival Time

o Absences

o Becca Law

o Early Dismissal

o Family Vacations


o Accidents

o Illness

o School Nurse

o Emergency Numbers

o Life Threatening Conditions

o Medication

o Health Screenings

o General Good Health

o Immunizations


o Volunteers

o Conferences

o Transfer/Withdraw

o School and Community Information

o Visiting School

o Identification of Student Property

o Change in contact information

o Electronic Records

o Student Permanent Record

o Other Rights

o Federal Family Education Rights

o Student Services

o Martha Lake PTA

o Community Use – Gym

o Clothes for Kids


o Field Trip

o Field Trip Volunteers



o Pick Up ad Drop Off

o Walking to School

o Bicycles / Scooters / Skateboards

o Weather Emergency Notice

o School Closed

o Two Hours Late


o No Tolerance for Violence

o Safe School Tip Line

o District Policy

o Alcohol and Drug Use Policy


o Physical Behaviors

o Verbal Behaviors

o Intimidating Behaviors

o Socially Alienating Behaviors


o Definition of Bullying

o Often Includes

o Prevention by Adults

o Prevention by Students

o Consequences

o Retaliation / False Allegations



o Do not bring to school

o Dress Code

o School Telephone Use

o Cell Phones

o Rules for Playground


o Food Service

o Instrumental Music

o Physical Education

o Pictures

o Safety Patrol

o Lost and Found

o Recess

o Lunch Recess Activities

Message from our Principal

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Martha Lake Elementary! At our school, we know that every student is special and believe that all students can learn to high standards. Our dedicated staff works hard to make this a reality. We provide a positive environment that is cooperative, supportive and challenging, and meets the diverse needs of our students.

We invite parents and the community to join us in the important job of educating your children. Our families understand the importance of daily reading, supporting children with homework, and staying in touch with teachers. We also have many volunteers who assist in classrooms, the library, and other parts of the school. Additionally, our wonderful PTA provides numerous enrichment opportunities for students and contributes financially to the school. We encourage you to participate at Martha Lake in whatever ways are appropriate to your family.

This handbook is intended to provide you with an easy reference to the policies and procedures of the school. Each week, information about the instructional program and upcoming events will be sent home via e-mail and in our Take Home Tuesday packets, as well as regular communications from your child’s classroom teacher. Occasionally, we may broadcast voice mail messages to homes regarding time sensitive information.

I will be available to discuss your questions, concerns and comments about Martha Lake. Please feel free to call the school for an appointment or to leave a message. I look forward to creating a productive relationship with your family. We can work together to support a quality education for your child.


Tom Trexel

Attendance Policies

ARRIVAL TIME AT SCHOOL: School hours are 8:40 am to 3:10 pm. Children should arrive between 8:25 - 8:30 am, unless they are having breakfast which is served starting at 8:10am. There is LIMITED outside supervision available as staff is preparing for the school day. Classroom doors open at 8:35 am and the tardy bell rings at 8:40 am.



If your child is going to be late or absent, please call 425-431-1215 or 425-431-7766, to notify the office that your child is safe.

Our state law reads that illness and injury are the only excusable absences. Medical appointments, bereavement and pre-approved vacations also qualify as excused absences. Verification of student absences and tardiness is a check on student’s safe arrival at school, truancy and health trends. Upon a student’s return to school, families are required to send a note for each separate absence. The note should include the date of absence, nature of illness, and the family signature. After 10 excused absences, family must submit a doctor’s note. Verification of medical appointments is requested upon arrival at school.

Notes requesting an excused absence for illness must be received within 48 hours of the student’s return to school.


The Compulsory Attendance Law, Chapter 28A.225 RCW (Becca Bill) requires all parents, guardians and Washington residents having custody of any child between and including the ages of eight to eighteen to “cause such child to attend the public school in which the child resides” unless the child attends private school or the superintendent excuses the child.

Each child must attend school unless there is a valid reason, i.e. illness, for not attending. If a child has one unexcused absence, or 5 unexcused tardies, the parent(s) will receive a letter notifying them of the unexcused absence. If a child has two unexcused absences, a conference will be arranged with the parent or guardian. Upon the fifth unexcused absence within any month during the current school year or upon the tenth unexcused absence during the current school year, the school district must file a petition with the juvenile court alleging a violation of the State Compulsory Attendance law. Parents may be subject to a fine of $25 per day for each day a child is absent from school without a lawful excuse.


We discourage the securing of dental or doctor appointments during school hours or having the students excused early for other reasons. For learning purposes, afternoons are better than mornings for appointments. The child must be excused through the office.





Although this is a special family time, we ask you to consider the following when planning your vacation so that absences can be recorded as excused when possible: A school calendar has been provided to assist families in planning vacation during school breaks. If you must take vacation time while school is in session, complete a “Request for Excused Absence” form at least two weeks prior to your student’s absence. Forms are available from the office, in this handbook or on the Martha Lake website. Requests may be denied due to: previous absences, low academic performance, and standardized testing window time frame.

Student achievement and classroom attendance are positively related. We encourage you to plan your family vacation during school breaks. When your child returns, he/she is responsible for making up missed assignments. Please do not ask teachers to pre-plan individual lessons based on missed classroom instruction.

Health and Student Well Being


If a child is seriously injured at school, an adult competent in first aid will give him emergency first aid treatment. The parents/guardians will be called immediately. If they are not home, the contact listed on the enrollment form will be called. If no one is available to come for the child, we will use our best judgment on whether to call the Fire Department Aid Unit or to keep the child in the health room.

If the injury or illness is a potential life-threatening situation, 911 will be called first, and then the parents/guardians will be contacted.

Often students will come to the office when they have bumped their head. If there is evidence of an injury/or symptoms we will send the student home with a bump band and a report. Office staff will also call and notify the parent/guardian.

ILLNESS: Throughout the year a number of children become ill at school. Our procedure in caring for these students is as follows: The child’s temperature is taken and it is decided whether or not the child should go home. Often a short rest in the health room is all that is needed. If the child has a temperature over 100 degrees and/or is throwing up, we will notify the family and send the student home. Children will not be sent home until someone; parent or other person designated on the emergency list, has been notified AND is available to pick up the child from school. Students dismissed early may not walk home alone. It is essential that the office has updated phone numbers for illness and emergency purposes.

Please do not send children to school until they are able to take part in the full school program, including recess. Supervision is not available in classrooms during recess.

SCHOOL NURSE: Our school nurse is at Martha Lake Elementary on a part-time basis. She will be happy to consult with parents regarding student health problems. Of course, nurses are not permitted to diagnose or prescribe treatment. Please contact her at 425-431-1070.

WE MUST HAVE EMERGENCY NUMBERS! Please help by giving us valid emergency numbers. We must be able to contact parents when children are sick or injured.

LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS: Children with life-threatening conditions such as severe bee sting or severe food allergies, severe asthma, diabetes, severe seizures, or other at-risk conditions are required to have a medication or treatment order and a nursing plan in place before they start school. Please contact our school nurse to set up a plan for your child.

MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: According to state law of 1982, RCW 28A.31, Chapter 195, any medication, including over-the-counter type such as aspirin, to be administered to a student at school must be requested and authorized in writing by a parent or legal guardian and the physician (forms available in school office). Before administering any medication, an authorized employee shall determine that the medication is in the original pharmacy or manufacturer’s container with the name of the student, name of medication, specific dosage, mode and time of administration, and name of physician.


The Edmonds School District conducts Vision and Hearing Screening tests for applicable students at Martha Lake Elementary in the Fall.

GENERAL GOOD HEALTH: It is wise for all children to have an occasional check-up. It is recommended that boys and girls who plan to take part in school games/sports have a physical examination.

Please check your children for signs of skin or eye infection, symptoms of contagious diseases, and particularly signs of over-tiredness.

Students should not come to school if they have a fever and must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicines before returning to school after an illness.

Some children have a tendency to become nervous under the routine of a school program. Biting fingernails, continued eye blinking, or other nervous indications should be reported to the teacher, school nurse, or family doctor.

Please let us know about any pre-existing illness or condition of the child, which might affect his/her school life. Students with Life-threatening Health Conditions may not start school without a consultation with our school nurse to assure all safety precautions are in place at school for the child.

IMMUNIZATIONS: The school immunization law (RCW 28A.210.060170), effective September 1, 1979, requires that all students attending kindergarten through sixth grade must present proof of the minimum immunization. Exemptions from immunizations are allowed for medical reasons, when certified or signed by a licensed physician, or for religious, philosophical or personal objections, when signed by parent or guardian.

The Immunization Rules and Regulations state that: Any student enrolling in school who fails to provide documentation of full immunization, or proof of either medical, religious, philosophical, or personal objections, before or on the child’s first day of attendance, shall be excluded from school until acceptable Certificate of Status form is submitted to the chief administrator of the school.

Grades K-4: 5* DTP/ 4* Polio/ 2 MMR/ 3 HEP B/ 2 Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Grade 5: 5* DTP/ 4* Polio/ 2 MMR/ 3 HEP B / 1 Varicella

Grade 6: 5*DTP/ 4*Polio/2 MMR / 3 HEP B /1 Varicella /1Tdap **

* - 4 DTP or 3 Polio if last given on or after the 4th birthday

** - if 11 years of age or older and if last DTaP, DT, or Td was more than 5 years ago

If you have any questions, contact the school. Certificate of Immunization Status forms are available in the school office.



Active parent involvement is encouraged at Martha Lake School. Each year volunteers must complete a Washington State Patrol Background Check and a Volunteer disclosure form prior to beginning volunteer work at school. Forms are available in the office or on line at Click the tab for Community and then Volunteer Opportunities. All volunteers are required to check in at the office upon arrival and to wear identification obtained from the office. Please return the I.D. and check out before leaving the building.


K – 6 parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled October 23 – 27. Early dismissal will be at 11:40 for all students during conference week and school lunch will be available for those students needing to purchase one. Additionally, parents may request conferences at anytime throughout the year. Report cards will be issued on or about February 1 and on the last day of school in June. They are available electronically in skyward unless you request a paper copy.


If you plan to move during the school year, please notify the school office immediately (at least one week prior to the final day) to allow for a smooth transition and transfer of school records. Please note: If your child has outstanding fines (lost books; lunch money) not all of the school record can be sent to the new school until the fines have been paid.


A weekly electronic communication will be sent to all families who have provided e-mail addresses. Hard copies will also be sent to those families without e-mail. Other flyers and teacher communications will be sent home on Tuesdays. Please check with your student. Teacher letters are printed on peach paper for easy identification.

VISITING SCHOOL: Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit school. Classroom visits that are planned in advance are most successful. In fact School Board Policy requires that prior arrange-ments be made. For the protection of child-ren, all parents are required to check in at the school office when coming to the school and wear an identification badge. The School Board has the following agreement with its employees regarding visiting school:

It is recognized by the parties that the patrons of the District have the right to observe the educational program of the District. Patrons visiting a classroom shall obtain the approval of the principal. The time shall be arranged after the principal has conferred privately with the employee.

When you are bringing items forgotten by your child (e.g., lunches, books, money, etc.), please bring them to the school office. We will call at an appropriate time and make sure your child receives the item. This will insure less interruption of classes and we will know the identity of all adults who are on the school grounds.

You will find the office of the Principal always open for visitation or consultation. Since the schedule of the Principal is not a set one, it is always advisable to telephone for an appointment.


Parents are requested to plaily mark all purses, lunch pails back packs, and articles of clothing children might leave at school. Many unclaimed articles could be returned if they were properly marked.


Permanent records follow your child through his/her school years so please keep them up to date.


Parents may view electronic information on file for their students at any time. Please contact our office for log in information.


The school maintains a record on each student which is sent to the middle school at the completion of elementary school. Records contain a summary of each year’s grades, testing, and attendance data. Also, summaries of parent conferences and teacher anecdotal materials are kept.

Parents have the right to inspect and review student education records by submitting a written request to the school principal. Parents may also request the amendment of these records by writing to the school principal.

Detailed information is included with first day packets and/or upon registration. If you wish a copy of the entire FERPA law, please contact the Records Manager, Edmonds School District No. 15 at 425-431-7142.


The Parent/Student Rights in Identification, Evaluation & Placement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 grants specific rights to students with disabilities. The intent of the law is to keep you fully informed concerning decisions about your child and to inform you of your rights if you disagree with any of these decisions. Detailed information is included with first day packets and/or upon registration. You can obtain an overview from the school office or contact the Student Services Office at 425-431-7176.


The District is required to protect families from unauthorized release of certain information about students. However, “directory information” may be released without permission of parents, unless parents notify their child’s school, in writing, of their objection by October 1st. Forms are available on line at

Directory information is routinely used by the District in news releases, school event programs, and student directories. Such information is also released for the purpose of providing educational, scholarship, vocational/ occupational and/or military information and services.

Directory information includes: student’s name, parent’s name, phone number, address, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and athletics, weight/height for members of athletic teams, grade in school, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and previous educational agency or institution attended by student.


The Edmonds School District offers a number of special services to students through Special Education funded programs.

Special classes are available for students with identified learning disabilities that interfere significantly with their education progress. Support services to students who qualify are provided by Speech and Hearing Therapists, Physical/Occupational Therapists, School Psychologists, and Itinerant Teachers.

Parents who feel their child has a possible learning disability that significantly affects his/her school progress should contact the school principal (425-431-7765) or Student Services (425-431-7200).


We are fortunate at Martha Lake to have a very active and supportive PTA group. Membership includes parents, students and school staff; who work together to promote the health, welfare, safety and education of all Martha Lake students. Every parent/guardian is invited to join and become an advocate for all children at Martha Lake. There are so many ways to contribute. Please feel free to contact a board member and let them know how and where you can help. For more information, please visit


Any group or organization wishing to use school facilities on part-time or regularly scheduled basis should contact the District office at 425-431-3844 and discuss your respective requests. Building Use forms must be filled out and approved by the District Facilities Coordinator. All users must secure liability insurance and include the District as an Additional Insured prior to using the facilities.


Any Snohomish County school child who qualifies for free or reduced lunch at their school automatically qualifies for Clothes For Kids.

For students in the Edmonds, Everett, Marysville, Monroe, Mukilteo or Snohomish school districts:  Parents simply request our Requisition for Clothing form from the school office.

The form has all the information needed on it—dates and times we are open, directions, even a map. No appointment is necessary, but families must bring the form with them when they come to get clothes.

Students may visit Clothes for Kids twice a year, once in the fall and again after the first of the new year.



Your child’s class may schedule field trips during the year. Students may participate only with signed permission from their parent or guardian. Forms will be provided by your child’s teacher or can be found on the District Web Site at Click the tab for About Us and chose Frequently Requested Forms.

A fee may be charged to cover admission and/or to pay for transportation. Please make payments promptly. Checks should be made payable to “Edmonds School District”. Contact your child’s teacher immediately if the field trip cost is a financial difficulty. Payment plans can be provided. No child will be excluded from an educationally based field trip because of financial circumstance.

Refunds are possible if a child misses a field trip because of illness. Contact your child’s teacher if requesting a refund.


Volunteer Chaperones are essential to a successful field trip. Please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible if you are available to chaperone. During the trip you will be in charge of a group of children and your attention must be focused on them, therefore no other siblings/children are allowed to attend or participate.

All Field Trip Volunteers must complete a background check at least two weeks before the scheduled trip. Forms are available in the office and some forms are available on line at the District Web Site at Click the tab for Community then choose Volunteer Opportunities. These forms must be completed annually. Please complete them as soon as possible to avoid being excluded from participating in a trip with your child.

Getting To and From School Safely


It is recommended to reduce congestion in our parking lot that parents use the Martha Lake Baptist Church or Alderwood Middle School parking lot.


1. Students are to talk with parents about the safest route to school. Our school will be available to work with families to determine the safest route. In most cases students should walk on sidewalks or walkways where available.

2. Fighting, rock and pinecone throwing, or other forms of misbehavior are not permitted.

3. Students are to respect private property and not damage trees, flowers, fences, etc.

4. Students are to follow instructions of the safety patrol.

5. Students are to arrive at school no earlier than 8:20 a.m. unless having breakfast at school. There is no outside adult supervision of students before this time.


For safety reasons, students choosing to ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters to school must follow the guidelines outlined below. Approved bicycle helmets are REQUIRED by Snohomish County for all riding students. Parents of students who arrive at school without helmets will be contacted.

All students riding to school are expected to follow these safety rules:

o Ride on sidewalks or walkways where available.

o Walk across the crosswalk at the patrol crossings.

o Ride single file and be very careful when approaching people who are walking.

o Walk on school grounds.

o Park and lock bicycles in assigned areas. Security chains or locks are required on all bicycles.

o When entering the school, fold and carry scooters and/or skateboards to class. No riding in the building.

Students who violate any of these safety rules may be required to leave their wheeled riding devices at home. Those items brought to school are done so at the students’ own risk. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen personal property. No motorized riding devices are allowed on school grounds.

Please show respect to our volunteer parents and staff who are working hard to keep Martha Lake’s pick-up and drop-off of all students a safe process. Student safety patrols are also available to assist in safely crossing Larch Way. Please help us teach children to cross only at designated crosswalks.


How do I know if school is closed or operating on an adjusted schedule?

Parents, staff and students: It is important to note that if no message is given for Edmonds School District by TV, radio, websites, or voicemail then our schools are operating on a normal schedule. Martha Lake Elementary is part of the Edmonds School District. For general school adjustments, there will be no mention of Martha Lake Elementary specifically on any broadcasts. Every effort will be made for the information to be available from the following sources no later than 6 a.m. the day of a possible schedule change.

o Listen or Watch: area radio and TV stations for a message about Edmonds School District. Individual schools are not listed.

o Log On: to or

o School Messenger: The District may utilize its emergency notification system to leave messages for parents with phone numbers available in our student records system.

o District Switchboard: 425-431-7000.

o Schools: Your child’s school may have a recorded message updated in the phone system. Call the school’s main number. Use this option only if other methods are not available.

What are the possible adjusted schedules and what do they mean?


o All schools and programs are closed for one day.

o All after-school activities, all evening events at district buildings (including non-district events), and athletic practices are canceled. For athletic games and events, contact coaches.

o School days lost for weather closures must be made up. See the June calendar page for the designated make-up days.


o Classes begin two hours after a school’s regular start time. At Martha Lake – 10:40 a.m.

o No A.M. special education preschool and no A.M. preschool co-op or developmental kindergarten transportation.

o All student activities (after school athletics and academic clubs) take place as scheduled unless otherwise notified.

o Students will be dismissed at the regular dismissal time (3:10 p.m. for Martha Lake) unless otherwise announced.

o Parents may bring students to school at the regular start time and students will be supervised until the scheduled late start time. Parents must sign students in at the office. Do not allow students to walk to school alone to arrive before the scheduled late start time.

Unless the building is not safe, elementary schools will not dismiss early due to weather conditions. Parents may come early to pick up students if they feel it is necessary. Please sign students out in the office.



The adults at Martha Lake work hard to make the school a safe place for children. Violence between members of our school community is strictly forbidden. Violence can include fighting (including fighting back when students are able to get out of the situation and choose not to), assault, aggression, harassment, and intimidation. There are positive and non-violent ways to solve problems and handle conflict. When students use violence, they can expect to receive consequences that range from detention during recess to suspension and expulsion.

SAFE SCHOOLS TIP LINE – 425-431-7010

The Edmonds School District has established an anonymous voice mail tip line to report unsafe conditions at schools. Although we encourage families to contact our school office whenever concerns arise, we understand the need sometimes to remain anonymous. This voice mail is monitored by the school district main office during regular business hours and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The district also recognized the effects to the school, home and community resulting from drug and alcohol use/abuse. While the primary obligation to seek assistance rests

with the student and his/her parent(s) / guardian(s), school staff shall work with the home and community to develop and implement a comprehensive prevention and intervention program.

DISTRICT POLICY: Any student who is under the influence of or possesses, sells, offers for sale, or distributes alcohol or controlled substances or drug paraphernalia will be considered under the disciplinary category of exceptional misconduct, which warrants an immediate resort to a short-term or long-term suspension or expulsion.


The Edmonds School District recognized that the use/abuse and possession of alcohol, marijuana, controlled, illegal, addictive, or harmful substance(s), including anabolic steroids, is a societal problem and may represent impairment to the normal development, well-being, and academic performance of students. To ensure the safety, health and well-being of all students, the district is committed to the development of a program which emphasizes prevention, intervention, aftercare support, and necessary corrective actions.


In the fall, teachers will send home statements of the classroom discipline programs and the school-wide policy. These describe expected behavior and consequences related to our Respect, Responsible, and Safety Theme.

When a student’s behavior becomes disruptive or inappropriate, the student is expected to constructively resolve this situation; if they do not or cannot, we are required to take corrective action. Our intent is not to punish a child for disobedience, but to gain an understanding of their problem and provide assistance for the child while s/he works out a plan to correct the problem. Our efforts are designed to understand the situation and to help children to understand behavior and learn new ways to control their own behavior in order to better meet their basic needs. In cases where the student is unwilling to solve his/her problem, we will need to provide appropriate consequences and involve the parents in gaining cooperation.


Use safe, non-violent actions at all times

o No fighting or roughhousing, wrestling, pushing, play-fighting, or grabbing others.

o Keep hands and feet to yourself.

Be respectful of school, personal property and respect others

o No vandalism, obscene gestures, inappropriate touching

Obey all school personnel

o Students are to obey the direction of all adults working within the school setting

o Do not leave playground without recess pass.


o Use appropriate and polite language at all times.

o Speak respectfully to all adults and students.

o No teasing and unkind words

o No Profanity, put-downs, name calling, ethnic slurs, and/or verbal threats.

o No back talking or mimicking

o Racist or Sexist Talk is not tolerated


o All kinds of threats are inappropriate

o Embarrassing others is not appropriate, this is includes “roasting”

o Playing “dirty tricks” is not allowed

o Stealing is not tolerated

o Damaging the property of others is not tolerated

o Graffiti is considered vandalism


o Spreading rumors, teasing, and telling mean lies are inappropriate

o Excluding others is not allowed

o Excessive displays of affection is limited as determined by staff

The use of electronic devices and /or media to do any of the above behaviors is not permissible and is subject to disciplinary measures.


Everyone at Martha Lake Elementary School is committed to making our school a safe and caring place for all students. We will treat each other with respect, and we will refuse to tolerate bullying in any form at our school.

Our DEFINITION of bullying:

Bullying happens when someone or a group keeps hurting, frightening, threatening or leaving someone out on purpose. It is unfair and one-sided. It usually takes place repeatedly and over time.

The district is committed to establishing a safe and civil educational environment for all students that is free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any intentionally written message or image - including those that are electronically transmitted – verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics.

A person who is bullying uses power (size, popularity, confidence, verbal ability) to hurt someone. The power between the bully and the victim is not equal. When bullying occurs, there is intent to harm, dominate, inflict pain and/or cause the victim distress.


o Physically hurting by hitting, tripping, pushing, shoving, biting, etc.

o Using name-calling, put-downs, teasing, mockery, racial slurs, sexual comments, or swearing to insult, intimidate, or make fun of someone.

o Spreading rumors about someone.

o Excluding someone on purpose from a group activity, or trying to get other students not to play with someone.

o Using cruel gestures or facial expressions.

o Touching or showing private body parts.

o Taking or damaging someone’s possessions.


Adults at our school will do the following things to prevent bullying to help students feel safe at school:

o Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens.

o Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports.

o Closely supervise students in the building and on the playground.

o Take parents’ concerns about bullying seriously.

o Assign consequences for bullying and contact parents.

o Provide immediate consequences for retaliation against students who report bullying.

o Address issues in class meeting.

o Support students who have been bullied.


Students at our school will do the following things to prevent bullying:

o Treat each other respectfully.

o Refuse to bully others. Refuse to let other students be bullied.

o Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied.

o Try to include everyone, especially those who are often left out. Try to see the other person’s point of view.

o Report bullying to an adult.


o Loss of recess privileges.

o Loss of bus privileges.

o Contact parent.

o Coaching conference with teacher.

o Coaching conference with counselor, principal.

o Conference with parent, teacher and principal.

o Read a Wisdom Book and report on it.

o Receive social skills instruction.

o Suspension from school. Other.


Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

It is also a violation of district policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or employees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.








The Edmonds School District and Martha Lake Elementary are committed to maintaining a positive and productive learning environment, which is free of discrimination of any sort. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. It is not allowed under federal and state law, or under District and school policy.

Our DEFINITION of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual words or actions and put-downs that make fun of a student for being a girl or boy.

Some examples of sexual harassment in school might include:

o Touching, pinching and grabbing body parts

o Being cornered

o Sending sexual notes or pictures

o Writing sexual graffiti

o Making suggestive or sexual gestures, looks, jokes, or verbal comments or noises

o Spreading sexual rumors or making sexual propositions

o Pulling someone’s clothes off or flipping skirts or shirts up

o Pulling your own clothes off

o Being forced to kiss someone or do something sexual

o Attempted rape and rape (these are classified as crimes for which police will be notified)

Any student who believes she or he has been subjected to sexual harassment at school should immediately report this to any school or District employee with whom the student feels comfortable discussing this matter. Appropriate people could include the principal, teachers, school nurse, counselors, school social workers and psychologist, and the District Affirmative Action officer. If a student does not want to speak to a school employee, but reports to his or her parents that s/he has been subjected to sexual harassment at school, the parents are urged to report this matter to the school. If you would like to report a violation of District Policy please complete a reporting form and submit it to your student’s principal. Please note: No disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor based solely on anonymous reporting. Forms can be obtained in the school office or on line at Look under “Site Short Cuts.”

All reports will be promptly investigated. To the dress possible, complaints will e treated in a confidential manner. Retaliation against anyone reporting complaints of sexual harassment or against anyone serving as a witness in an investigation of sexual harassment is stickily forbidden. False reporting of incidents of sexual harassment or bearing false witness in an investigation is also strictly forbidden. Such behaviors will be treated as disciplinary cases, and those who commit such acts will be punished according to the school discipline code.

School Community Expectations


Students will not bring knives, weapons (or their toy likenesses), cigarette lighters, matches, fireworks, paintballs, or other unsafe objects to school; these include hardballs, baseball bats, roller blades and wheeled shoes.

Also, it is recommended that students do not bring valuable items such as any electronic devices (including music players and game players), and all trading cards or valuable toys. Personal items such as playground toys must remain in backpacks except during recess. The School District and Martha Lake assume no responsibility for items brought from home.

Items brought from home which cause a disruption will be taken from the student and either returned to parents in person, or to the student on the student’s last day of school.


Students are expected to make appropriate decisions regarding clothing they wear to school based on their responsibilities, activities, and their roles as learners. Any form of dress, hair- style, or make-up that is considered contrary to good hygiene, or which distracts or disrupts the learning program of the school will not be permitted. The Student Council at Martha Lake has provided a few guidelines for clothing.

o For the length of shorts, a good measure is to have students put their hands down to where their pinky fingers touch the leg, or about mid-leg.

o Clothing that is inappropriately revealing shall not be worn to school (such as tube tops, crop tops, tank tops, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, half shirts, fishnet shirts, racer backs, etc.).

o Sleeveless shirts may be worn as long as the shirt reaches the edge of the shoulder.

o No underwear should be showing, including boxers, sports bras… etc.

o Hats, bandanas, and other headwear may be worn to school, but must be taken off while in the building. Only head coverings for medical, cultural or religious practices are permitted.

o Shirts with inappropriate language, advertising or slogans are not allowed at school.

o Shoes with heels more than 1 1/2 inches high, flip-flops and shoes with wheels present a safety hazard and should not be worn to school. Shoes are required by state law, and socks are recommended for health reasons. Shoes should be always tied for safety.

The Student Council expects students to arrive at school in clothing suitable to allow all students the opportunity to concentrate on learning.


The school telephone is intended to be used for school business purposes only. Student use of the phone must be limited to emergencies. The school telephone number is 425-431-7766. Students cannot be called from class to talk on the telephone; however emergency messages can be delivered to students if necessary. Please communicate after school plans to your child in the morning before school. Classrooms can be contacted directly and messages left for teachers.

CELL PHONES: If a parent feels their child needs a cell phone at school, a Cell Phone Request form (available in the office or on the ML Website) must be completed and submitted to the principal. If the request is approved to carry a cell phone, the phone must be turned off during school hours and kept in the student’s back-pack.


We cannot list all the specific problems that arise when students play together in large groups of 200 or more. The teacher aides will use discretion and their personal judgment in a situation that is vital, often determining whether a student is conducting himself/herself properly or not. Students are to obey all adults who work for the school.

o Rough play: No wrestling, no tackle football, no fighting (or pretend fighting), no pushing or shoving on the playground or while in line.

o Throwing objects: No rocks, sticks, pinecones, snowballs, ice, etc., can be thrown.

o Dangerous use of playground equipment: Students must go in one direction on the rings and parallel bars. Students must sit on the slide and go down feet first. Students are not to climb on trees or on the fence. Students must keep both hands on turning bars. Students do not climb over the climbing wall.

o Playground boundaries: Students are never to leave the playground area without permission of the playground assistants.

o Proper language: Students are not to swear or make obscene gestures.

o Courtesy: Students are expected to respect other students and to learn to problem solve playground issues.

For Students-Activities and Programs


Breakfasts and hot lunches are available at school and can be purchased on a cash or prepay only basis. Prices for lunches and milk are published on the school menu. Milk may be purchased separately. Meals can be prepaid and purchased from the kitchen servers. Meals can also be prepaid on line using a credit or debit card. Go to to prepay. Students will access their “account” through the use of an assigned PIN number. “Free” and “reduced” breakfasts and lunches are also available to qualifying families (please inquire in the school office). If you have any questions, please call our kitchen staff at 425-431-3161. Lines for students waiting for meal service move faster if parents prepay for student meals.


Instrumental instruction is offered to interested 5th and 6th grade students in beginning and advanced band and stringed instruments. There is no charge for this instruction. However, families are expected to rent or purchase the instrument used. Use your telephone book to locate one of several music stores who carry musical instruments for rent or purchase. Students are expected to remain in the program for the entire year.


Physical Education (P.E.) is a part of the basic education curriculum required for each child. Your child will have P.E. approximately two times a week. For your child’s safety and ability to fully participate in P.E., we suggest your child wear tennis shoes or similar sturdy shoes on his/her P.E. days. Girls are usually more comfortable in pants on P.E.


Individual school pictures are scheduled to be taken in October. All students will have their individual picture taken for identification purposes. Purchase is optional – parents who wish to purchase pictures usually select from several options. However, to prepare a picture for purchase by parents, the photographer must be notified of intent to purchase before the photo is taken. Contact your classroom teacher for the time assigned for your child’s classroom. Make-up or re-take pictures are scheduled for a later date. Group pictures are scheduled to be taken in the spring.

Safety Patrol:

Students in grades 5 and 6 are eligible to participate in Safety Patrol. Teams of trained students, under the direction and supervision of adult leaders monitor the safe crossing of Larch Way at designated crosswalks before and after school. Students are selected at the beginning of the year and must be good role models and be dependable. At the end of the year patrols celebrate with a special field trip.


Articles of clothing found on the school grounds are brought to the Lost and Found area by the south main entrance. Unidentified clothing items are hung in the Lost and Found area until claimed. All personal items, including clothing, should be labeled so they can be returned. Periodically, unclaimed articles of clothing will be donated to Clothes for Kids. Items other than clothing are brought to the school office.


ALL students will be required to go outside during recess unless there is a driving rain or hard rain/wind conditions. It is important that parents provide outdoor clothing with suitable shoes for active play and instructions to their child for the outdoor periods. If the student cannot go outside for a few minutes when properly dressed, it is questionable if he/she should be in school. If it is absolutely mandatory that a child stay in, a note stating bona-fide reason(s) from the parent is required.


During your student’s lunch recess the following activities may be offered on specifically scheduled days. The schedules will be determined after the start of the school year. Your child should contact his/her teacher and listen to announcements to know when to attend these events.

1. Choir: Our Music teacher, Mrs. Niven offers additional choir instruction to 2nd through 6th grade students. There will be at least one evening concert during the year at school and one evening quadrant concert at Lynnwood High School.

2. Student Council: Student Council elections are held during the end of September and the beginning of October. Once elections are finalized, the elected officers and representatives from grades 2-6 will meet weekly during their lunch recess. Student Council officers and class representatives are expected to attend these meetings on a consistent basis and demonstrate appropriate student behavior at all times. Throughout the year Student Council will sponsor various activities such as Trick-or Treat for UNICEF, a Food Drive in March and various School Spirit Days.

3. Service Club:

Giving back to Martha Lake is the Character Education theme of this group offered to grades 4-6. Students meet with a staff supervisor and are assigned helping duties throughout the school, including raising and lowering the flag, helping with breakfast and lunch service, organizing the Lost and Found, and keeping the school neat and clean.


Martha Lake Elementary Staff - 2017 - 2018

To reach your desired party, please dial 425-431- then the number listed below.

Principal Tom Trexel 7765

Assistant Principal:

Office Manager Saundra Whittemore 3150

Office Assistant Kathy McGuire 3151

Administrative Support: Nalani Baker 3110

Physologist / Counselor Anne Tibbetts 1906

Pyshologist / Counselor Anne Tibbetts 1906

Behavior Support Crystal Litts 3157

Family Engagement Montse Healy 3193

|Library Kendall Hubbard 3160 |Learning Support Riley Gllagher 3197 |

|Caitlin Kosovich 3755 |Cynthia Lane 5136 |

| |April McGill 2942 |

|Music Elizabeth Niven 3179 | |

| |ELL Karen Lai 3765 |

|Band Frank Blosser 1550 | |

| |SLP Sarah Rhoads 1303 |

|Orchestra Ashley Giri 3092 | |

| |Custodian Pham Johnson 3162 |

|Physical Education Dan Somoza 3180 |Kevin Schmidt 3162 |

| | |

|Nurse Tammy Beddoe 1070 |Kitchen 3161 |

|Primary Teachers K to 3rd |Intermediate Teachers 4th to 6th |

|Jeff Cope K 3195 |Anna Walter 4 3184 |

|Karin Castelle-Merrell K 3175 |Erin Alfieri 5 3182 |

|Britni Riedinger K 3174 |Tracy Shipman 5 3187 |

|Laurie Miller 1 2552 |Karen Whalen 5 3181 |

|Nancy Webster 1 3168 |Lacy Lundberg 6 2111 |

|Jill Gordon 1/2 3173 |Whitney Simeon 6 3191 |

|Heather Brown 2 3176 |Karin Stone 6 3188 |

|Asha Hamack 2 3167 | |

|Jennifer Fujii 3 3190 | |

|Chris Lambert 3 3183 | |

|Sally Smith 3 3169 | |

| | |

Educational Assistants / ParaEducators

Nalani Baker 3110 Jan Beaman 1900 Kelli Malloy 3177

Karen Sorge 3178 Kim Thornberry 1907

Boys & Girls Club (on-site): 425-774-3022

Martha Lake PTA: 3154 or president@

To leave a voice-mail only message for staff,

please dial 425-431-7313-+the number listed above for your party.

To e-mail staff, most addresses are the last name + first initial followed by


Martha Lake School is a Tobacco, Drug, Alcohol, and Weapon Free Zone.

Bike Riding, Skate Boarding, Rollerblading or Skating,

is not permitted on school property.

The operation of motorized recreational vehicles (go-karts, snowmobiles, etc.)

is not permitted on school property.


“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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