Skyward Quiz Cheatsheet - Galena Park ISD Moodle

Skyward Quiz Cheatsheet

From any class gradebook's main screen, click on the Other Access menu, then Online Assignment Templates.

Answer key: Provides you with a list of each question on the online assignment and the answers for the questions. Hard Copy of assessment: Displays each question included in the online assignment. This report could be used if a student wasn't able to complete the online assignment through Student Access; it will list all of the questions and allow the student to answer them. Online Assessment Analysis: Allows you to see which students got correct/incorrect answers to the questions on the Online Assignment. It also will show you which students have not completed the Online Assignment. Lines for Essay Questions: Determines the space allowed between questions for essay type questions. Questions per Page: Allows you to determine the number of questions that will print on the page.

Add: Create your own online quiz. Edit: Edit a quiz in your template bank. Clone: Clone your own quiz (Ex: one for regular class, one for Pre-AP class). Reports: Options to print answer key, a blank hard copy of your quiz, or quiz analysis. Clone from another teacher: Option to clone a quiz from another teacher in district.

When you click on ADD to create a new quiz, this is the Set up box that appears.

Select Save and Back for each setup block.

Name: Name of your quiz. Description: Allows you to enter more information about the assignment. The description will display in Student Access. Can also use this to give directions regarding the assignment/assessment. Default points per question: Enter point values for your questions (MAKE SURE you change!) Randomize Questions: Allows the questions to display in a random order when completed in Student Access.

Auto Score: Online assignment will be scored automatically and the score entered in the Gradebook. When this option is selected, you can use only the types of Multiple Choice, True/False and Matching. Show Correct Answers: Shows correct answer after question is answered. DO NOT CHECK. Questions per page: Best at 10 so students won't need to click NEXT often.

Question Bank: A listing of your questions for your quiz here. Type: Displays type of question (you can vary them in your quizzes). Question: Question text. Points: Points assigned to specific question. Attch: Attachment for specific question.

Add: Option to add questions to question bank. Edit: Option to edit selected question in listing. Delete: Deletes question in listing. Shuffle question order: Points assigned to specific question.

EACH question will require these steps. You can change the question format throughout your quiz by selecting from Multiple Choice, Matching, True/False, Short Answer and Essay. (Notice this one says Question Number: 1 for Multiple Choice).

Change font & size

Change font style Link to webpage Insert image Font color

DON'T FORGET to select which answer is the correct one!

Answers go here in the blank spaces. The style toolbar allows you to modify to your use pictures for your answer choices. If you

use images, MAKE SURE the images are JPEG format.

These attachment links can act as hints for students. You can click on them, insert images that can help, and students will see the image if they click on it in Student Access.

EACH question will require these steps. You can change the question format throughout your quiz by selecting from Multiple Choice, Matching, True/False, Short Answer and Essay. (Notice this one says Question Number: 2 for Matching).

Again, your question goes here. Like, "Match the _________ to _________________."

Select Save and Add Another for each question block.

You must list your answer choices in the CHOICES column and then VARY your MATCH listing on the right.

After listing both, use the Answer listing block on the left to set correct answers.

EACH question will require these steps. You can change the question format throughout your quiz by selecting from Multiple Choice, Matching, True/False, Short Answer and Essay. (Notice this one says Question Number: 2 for True/False).

Select Save and BACK when completely finished editing your quiz.

Again, your question goes here.

Remember, you can vary your points per long as they all add to 100%.

Don't forget to choose true or false!

Short Answer/Essay Questions

When you don't allow the auto grade feature, you can create short answer and essay questions in your Skyward quiz. You will, as it warns you, have to grade these manually. For short answer, you would enter the question. It's recommended that you leave all the `Correct answers' blank and grade manually. NOTE: Student responses have LIMITED character spaces.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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