Dear Parent or Guardian:

September 5, 2013

Dear Parent or Guardian:

I would like to welcome you and your child to Miller Junior High and my history class. I am excited to begin my seventh year of teaching at MJH. I am a graduate of Eastern Washington University and Walden University where I earned my masters degree in 2011. I am also certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in early adolescent history.

In history this year we have many exciting topics, both locally and globally, to explore. Seventh grade history is divided into two sections. First semester we will be exploring the geography and history of Washington state. Second semester we will look at ancient civilizations. Because I am expecting a baby in February, your student will have a long-term substitute during the first part of our study of ancient civilizations. Additional information on the second semester of the class and my maternity leave will be provided at the end of January. Please make sure you read all of the following pages so you can help your child have a successful year in my class.

Washington State History

This semester of 7th grade social studies is a high school graduation requirement for all students. This means that students who do not pass with at least a D in 7th grade will be required to repeat the course which could delay their graduation. It is very important that students see me immediately if they fall behind with assignments. Additionally, excessive absences (10 or more) can result in a failing grade. However, if students come to class and stay on-task, they will pass the course and be one step closer to graduation!


By the end of the year in social studies your child will:

• Critically read primary and secondary source documents.

• Write informative and argumentative essays on historical topics.

• Conduct research to form or evaluate a historical position.

• Understand and apply knowledge of Washington state history, geography, government, and economics to make decisions and demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship.

Classroom Behavior Expectations

In this classroom we will follow the Bobkitten B’s. These guidelines ask students to be safe, be responsible, and be respectful. We will be discussing these guidelines in the following weeks to determine exactly what this looks like within our classroom.


In order to keep you up-to-date on your child’s development in my class, grades will be updated regularly and available on the Skyward Web Portal. If you need help accessing Skyward, please contact the office at 538-2100. For further information, please visit my website at . It contains electronic copies of assignments, a calendar, and other information about the class.

Additionally, please fill out the contact information on the following page so that I can reach you at your preferred number. If you have any questions or concerns, I am available via email at srocquin@. You can also contact me in my classroom at 537-7366.

Absent/Missing Work

If your child is absent from school, it is his/her responsibility to make up all work in a timely manner. Almost all assignments will be available through my webpage at . Your child is responsible for seeing me before or after school to get any work not available online or to receive extra help. If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please contact the school office or me and I will prepare his/her absent work. Missing work is marked as “mis” on the grade report. This work can be made up until one week before the grading period ends. For first quarter this means all work is due on October 29th. For second quarter all missing work must be turned in by January 17th.

Grading Policy

I follow the Miller Junior High grading policy which can be viewed on page 6 of the Student Handbook. All graded work is worth points that are averaged for a final grade. There are four categories that hold different weights.

40%-Projects 10%-Daily Work

40%-Tests/Quizzes 10%-Entry Tasks

The majority of your student’s grade will be determined by his/her performance on tests and projects. It will be possible for students to retake a test for up to two weeks after the original score has been returned if they receive less than 70%. An appointment before/after school can be arranged with the teacher for retakes. Projects will emphasize students’ research, writing, and public speaking skills. More information on projects for each of our course topics will become available at the beginning of the unit. Daily work includes assignments that help build student’s skills and knowledge prior to a test or project. The final category is Entry Tasks. Students will be expected to turn in each week a summary and analysis of two current events they read or listen to during the first ten minutes of class. Any work that is not completed in class will need to be completed at home. Please remember that resources for all class work will be available at .

Course Topics

• Tools of the historian (note-taking, artifact analysis, map reading, research skills)

• Geography and geology of PNW

• Native peoples of PNW

• Discovery and settlement

• Washington territory and statehood

• 20th century Washington State

• Washington state government/economy

Thank you for looking over this syllabus. Please remember to sign and return the following page with your student as soon as possible.

Working Together,

Mrs. Sarah Rocquin

Please Sign and Return This Page.

Student’s Name:_________________________________________________________


Name: _________________________________________________________

Contact Info.

Day Phone #:_______________________________________________

Evening Phone #: ___________________________________________


I prefer to be contacted by (circle one): PHONE EMAIL

By signing below I understand that Washington State history is a graduation requirement. If the course is not successfully completed with at least a D grade, the student must repeat the course before he/she can graduate from high school.

Student signature: _________________________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature:__________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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