2005-06 English Foundations 955 and 965

2016/2017 English Foundations 9

Course Information and Class Policies

Mrs. Erickson Mayo HS Room 2-131 Blog:

e-mail address: dierickson@rochester.k12.mn.us Phone: 328-5541

Overview:  English Foundations is a course designed to solidify and expand the learner’s skills as they transition from middle school to high school.   This class will be writing intensive.  We will read a variety of works including plays, short stories, novels and nonfiction pieces.

Learner Outcomes:

➢ Become a sensitive and thoughtful reader by engaging in short stories, novels, drama, poetry, and nonfiction

➢ Understand the main idea of texts and support ideas with appropriate, accurate detail

➢ Write paragraphs and academic compositions, while demonstrating appropriate grammar, sentence structure, spelling, vocabulary, and word usage

➢ Use media facilities, technology, and primary and secondary sources

➢ Understand validity, bias, and ethical use of sources and writing

Course of Study: Below find our schedule of the curriculum with possible novel/book titles

|Quarter 1 |Quarter 2 |Semester 2 Overview |

|Fiction: Novels – Of Mice and Men, Bless Me |Non-fiction – Articles, Chew on This, Night|Reading – The Odyssey, The Pearl, Romeo |

|Ultima, The Secret Life of Bees | |and Juliet, Choice Texts, Literature |

|Short Stories – various | |Circles |

|Vocabulary – Academic Language, |Vocabulary – Academic Language, Literary |Literary Analysis |

|Literary/Fiction Terms/Story Analysis, Tone |and Fiction Terms/Story Analysis, Tone | |

|Words |Words, SAT Practice | |

|Weekly Creative Writing |Weekly Creative Writing |Creative Writing |

|Mini Group Research Project/Presentation |Research Paper |Multimedia Research – Group Presentation |

|Using Textual Support |Using Textual Support |Transforming Source Materials Text Support|

|Priority Standards |Priority Standards |Priority Standards |

|PS2 – Analyze Fiction |PS1 – Analyze Informational Text |PS1 – Analyze Informational Text |

|PS5 – Creative Writing |PS3 – Synthesize Texts |PS2 – Analyze Fiction |

|PS6 – Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Sentences |PS4 – Informational Writing |PS3 – Synthesize Texts |

| |PS 6 – Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Sentences|PS4 – Informational Writing |

| | |PS5 – Creative Writing |

| | |PS6 – Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Sentences|

| | |PS7 – Multimedia Skills |

*Additional reading materials such as articles, poetry, short stories, essays and excerpts will be used to supplement the major texts distributed

Required Materials

❑ Binder or folder, with loose-leaf paper, just for English to hold all handouts and assignments

❑ Notebooks (at least 2): one to serve as a record for class/reading notes and vocabulary, and a special one just for creative writing (composition book), which may be kept with you or in the classroom.

❑ Pens, pencils, highlighters, colored pens/pencils; a small stapler is suggested

❑ A set of note cards

❑ The text(s) we are currently studying and/or a choice book to read

Grading Policy-All assignments are graded on a 4-point rubric scale

|Rubric |What it means |Letter grade in |What Mrs. Erickson wants you to remember about percentages in |Skyward |

|score | |Skyward |Skyward for our class and late work and absence policies |percentage |

|4 |Expert |A+ |These percentages will not be the same as the grade percentages that|100 |

| | | |you are familiar with in many of your classes. | |

| | | |It is inaccurate to say that a 50% C here means this is easier than | |

| | | |a 70% C somewhere else. Remember that I actually don’t want you to | |

| | | |think about percentages. I want you to think about what level your | |

| | | |skill is currently at, and use feedback to work on improving your | |

| | | |skill level. The percentages are only here because Skyward will | |

| | | |automatically turn your rubric skill score into a percentage, | |

| | | |against Mrs. Erickson’s will. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Late Work Policy: You will have a 24 hour grace period—no questions | |

| | | |asked; no excuses required—for late work. If an assignment is not | |

| | | |turned in within 24 hours of the due date, you will get the | |

| | | |opportunity to complete it during our Homework Lunch Program. Please| |

| | | |do NOT turn late assignments in electronically. Late work will NOT | |

| | | |be accepted after the end of a unit/story/novel. If you are absent, | |

| | | |be sure to check my Blog for work missed. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Absence Policy: It is important that you are in class each day to | |

| | | |get the most out of your education. However, if you are absent from | |

| | | |class for ANY reason, you must make up missed work or tests/quizzes.| |

| | | |See Student handbook for policy. It is YOUR responsibility to check | |

| | | |my Blog to find out what you need to make up. Unexcused absences are| |

| | | |unacceptable. Three unexcused absences will be handled by the | |

| | | |office. Five will be handled by Olmsted County Truancy Department. | |

| | | |Tardies will result in parent contact. | |

|3.5 |Superior |A | |87.5% |

|3 |Proficient |B | |75% |

|2.5 |Novice |C | |62.5% |

|2 |Developing |D | |50% |

|1 |Work |Review assignment | |25% |

| |insufficient to|and redo so you can| | |

| |assess skill. |practice and | | |

| | |improve your skill.| | |

| | |F | | |

|0 |NHI |Do the assignment | | |

| | |so you can practice| | |

| | |and improve your | | |

| | |skills | | |

| | |F | | |

All work to be graded will be submitted electronically via Google Classroom, EXCEPT late work.

You will be required to use correct MLA citations in all writing that accesses other texts. See OWL Purdue or other MLA resource for citation information.

Cheating/Plagiarism- Each student is expected to do his/her own work. Copying another’s work or using sources from the Internet without giving proper credit is cheating.  Since each student must demonstrate mastery of skills, in the event of cheating, the student will be required to re-do the assignment. In addition, parents will be contacted in cases of cheating. This will become a disciplinary action in the office upon the second offense.

Cell phones/Electronic Devices- Cell phones can be a wonderful learning tool, if used properly. However, there is a proper time for using these devices. It will never be appropriate to text other students, update social media or take phone calls during class time.  If the student does not put the device away when asked, it will be taken and held until the end of class. If inappropriate cell phone usage becomes a habit, parents will be notified, and it will become a disciplinary action and referred to the office.

Wish List: Boxes of Tissue – We go through a LOT of these, and any you bring will be greatly appreciated!

Discuss the syllabus and expectations with a parent or guardian, write any comments or questions on the back, sign below with your parent, and return this bottom portion to Mrs. Erickson by Tuesday, 09/13/2016.

Student’s Name (Please Print)  _____________________________________________

Parent Signature  _____________________________________________                            Date   ___________                             

Parent’s email address: _____________________________________________

**** Does student have a computer with Internet access at home?  ___________

Student Signature  _____________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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