6350-393700Name __________________________________________ Period_______________00Name __________________________________________ Period_______________Kimball High School Math Department Algebra 1 Course Syllabus 2019 - 2020Ms. Caballero Room F-4lmcaballero@ Office Hours: M-F 7:40 to 8:10 (209) 832-6600 Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 – 4:00 Website: Course Description Algebra 1 is designed to prepare students to take and complete Geometry the following year. Our units of study are equations, functions, linear equations, statistics, polynomials, quadratics, and exponential functions. We follow the California Common Core State Standards. Passing Algebra is a requirement for graduation from high school.Recommended supplies: To be prepared for learning in this class the following list of supplies are highly recommended. The first three items are the most position notebook with grids/graph BRING EVERY DAY (they’re inexpensive now—get four for the year.) You take it home every night to help with your homework.Textbook unit stored in binder (BRING EVERY DAY)1-inch or 1 ? –inch “View” Binder exclusively for Math with divided, tabbed sections labeled: 1) Tools, 2) Warmups/Text 3) Quizzes, 4) Projects, and 5) Paper (BRING EVERY DAY)286702541910If obtaining the materials listed presents a financial hardship for your family, please notify Ms. C immediately so that she may make alternate arrangements for you.00If obtaining the materials listed presents a financial hardship for your family, please notify Ms. C immediately so that she may make alternate arrangements for you.Black Whiteboard MarkerHighlighters, Colored Pencils and PensGlue Sticks and/or “Scotch” TapeLight-colored 3” by 3” “Post-It” notesBasic CalculatorAssignments: Homework and classwork will be assigned on a day-to-day basis. Students are required to do all assigned work in pencil, and correct in pen that is not black. Assignments will be scored on a rubric which will be shared with students at the beginning of the course. All assignments will follow board policy 6154. It is essential to practice the concepts taught in class. Remember that practice isn’t a punishment, it is a way to reinforce what you have learned.1257300149225ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating, the use or submission of another’s work as your own, in any form, will not be tolerated, nor will allowing another to use your work to cheat from. Additionally, the use of any unauthorized notes or technology are considered cheating. Any student found to be cheating or aiding another in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment, a referral, and parents will be notified. 00ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Cheating, the use or submission of another’s work as your own, in any form, will not be tolerated, nor will allowing another to use your work to cheat from. Additionally, the use of any unauthorized notes or technology are considered cheating. Any student found to be cheating or aiding another in cheating will receive a zero on the assignment, a referral, and parents will be notified. GradesLetter grades are earned based on thepercentages: 635028575A+ ≥ 98%A 93-97% A- 90-92% B+ ≥ 88%B 83-87%B- 80-82% C+ 78%C 73-77%C- 70-72%D+ ≥ 68% D 63-67% D- 60-62%F < 60%00A+ ≥ 98%A 93-97% A- 90-92% B+ ≥ 88%B 83-87%B- 80-82% C+ 78%C 73-77%C- 70-72%D+ ≥ 68% D 63-67% D- 60-62%F < 60%2743200104140Your quarter grade will be determined as follows:Homework 12%Classwork 19%Quizzes 31%Assessments 38% The Final Exam is cumulative.00Your quarter grade will be determined as follows:Homework 12%Classwork 19%Quizzes 31%Assessments 38% The Final Exam is cumulative.122555099695Your semester grade will be determined as follows:Quarter 145%Quarter 245%Final Exam 10%The Final Exam is cumulative.00Your semester grade will be determined as follows:Quarter 145%Quarter 245%Final Exam 10%The Final Exam is cumulative.≥2755900147955Any student with a progress report grade less than an 80% will receive an “In Danger of Failing” on his or her progress report. TA’s will be graded based on participation and efficient use of time. TA’s are expected to work on school assignments when not given a task.00Any student with a progress report grade less than an 80% will receive an “In Danger of Failing” on his or her progress report. TA’s will be graded based on participation and efficient use of time. TA’s are expected to work on school assignments when not given a mon Courtesy: Creating an effective learning environment requires the cooperation ofall people in the classroom. EVERY student is important in the classroom and has something to contribute. Questions, answers, and sharing of thought processes all lead to everyone’s success. Our environment will be strong if we keep the following in mind: Respect my right to teach and students’ right to learn. Because eachstudent’s learning is important to me, I will not tolerate student behavior which keeps this from happening.BASIC CLASS RULES/EXPECTATIONS: 1) Show Respect 2) Make Good Decisions 3) Solve Problems DETAILS…. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES………635012065The “Yes” ListBe Honest!Pay attention, follow all directions and stay on task.Stay in your seat unless given permission.Use manners.Use appropriate language (no profanity or slander).Please wait for the teacher to excuse you, the bell doesn’t.Leave the classroom in as good or better condition as when you entered.Protect our learning environment.Drink water from a secure container only.Turn cell phone off and put it away.The “No” ListPlease don’t create distractions such as those listed below, they make learning difficultSpeaking out of turn (WAIT to be recognized)Eating, drinking, or gum chewingNo using electronic devices unless directed by teacherNo hats, hoods, sunglasses or wearing of earbuds Wandering around the classroom.No grooming (brushing, braiding, combing, etc.)00The “Yes” ListBe Honest!Pay attention, follow all directions and stay on task.Stay in your seat unless given permission.Use manners.Use appropriate language (no profanity or slander).Please wait for the teacher to excuse you, the bell doesn’t.Leave the classroom in as good or better condition as when you entered.Protect our learning environment.Drink water from a secure container only.Turn cell phone off and put it away.The “No” ListPlease don’t create distractions such as those listed below, they make learning difficultSpeaking out of turn (WAIT to be recognized)Eating, drinking, or gum chewingNo using electronic devices unless directed by teacherNo hats, hoods, sunglasses or wearing of earbuds Wandering around the classroom.No grooming (brushing, braiding, combing, etc.)347345024765Verbal reminderSeating ChangeLoss of an educational opportunityLoss of Computer PrivilegesDetentionAlternate AssignmentParent ContactOffice ReferralClassroom SuspensionThe severity of the infraction will determine the level of consequence.00Verbal reminderSeating ChangeLoss of an educational opportunityLoss of Computer PrivilegesDetentionAlternate AssignmentParent ContactOffice ReferralClassroom SuspensionThe severity of the infraction will determine the level of consequence.3371850145415Thoughts to Remember: You are a professional student. Your behavior is a credit to your family.Your success in this class matters greatly to me.00Thoughts to Remember: You are a professional student. Your behavior is a credit to your family.Your success in this class matters greatly to me.Property Damage Policy:Destruction of property is a very serious offense. Writing, tracing, scratching, etc. on desks, walls, and others items in the room, or other types of property damage, will result in an immediate referral to the Assistant Principal for destruction of school property. It is your responsibility to check your desk at the beginning of each period for damage. If damage is found during your period, you will be held accountable for it.Attendance/Tardy Policy:Every instructional minute counts and student tardiness interferes with the learning process.? Please be respectful of your teacher and fellow classmates and be on time to class. Every student will sign in the tardy log regardless of whether the tardy is excused (usually with a note from another teacher). The tardy log will be used to verify attendance mistakes. The school tardy policy outlined in the student handbook will be enforced.TARDY POLICY: Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. TARDIES ARE CUMULATIVE! This means that the attendance office will add tardies together as they occur for each student. A tardy to math and then to English will total to two tardies.Tardy #Consequence1-4Auto call home5Administrative Conference6-9Auto call home10DART Contract11-14Administrative Detention15+Activity Restriction2127250160020Students will have the same number of days that they were absent from school to make up their work for an EXCUSED absence. When you are absent IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make arrangements for making up class activities, presentations, quizzes, assessments, or tests. In some cases, it may be necessary to use an alternative form of assessment. 00Students will have the same number of days that they were absent from school to make up their work for an EXCUSED absence. When you are absent IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make arrangements for making up class activities, presentations, quizzes, assessments, or tests. In some cases, it may be necessary to use an alternative form of assessment. Make-up/Late Work Policy:Missing class affects not just oneassignment, but two...the one that isdue and the one assigned. It iscritical that close attention be paidwhen missing class for any reason.Homework IS DUE THE NEXT DAY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED. If you were absent, to avoid the penalty make sure to write “EXCUSED ABSENCE DATES…” on your paper. Work from unexcused absences (Ed Code 48205) will not be accepted. If you are suspended from class, you must/ are allowed to make up missed classwork. (Discuss with teacher when returning to class.)Suspended students (out of school suspension) must contact Ms. C. prior to serving their suspension to discuss if make-up work will be accepted. 46990080010WILL YOU BE ABSENT FOR AN ACTIVITY? You MUST take assessments and receive assignments BEFORE you leave for the activity. Appointments are to be made with me ahead of time.00WILL YOU BE ABSENT FOR AN ACTIVITY? You MUST take assessments and receive assignments BEFORE you leave for the activity. Appointments are to be made with me ahead of time.Parent Link/Homework/Assignment collection:I will be following Board Policy 6154 in regards to homework. Students will be expected to complete daily practice assignments and homework and check those assignments for accuracy while working. (It is not cheating to check your work after you’ve done a problem.) I will update the parent link regularly. Parents and students are highly encouraged to use Parent Link to track their grades.Bathroom Pass Policy: Follow procedures discussed in class. You are expected to use the passing period for restroom and water breaks. Time out of class will make it difficult for you to keep up. The bathroom pass is for emergencies only. Please make arrangements accordingly. Syllabus Signature SheetAlgebra Readiness 2019 – 2020 Period ______I have read and understand the syllabus for Ms. Caballero’s and Ms. Laister’s class. Please sign below and return by the next school day.Student’s Name (print):_____________________________________Student’s Signature:_____________________________________Date: ________________Parent/Guardian’s Name (print): _______________________________Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________Date: ________________Daytime Phone Number: _________________________Nighttime Phone Number: _________________________Parent/Guardian email address:_______________________________Hoja de firmas del plan de estudiosPreparación para álgebra 2019 - Período 2020 ______He leído y entiendo el programa de estudios para la clase de la Sra. Caballero y de la Sra. Laister.Por favor firme abajo y regrese antes del próximo día escolar.Nombre del alumno (letra de imprenta): _____________________________________Firma del estudiante:_____________________________________Fecha: ________________Nombre del padre / tutor (en letra de imprenta): _______________________________Firma del padre / tutor: _______________________________Fecha: ________________Número de teléfono durante el día: _________________________Número de teléfono nocturno: _________________________ Dirección de correo electrónico del padre / tutor: _______________________________ ................

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