Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 1








Year 9 Sex Education - SEXUALITY



| |1 |Introduce students a range of issues |Reflection writing |As per lesson plan | |

| | |To develop in students an understanding of their own and other | |and resource pack | |

|Remembering | |people’s views and positions in relation to issues of sexuality | |found electronically| |

| | | | |on moodle. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Student booklets | |

| | | | |created at the | |

| | | | |beginning of the | |

| | | | |year | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |DVD “Being Gay” | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Computer Lab | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Projector | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Projector | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |2 |Define terms sex, sexuality and gender |Critical Thinking | | |

| | |Examine the interrelationships between sex, sexuality and gender | | | |

|Understanding | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Applying | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Analysing | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Designing | | | | | |

| |3 |Explore different views and opinions on sexuality |Reflection writing | | |

| | |Explore differing definitions of sexual attraction, sexual behaviour| | | |

| | |and sexual identity | | | |

| |4 |Examine the concepts of love, desire and intimacy |Audio Visual | | |

| | |Students explore the range of experiences and situations where the | | | |

| | |concepts are relevant to them | | | |

| | |To develop an understanding and examples of the different types of | | | |

| | |power | | | |

| | |Explore the use of pressure and power in a common sexual encounter | | | |

| |5 |Examine assumptions associated with gender and sexuality |Kinaesthetic | | |

| | |To check student understanding of STIs, HIV and hepatitis |Reading | | |

| | | |Drawing | | |

| |6 |Students will investigate in more detail a specific STI and explore |Reflection Writing | |STI Research |

| | |its affects and develop strategies to prevent it occurring | | |Assignment |

| |7 |To examine Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and hepatitis c |Kinaesthetic | | |

| |8 |Explore and investigate STIs in more detail |Critical Learning | | |

| |9 |Explore and investigate STIs in more detail |Critical Learning | | |

| |10 |Understanding of pregnancy and contraception methods |Visual Learning |School nurse | |

| | | | |presentation | |


|School Nurse presentation on STI and contraception |School |



|Links to Moodle sports units and health units - Printed teachers and student workbooks |

|Poster Paper & textas, glue and scissors (lesson 5) |


| |DVD “Being Gay” (lesson 3) | |

| |Laptop & Projector for Student presentations if required | |

| |(lesson 8 and 9) | |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 1 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: Sexuality |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Introduce students to a range of issues |

|To develop in students an understanding of their own and other people’s views and positions in relation to issues of sexuality |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction |

| |

|Question Box activity. Explain that any questions they have must be submitted into the Question Box at the end of each lesson & |

|will be answered in the first 5 mins of the following lesson. |

| |

|Activity 1 |

| |

|Nick Names for male / female anatomy. Brainstorm on board with class what are the nicknames/slang given to the male and female |

|anatomy. After brainstorm, discuss with students that in class they are to use the correct terminology and not slang words. |

|Discuss with students that the class is a safe and respectful environment and everyone’s ideas are valid |

|Remind students what they say in the classroom is not always confidential with students but is with you as a teacher |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Take up a position |

| |

|Select five or six statements from the list “Statements on sexuality” worksheet |

|Using continuum sheet attached cut out strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree and place around the classroom |

|Read one statement at a time and ask students to move to the position which best reflects their view |

|Ask for students at different stations to share their reasons why they have placed themselves at that position |

|Make sure students know that there is no right or wrong answer as everyone has their own opinion |

|Discuss with students the purpose of the activity is for students to appreciate that people hold different views on issues related |

|to sexuality for a range of reasons |

|Discuss how you think other people would position themselves eg. Someone with strong cultural beliefs, boys vs. girls |

| |

|Activity 3~ Homework task (optional) |

| |

|Refer to attached homework worksheet |

|Ask students to select four statements on the “Statements on sexuality” worksheet and then ask their parents or an adult how they |

|would position in relation to the statements and why? |

| |

|They need to discuss in a paragraph the similarities and differences between parents/adults and them |

| |

| |

|Closure |

| |

|Re-emphasise with students that there is a range of views/opinions people have in relation to sexuality issues that vary because of|

|age, gender, education, ability, culture and so on. Chance to go over classroom expectations again |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of activities |

|Participation in class discussion |

|Resources: |

|Take up a position: Statements on Sexuality worksheet |


|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 2 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: Sex, sexuality and gender |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Define terms sex, sexuality and gender |

|Examine the interrelationships between sex, sexuality and gender |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

|Introduction |

| |

|Question box: go through answers to questions if any have been submitted |

|Discuss with students: the following activities are to assist in understanding that our age, gender, class, ability and experience |

|are part of our sexuality. Sexuality is fluid and changing, as is our position on issues of sexuality. |

|The activities are also designed to assist students in broadening the traditional notions, categories and expectations of gender |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Definitions of sex, sexuality and gender |

| |

|Read through “Definitions of sex, sexuality and gender” worksheet |

|Ask students to complete table at the bottom of the worksheet putting in words or phrases that fit under each heading |

|Eg. Sex: doing it, what you do, dangerous |

|Sexuality: how you feel, how you think, things that are nice |

|Gender: being male or female, expectations, masculine things |

|Discuss student responses as a class and talk about how our understandings of these words are developed? Where do we get messages |

|to learn about these concepts? |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Chris 16 |

| |

|Read through “Chris 16” handout as a class |

|Students need to complete answers to the questions in their workbooks |

|Once students have completed responses |

| |

|Activity 3~ Opposite ends of the pole |

| |

|On the board put the following statements: |

|lying to protect someone is always wrong |

|all men who cuddle each other are gay |

|a person should never have sex with someone until they know they love them |

|abortion is never right |

|love always makes people feel good |

|if one person is hurting another, you should always do something about it |

|students need to answer yes or no to the above statements |

|discuss student responses to the statements, also discuss that it can be difficult to answer yes or no on many occasions, and we |

|need to consider statements and choices more deeply. |

|Closure |

|our answers and choices are based on a wide range of experiences people have, their age, their gender, the different ways people |

|view themselves and their behaviour in different cultures and at different times in history which makes it difficult to generalise |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of worksheets |

|Contribution to class discussions |

|Resources: |

|Making Links: Definitions of sex, sexuality and gender worksheet |

|Making Links: Chris 16 case study worksheet |

|[pic][pic] |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 3 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: Homosexuality, sexual orientation |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Explore different views and opinions on sexuality |

|Explore differing definitions of sexual attraction, sexual behaviour and sexual identity |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction |

| |

|Question box: discuss any questions that have been submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ DVD: “Being gay, coming out in the 21st century |

| |

|Students are to watch DVD and answer attached questions sheet |

|Discuss answers with students |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Opposite Ends of the Pole |

| |

|Look at different definitions of sexual attraction, sexual behaviour and sexual identity, using hand-out explain they all relate |

| |

|Optional task/ homework task |

| |

|Ask students to pick one of the situation cards on the “Situation Cards” worksheet |

|Ask students to complete the three questions on the card: |

|What are you thinking? |

|What are you feeling? |

|What will you do? |

| |

|Closure |

| |

|Explain to students that there are many different ways of understanding sexuality and everyone should be respected for the choices |

|and decisions people make. Discuss with students that it is not okay to use the word “gay” in a derogative way and discuss the |

|importance of people’s feelings and isolation |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of DVD worksheet |

|Resources: |

|Being Gay: Coming out in the 21st century DVD |

|Question sheet |

|Opposite ends of the pole worksheet 1 and 2 |

|Opposite ends of the pole: scenario cards worksheet |


Please complete the following questions in the spaces provided as you watch the DVD.

1. How has the perception of “being gay” changed over time?


2. What event took place in 1969 and what did it involve?



3. In the 1960’s and 1970’s what sexuality described as and in what year

did this diagnosis/ term change?


4. What significant epidemic/discovery changed the history of the gay



5. What words or treatments do the people on the DVD mention that people who are gay or lesbians are called? What is the main word that is used to describe them? Is this a fair treatment for human beings?


6. What three key points does the DVD describe about why people have different sexual orientations?


7. What was the original meaning of “gay” and what has that meaning been perceived as in today’s society?


8. What does G.L.B.T.Q stand for?


9. What does the term bi-sexual describe?


10. What is transgender?


11. Give an example of a myth associated with homosexuality


12. Does the way someone dresses or what music they listen to make someone gay?


13. What are the six common stages in coming to terms with sexual identity?


14. What places, resources, websites can people get assistance from to help them with their sexual identity?


15. After watching the DVD and listening to the people sharing their experiences and thoughts has it changed your thinking and opinions of homosexuality and how perceptions influence individuals?





|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 4 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: Love, desire and intimacy, Power and Pressure |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Examine the concepts of love, desire and intimacy |

|Students explore the range of experiences and situations where the concepts are relevant to them |

|To develop an understanding and examples of the different types of power |

|Explore the use of pressure and power in a common sexual encounter |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

|Introduction |

|Question box: answer any questions submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Love, desire and intimacy |

|Discuss as a class what do students think love, desire and intimacy means, brainstorming ideas on the board or butchers paper |

|around the room |

|Discuss these ideas and how people will define these differently based on their experience, age, gender, culture and so on. For |

|example in some countries such as Morocco, it is far more intimate for a man to kiss a woman in public than another man. |

|Ask students to complete “Love, desire and intimacy” worksheet completing the diagram and questions on the worksheet |

|When completing the diagram ask students not to include boyfriends/ girlfriends |

|Ask students to share with another member in the class who they had on their diagram |

|As a class discuss students ideas and responses |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Defining Power |

|Discuss with class, brainstorm on board what do students think power is? |

|Read through “Defining Power” sheet looking at the three different types of power |

| |

|Activity 3~ Interpreting the rules |

|Discuss with student the concept of pressure and power in a common sexual encounter |

|Ask students to complete the “Interpreting the rules” worksheet, reading the case study and answering the questions |

|Discuss the questions in relation to the case study “Dina’s Decision”: |

|Who had the power in this situation? How was it exerted? Could Mario and Diana both have power in this situation? |

|What methods did Diana use to resist the pressure? Were they successful? |

|What else could Diana have done to resist this pressure? |

|Is this a common situation for young people? |

| |

|Closure |

| |

|Discuss with students the importance of making decisions and that no one should be pressured into any situation they are not |

|comfortable with. |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of worksheets |

|Resources: |

|Love, Desire and Intimacy worksheet |

|Defining Power: Types of Power worksheet |

|Interpreting the rules: Dina’s Decision worksheet |





| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 5 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: Gender and sexuality, STIs |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Examine assumptions associated with gender and sexuality |

|To check student understanding of STIs, HIV and hepatitis |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

|Introduction |

| |

|Question box: discuss any questions submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Assumptions |

|Using the “Assumptions: Look who’s talking” worksheet to complete the following introduction |

|In small groups of three to four each group examines one or two of the statements from the worksheet. |

|Groups look at the statements in relation to the questions attached and report back to the class sharing their ideas |

|Bring the activity together by asking students to consider the safer sex campaign aimed at young women which states: Tell him if |

|it’s not on, it’s not on. Discus the following question: |

|Who is responsible for safer sex according to this slogan? |

|How practical is this strategy for young women? |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Introduction to safer sex, how much do students know? |

|Ask students to complete the sexual health questionnaire “How much do you know” |

|Go through with results with students |

|Ask a student to collate class responses on the whiteboard |

|As a class you can compare with the attached answer sheets how much the class knew compared to others |

|The following questions can be discussed in regards to the questionnaire: |

|how does your class compare to students in other states and territories? |

|Is there a difference, what could account for this? |

|What does this tell us about young people’s knowledge of HIV? |

|Which STIs did young people know little about? |

|What are the implications of this for the sexual health of young people? |

|What behaviours place people at a risk of contracting an STI? |

|Closure |

| |

|Discuss how people’s assumptions about a situation, an affect people in many ways. Let students know there will be a presentation |

|next week from the school nurse |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of worksheets |

|Resources: |

|Assumptions: Look Who’s Talking worksheet 1 and 2 |

|How much do you know: sexual health questionnaire worksheet 1 and 2 |

|How much do you know: sexual health questionnaire answer worksheet 1 and 2 |







| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 6 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: STIs Assignment |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Students will investigate in more detail a specific STI and explore its affects and develop strategies to prevent it occurring |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction |

|Question box: answer any questions submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Assignment explanation(explain how to interpret the rubric) |

| |

|Discuss assignments with students |

|This module can be used also as a research module |

| |

|Closure |

|Discuss due date for assignment and presentation of assignments in the following modules |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Participation and information gathering |

|Resources: |

|Assignment and assessment rubric |




Students are to choose ONE STI from the following list:


• Chlamydia

• Genital herpes/ Genital warts

• Gonorrhoea

• Hepatitis A

• Hepatitis B

• Hepatitis C

• or any other STI that students would like to choose that are not listed. Students are to confirm the STI with their teacher.

Students are then required to complete the following criteria points/questions:

1. Research an STI: what is it, how is it transmitted, is it treatable

2. Make a list of services available to a person that may need assistance (eg. Medical help, support services, counselling)

3. Develop a campaign as either a poster or a pamphlet to assist in awareness and reducing the likelihood of an STI, this can be as creative as students wish. Students need to include a slogan, pictures and facts of information.

4. Oral Presentation of your STI and campaign to the class (2 minutes)




|The time and effort you put into |Planning is not |Planning is |Neat and tidy |Neat and tidy |Neat and tidy |

|the task |neat and tidy and |evident but |preparation but no|preparation of |presentation of |

| |there is no |neatness is below |evidence of |data plus 2 areas |data plus 5 areas |

| |evidence of |average. No |research listed. |of research listed|of research listed|

| |research |evidence of | |from various |from various |

| | |research | |sources. |sources. |


|RESEARCH | |Little or no |Some research but |Research evident |Research and |

|Class preparation | |research |not detailed. |and some detail. |detail very clear.|

|Tasks 1 | |Little use of |Some use of |Good use of time |Very active in |

|Task 2 | |available time |available time |to collect |class and |

|Task 3 | |Tasks had limited |Tasks had some |information |collected |

|Task 4 | |detail and |detail and |Tasks had |information |

|_______________ | |planning |presentation was |reasonable detail |Tasks were very |

| | | |satisfactory |and were of a good|detailed and well |

| | | | |standard |planned |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|2 MINUTE talk on the project. | | |Discussion is very|Discussion covers |Discussion covers |

|What you found and how it impacts | | |brief and does not|all the set |all the set |

|on the lives of young people. | | |cover all the |criteria but does |criteria and |

| | | |criteria. |not explain how |explains how the |

| | | |1 MINUTE |the task went. |task went. |

| | | | |1MIN 30 SECS |2.MINS |


|What you think about your effort | | |Completed self |Accurately |Accurately |

| | | |assessment via |completed self |completed self |

| | | |rubric |evaluation via |evaluation via |

| | | | |rubric |rubric and |

| | | | | |included a comment|

STUDENT COMMENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

|VH |H |M |L |VL |UG |

|50 - 45 |44 - 39 |38 - 30 |29 - 20 |19 - 10 |9 - 0 |

| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 7 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: STIs |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|To examine Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and hepatitis c |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction ~ (time) |

| |

|Question box: answer any questions that have been submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ There’s more to sexual safety than you think |

| |

|Give students a copy of the two case studies “There’s more to sexual safety than you think” worksheet and ask them to complete the |

|accompanying activities |

|As a class discuss student responses and discuss with students the impact of social and cultural factors on a person’s capacity to |

|manage their sexual health |

| |

|Activity 2 ~ Introduction to STI’s |

| |

|Brainstorm with students all the STI’s they know and how they affect a person |

|Give students worksheets to read through and discuss |

|Using the worksheets as a basis for information students respond to a request for information. Students are to assume they are a |

|doctor and respond to one of the “Dear Doctor Smear” letters on the worksheet. Remind students that they need to consider the sex |

|of the person who has the infection |

|After students have completed these ask a few students to share their responses and discuss the following questions as a class: |

|how should a person be told they have an infection? |

|Who should be told if a person has an STI? |

| |

|Closure |

| |

|Discuss with students that there is a variety of STIs and they are all very different in symptoms and treatments |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Completion of worksheets |

|Resources: |

|There’s more to sexual safety than you think: worksheet 1 and 2 |

|What do you need to know more about: worksheet 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 |














| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 8 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: STIs Assignment |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Students will investigate in more detail a specific STI and explore its affects and develop strategies to prevent it occurring |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction |

|Question box: answer any questions submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Assignment explanation(explain how to interpret the rubric) |

| |

|Discuss assignments with students |

|This module can be used also as a research module |

| |

|Closure |

|Discuss due date for assignment and presentation of assignments in the following modules |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Participation and information gathering |

|Resources: |

|Assignment and assessment rubric |

| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 9 |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: STIs Assignment Presentations |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Explore and investigate STIs in more detail |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ Presentation of assignments to class |

| |

|Students will present their assignments to the class during this module |

| |

| |

|Closure |

|Re-emphasise main points of STIs that have been discussed, remind students that many STIs can have no symptoms therefore it is |

|important to be sexually safe and have regular medical checks Explore and investigate STIs in more detail |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Submission and presentation of assessment task |

|Resources: |

|Assignment sheet and assessment rubric sheet |

|Projector (if students need for presentations) |

|DVD/ TV (if students need for presentations) |

| |

|Year level: 9 Duration: 50mins Lesson Number: 10 |

| |

|Unit: Sex Education |

| |

|Lesson Topic: School Nurse Presentation |

|Learning Outcomes: |

|Understanding of pregnancy and contraception methods |

|Anticipated Procedure: |

| |

|Introduction |

|Question box: answer any questions submitted |

| |

|Activity 1 ~ School Nurse presentation |

| |

|Pregnancy |

|Methods of contraception |

|Condoms and Bananas |

| |

|Reflection of Lesson: |


|_______________________________________________________________________________ |

|______________________________________________________________________ |

|Criteria for assessment of student achievement: |

|Participation in the session |

|Resources: |

|School nurse: Tulsa Andrews/ Lorraine Firth |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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