Romeo and Juliet Time Project - Weebly
Romeo and Juliet Time Project
Rewriting Romeo and Juliet
Step One
|You will be divided into groups of three-four students for the duration of the project. The very first job you will have as group will be to pick the act from | |
|Romeo and Juliet that you will be working with over the next several days. You can choose any of the following acts. Think carefully before you make your | |
|decision! Next, read the act you have chosen before you meet with your group. | |
| Act II - Romeo and Juliet confess their love and decide to make it forever | |
|Act III- Many good men die, Juliet is distraught, Romeo is devastated, and after spending a night with her new husband, Juliet learns she is going to be forced to| |
|marry another! | |
|Act IV– Friar Lawrence’s Plan, and oh no….Juliet is….dead! | |
|Act V- Doth with their deaths bury their parents’ strife; the entire ordeal is revealed. | |
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Step Two
Once you have decided which act you will be concentrating on, you must pick a time period in which to set the entire act. Choose from these five:
The Wild West
1920's Chicago
1950's Rock n Roll
1960's Counterculture
1980’s New Wave
| |[pic] |
| The Wild West The American West in the late nineteenth century was a rough place. | |
|Gangs of cowboys roamed the often lawless territory, robbing banks and trains, | |
|stealing horses and cattle. There are many interesting figures: both crooks and | |
|lawmen. Some that you might have heard of include Butch Cassidy and the Sundance | |
|Kid, Wyatt Earp, the James brothers - the list goes on. Find out more about these | |
|and others, and use what you learn about their escapades to turn the Montagues and | |
|Capulets into true frontiersmen! | |
|[pic] |1920's Chicago The Mafia was around for along time before the 1920's and existed |
| |in almost every major city in the United States. But 1920's Chicago is |
| |particularly noteworthy because of what was going on in American policy at the |
| |time: Prohibition. The Mafia got involved in huge bootlegging rackets, bringing |
| |alcohol to the masses illegally. This was a risky business involving huge sums of|
| |money. Whenever such large amounts of money are involved, greed, deception, and |
| |murder tend to follow. Learn more about the Mafia, and use what you learn to |
| |bring the play into the Twentieth Century! |
1950's Rock ‘N’ Roll Culture
|[pic] |Post World War II America was a place of seeming peace and prosperity as |
| |thousands of servicemen returned home to pick up their young families and move to|
| |the suburbs, starting "The Baby Boom" generation. Children played with hula |
| |hoops. Teenagers shocked their elders by listening to the new "rock and roll" |
| |music. Television began to play a large role in defining society as people began |
| |to get not only their daily news from the TV, but also their entertainment, from |
| |such shows as "I Love Lucy" and "Gunsmoke". However, there is also a serious side|
| |to this decade. The Korean War raged, the first hydrogen bomb was detonated, and |
| |the U.S. Supreme Court declared racial segregation to be unconstitutional, |
| |setting off a fight for racial equity that would continue for decades to come. |
| |The Cold War began, and this threat of Communism led to a veritable witch hunt |
| |for Communists in America. |
1960's Counterculture
|The 1960s was one of the most turbulent time periods in American history. The |[pic] |
|decade was full of events that had a major effect on how people viewed the world:| |
|President Kennedy's assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the constant threat | |
|of nuclear attack, racial strife, and especially, the Vietnam War. Some people | |
|saw the war as a waste of American money and lives, and protested against it. | |
|This group of people, often called "hippies", was unhappy with the state of | |
|America. They marked a new stage of American culture, full of new thoughts and | |
|ideas, some of them revolutionary, some unremarkable. With its theme of "sex, | |
|drugs, and rock-n-roll", this "hippie counterculture" upset many members of | |
|society, and was the source of much conflict. Research to understand how this | |
|time period is the perfect setting for your version of Romeo and Juliet! | |
1980’s New Wave
|[pic] |The 1980s New Wave descended from 1970s punk rock, turning an underground music culture into |
| |something mainstream. This decade was affected by historical events such as the John Lennon’s |
| |assassination, the Iran-Iraq war, the Moscow Olympics, Hands Across America, the INF treaty, |
| |the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Music, as in |
| |previous decades, transformed American culture when Ted Turner’s media empire premiered TNT |
| |and CNN and MTV was born. Many forms of media expressed paranoia and a looking outside of |
| |their own setting (place) towards a better future with the Cold War reaching its climax and |
| |resolution. Look into the rad 1980s to find how Romeo and Juliet would have fit into this |
| |setting! |
| | |
Step Three
You've chosen the act. You've picked the perfect time period. Now what? Each member of your group needs to choose a task for which you will complete research and incorporate that information into the presentation of your Act. Remember to use what we’ve learned about research. Only use VALID, TRUSTED sources. Cite your research, create a Works Cited, etc. You must complete at least ten notecards, containing one fact per notecard. You must use at least two trusted sources.
Just as every person possesses different talents and interests, each of the roles requires the use of different skills. Your group should carefully read the Role Descriptions listed below and decide together who is best suited for each.
|The Linguist _________________________________ |
|You must research the language/slang of your chosen time period. You must also research why slang is formed? How is slang formed? Include examples of slang |
|from your time period, and analyze how/why they were used during the time period. In addition, you must write your research into a transcript for your group’s |
|video. Turn in your written transcript, complete with in-text citations and Works Cited. |
|[pic] |
|In your shortened script, highlight (pink) each of the slang terms which you’ve included from your time period. |
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|The Costume Designer_________________________________ |
|You will need to research the fashion of the time. For the video portfolio, you must answer the following: how did the fashion of the time period reflect the |
|culture and ideals of the people? When writing the transcript of your video speech, include in-text citations and a Works Cited in MLA format. |
| |
|For your group’s presentation of the R&J Act, don’t forget to prepare all |
|of the characters’ costumes! Be creative; don’t go to the store and buy a whole bunch of costumes. Use your connections! Make things out of recycled materials! |
|And don’t forget props ( |
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|The Ideals of the Culture_________________________________ (This job gets cut if there’s a group of 3) |
|You are researching the ideals of the culture. What are the American people’s values during this time period? What are their accepted customs and courtesies |
|(etiquette)? In addition, find a song that represents the values of the time period, and analyze and discuss how this song represents the time period well. |
|Write out your research into a “speech/talk” for the video portfolio. You will turn in a written version of exactly what you say on the video, including both |
|in-text citations and a Works Cited for your research. |
| |
|For your group’s presentation of the R&J Act, find a song that represents the values of the time period (you can use the one from your research), and find a way |
|to incorporate the song into your group’s presentation. You must turn in a copy of the lyrics with your transcript. |
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|The Historian _________________________________ |
|You will be in charge of making sure your act is historically accurate. Therefore, you’ll need to research important events of the period. How did these events |
|change the face of America and affect her people? Who were the people behind these events? What ideas/agendas drove these events? Write out your research into a |
|“speech/talk” for the video portfolio. You will turn in a written version of exactly what you say on the video, including both in-text citations and a Works Cited |
|for your research. |
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|For your group’s presentation, be sure at least one-two historical events are incorporated into your script. |
|Highlight them in green. Also, create a backdrop for your group’s presentation that is relevant historically. |
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Step Four
You will present your research in a PowerPoint or Prezi that your group will make together. Before you just start talking, you should write your research and analysis of your research up into a “talk/speech” which you will read on the video. Don’t keep the camera on you the whole time though. You can include pictures, songs, etc. that are relevant to what you’re talking about while your voice is heard in the background of the video. You should turn in a transcript (typed and double-spaced) of what you read on video, complete with in-text citations, a Works Cited, and your notecards.
Your Video Portfolio is a group effort, but each person will contribute a different section that will pertain to the role they have chosen. However, it is a group grade.
***You need to create one group PowerPoint or Prezi with a series of photos which are relevant to each of your roles. Then, each of you can simply give an overview of your written transcripts to the class while using the slides to supplement your talk. Don’t make the entire presentation last more than eight minutes. We don’t have time to go from one PPT to another, so it needs to be combined into one before it’s due.
Step Five
You’ve read the original Shakespearean version of your Act, you’ve researched your time period, and now it’s time to rewrite your script into its new time period! Since all of you have different knowledge of your time period, you should rewrite the script as a group, including all the new information you have learned about this period. Keep the idea of the main conflict and the characters’ feelings, etc., but make it relevant to your assigned time period. Have fun with it. Don’t forget to practice your script, and have enough copies for everyone on the day you act it out!
You must perform the play in front of the class. ONE final script must be turned in to me on the day of the presentation. Remember that all roles must be incorporated into the group/script presentation:
• Linguist’s slang (highlighted pink on the script)
• The costume designer’s costumes and props
• Historian’s backdrop
• The Ideals of the culture’s song choice (incorporated into the performance somehow) [may not exist in groups of 3]
If you’re worried about length, remember you are responsible for an entire Act of the play. However, think Reduced Shakespeare (choose only the important parts of each scene)
***If possible (and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) video your group presentation ahead of time. Students tend to get nervous in front of the class or become shy, so the presentation isn’t very dramatic. It’s easier to video your presentation because you can redo your part if you mess up. When you’re in front of the class, a redo is not an option.
*Make sure your DVD/PowerPoint works on my computer BEFORE presentation day. Don’t complain about technology problems on the day it’s due.
THIS PROJECT IS DUE __________________________________________________.
Group Evaluation
| |Outstanding |Above Average |Proficient |Below Average |Unacceptable |
| |(50 points) |(45 points) |(40 points) |(30 points) |(15 - 0 points) |
| |All elements of the script |The script is authentic to |The rewritten act sticks to the|The act is rewritten into|The act is missing major |
|Rewritten Script |are authentic to time |the time period. All |original plot and conflict, and|the new time period, but |elements of the original |
| |period. All elements of the |elements of the plot & |it is set accurately into the |part of the conflict or |plot or conflict. Errors |
| |original plot & conflict are|conflict are retained. |new time period. All parts of |plot is left out. There |in research are |
| |retained. Group was |Group was creative, and the|the research are correct, and |may errors in the |distracting. Several |
| |innovative and creative. All|research is all present. |the script is original. All |research which aren’t |highlighted portions were |
| |highlighted portions are | |highlighted portions are |authentic. Some |left out of the script. |
| |present & creative. | |present. |highlighted portions | |
| | | | |missing. | |
| |Presentation is convincing, |Presentation is lacking in |Presentation is complete, but |Presentation is not |Group clearly didn’t |
|Class Presentation |well thought out, organized,|1-2 of the elements |may have benefited from more |thorough. Presentation |rehearse. Group was so |
| |and original. Group works |mentioned in “outstanding” |rehearsal or |is disorganized. There |disorganized, it was |
| |well together and the scene |column. |organization. Background, |may be something missing |impossible to glean |
| |is well- rehearsed. | |props, and costumes are |or incomplete. |anything from the script. |
| | | |authentic, neat, and complete. | | |
| |All elements of the |Portfolio is complete and | Portfolio is complete and |Only the very bare |There are significant |
|Video/Class Portfolio|Portfolio are presented in a|shows independent |shows some independent |minimum is included. May|errors in research by |
|of Research |creative and interesting |exploration on the part of |exploration on the part of some|be messy or |multiple group members and|
| |manner. Each member of the |all group members. |group members. One or more |disorganized. Something |presentation of material |
| |group has gone above and |Presentation could’ve used |aspects of the portfolio may |may be missing or |was severely lacking in |
| |beyond the requirements. |a little more creativity. |have benefited from more |incomplete. |creativity. |
| | | |planning and thought. | | |
___________________/ 150 points
Individual Evaluation
| |Outstanding |Above Average |Proficient |Below Average |Unacceptable |
| |(25 points) |(20 points) |(15 points) |(10 points) |(5 - 0 points) |
|Notecards & |Research meets above average|Ten notecards are in |Ten notecards may have some |May not have enough cards |Information is not cited |
|Bibliography Cards |standards, and went above |perfect format with one |errors in format or may have a|or invalid sources. |or severely incorrect. |
| |and beyond in the |fact per card. Two sources|little too much info. Two |Notecards may have too |Sources aren’t valid. |
| |type/amount of information |are used, and biblio. |valid sources used, and |much/ too little / |Research is incomplete. |
| |found. |info. is perfect. |biblio. info. is nearly |incorrect info. Formatting|Format is incorrect. |
| | | |perfect. Research is valid. |errors present. | |
|Analysis of Research |Creative/original ideas and |Analysis is believable and|Analysis supports your |Ideas lack development; |Analysis not present; |
|–how well you answer |insights; extensive |convincing, a few |argument, but ideas are |misunderstanding of |simply relaying |
|and discuss the |commentary, refreshing; goes|assertions may lack |obvious and basic. Argument |information researched; |information from research;|
|questions |beyond obvious and basic |thorough explanation, but |is believable. |illogical argument or |doesn’t answer research |
| |commentary |assertions are still | |doesn’t completely answer |question. |
| | |clearly connected to | |research question. | |
| | |argument. | | | |
|In-Text Citations |In-text citations are |In-text citations are |In-text citations are all |An in-text citation may be|Several in-text citations |
| |correct and complete in the |correct for the most part,|present, but there are 3-4 |missing, or there are |are missing, or there are |
| |transcript for |but all are present. |errors. |distracting errors within |distracting errors within |
| |video/presentation. | | |the citation(s). |the citations present. |
|Works Cited |Works Cited page is complete|1-2 errors on the Works |3-4 errors on the Works Cited |5-6 errors on Works Cited |More than 6 errors in |
| |and formatted correctly. |Cited page |page |page or something isn’t on|formatting or severe |
| | | | |Works Cited page which is |plagiarism present. |
| | | | |in transcript. | |
___________________/ 100 points
**The two scores will be added for your final individual grade. Final points totaled: _________________________/ 250
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