Applied US History 233

Applied US History 233 Name___________

Mr. Brogan Slavery Unit

Slavery in America PowerPoint Worksheet

Directions-Complete this worksheet using the powerpoint! This will be collected!!

What is slavery?

Jamestown was settled by the English and almost abandoned. What saved the colony from failure?

Plantation agriculture required cheap labor. How did 17th century Virginia planters fill this need?

What was more expensive, a slave or an indentured servant?

What crop made Carolina Colony a success?

Describe the how slavery was incorporated into the currency of the South.

Which northern colonies had slavery?

Georgia Colony was founded in 1733. Why did founder James Oglethorpe ban slavery? Why did Georgia legalize slavery 17 year later in 1750?

Under the U.S. Constitution, what was the first year that Congress could ban the importation of slaves

Why are Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner remembered?

Why was the slave ship Amistad of particular significance for American abolitionists?

Did all escaped slaves in the south flea to the north?

What gauge track did the Underground Railroad run on?

How did slaves practice covert resistance in their daily lives?

Did most Southern whites own slaves?

What was paternalism in Southern society?

Why was the 1793 invention of the cotton gin important?

When Congress banned the importation of slaves in 1807, did the slave trade end?

What was a “slave driver”?

What religion were the slaves? Did slave owners try to impose their religion on the slaves?

How was the Christianity of the master different from the Christianity of the slave?

Why did Harriet Jacobs’ autobiography, INCIDENTS FROM THE LIFE OF A SLAVE GIRL, create such a stir when it was first serialized in the New York Tribune in the 1830s?

How did westward expansion lead to civil war over slavery?

When and where as the American Anti-Slavery Society founded?

Who was Frederick Douglass? What was The North Star?

Who was John Brown?


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