Early anti-slavery efforts originated in an era of political suspicion and great social change in America. Although the new Democratic Party gave lip service to promoting the ordinary man, they limited their actions to the white man. A far greater democratizing influence in American society came from the force of the Second Great Awakening, which promoted equality of all in the eyes of God, as well as asserted an obligation of the converted to help others. The anti-slavery movement grew out of the Second Great Awakening’s followers desire to reform society. Early abolitionists, afraid that free blacks inspired rebellion, formed the American Colonization Society. This group concerned itself with purchasing slaves and sending them to Africa. Although some blacks supported such practices, others felt they had a right to remain in their home country and have the same privileges as whites. Free black men often formed a visible component of anti-slavery efforts, but black women also participated, despite severe gender restrictions. Whites also began to step up abolitionist efforts in the North. Influenced by David Walker’s militant Appeal and the Nat Turner Rebellion, William Lloyd Garrison began publishing the anti-slavery newspaper the Liberator in 1831. Garrison revolutionized abolitionism by suggesting that gradual approaches were immoral and would fail, and that abolitionism should include a commitment to justice for blacks and whites. The South, however, reacted to abolitionism by tightening restrictions on free blacks and blaming them and outsiders for any revolt rather than questioning the system of slavery itself.


1. Understand the characteristics of Jacksonian America that led to the beginnings of abolitionism.

2. Understand the variations in anti-slavery efforts in the North and the South from 1800-1833.

3. Understand the origins, tactics, beliefs, and effects of the American Colonization Society.

4. Understand the alternative visions of blacks in American society presented by black

women, the Baltimore Alliance, and David Walker.

5. Understand the role and effects of violent black resistance to slavery.


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