Chapter 14: The Nation Divided

Chapter 14: The Nation Divided

Section 1: Growing Tensions Over Slavery

1. A. Maine was admitted to the union as a FREE State

B. Missouri was admitted as a SLAVE state

C. Any new territories set as states south of the Southern border of Missouri would be slave states and any north would be free states.

D. Fugitive Slave Act

2. 1820. Henry Clay

3. Sectional Rivalry between the North and the South over the issue of slavery

4. The Wilmot proviso was a proposed law that would have banned slavery from lands gained as a result of the Mexican-American War.

David Wilmot of PA

It never became a law.

5. Popular Sovereignty: meant that people in the territory or state would vote directly in issues, rather than having their elected representatives decide.

6. Free Soil party. The Free Soil Party develops to stop the spread of slavery. It called for the Mexican Cession territory to be free of slavery.

7. A. Cass and VanBuren were both presidential candidates; VanBuren is shown “burning” Cass out of the party.

B. “Free-Soil” refers to territory where slavery was banned; Davy Wilmot proposed banning slavery in all territory gained in the Mexican-American War.

8. Secede: to withdraw

9. Fugitives: runaway enslaved people

10. It led to renewed controversy and sectional rivalry

11. A. For the Entire Country

B. Attacks on slavery

Section 2: Compromises Fail

12. A. California is admitted to the union as a FREE State

B. By Popular Sovereignty people decided the issue of slavery for the Mexican Cession territory

C. Ended the Slave TRADE in Washington D.C.

D. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

E. Settled a border dispute between Texas and New Mexico

13. Refused- Zachary Taylor

Signed- Millard Fillmore

14. To please the North:

- California is admitted to the union as a FREE state

- The slave trade is banned in Washington D.C.

15. To please the South:

- people could decide the slave issue by Popular Sovereignty. This means they voted on their own, they did not depend on Congress to decide the slave issue in new territories.

- The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

16. The northerners were outraged at seeing people accused of being fugitives and their freedom being taken away. Northerners were upset about being forced into helping slave catchers.

17. There is a girl crying, a man protesting, women in the background look sad

18. Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written to make the whole nation see what a curse slavery was.

Many Northerners became outraged over the issue of slavery. It made the north feel more strongly against slavery.

Southerners felt angry, threatened and called the book propaganda.

20. Stephen Douglas

21. A. Slavery would be decided by Popular Sovereignty

B. Kansas and Nebraska would become territories

22. Northerners were outraged over the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it opened more territory to slavery.

23. Nebraska & Kansas Territories

It repealed or undid the Missouri Compromise

24. Stephen Douglas planned to undo the Missouri Compromise by allowing territories to decide the slave issue by popular sovereignty. The Missouri Compromise ban was ended.

25. They called Kansas “Bleeding Kansas” because pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups kept fighting and killing people who did not support their views.

26. John Brown was a white abolitionist from CT. who went to Kansas and raided proslavery settlements in retaliation of proslavery people raiding anti-slavery settlements. He killed 5 men and boys in his raid on Pottawatomie Creek.

Section 3: The Crisis Deepens

27. The Whig Party splits apart in 1854. The Republican Party develops out of some Whigs and Free Soilers. The MAIN GOAL of the Republican Party was to stop the SPREAD of slavery.

28. Dred Scott had lived in territories where slavery was illegal. Dred Scott lost. It was said that he was property and he had no say in a court of law.

Roger Taney, a Supreme Court justice, said there were 2 reasons for the decision. First, Scott had no right to sue for freedom because African Americans were not citizens. Second, just because he lived in a free territory did not make him free. He was the property of who owned him no matter where they lived.

Supporters of slavery were overjoyed by the decision. This meant slavery was legal in every territory.

Northerners were stunned and outraged. Many had hoped slavery would die out, but with this ruling it meant it could spread.

29. The South became convinced that the North was out to destroy its way of life. Also, John Brown had been hung because of his raid on Harper’s Ferry. Lincoln and Douglas debated on the issues that were going on.

Enslaved African Americans did not join John Brown in his raid on Harper’s Ferry. Also, Brown was outnumbered by troops.

30. Abraham Lincoln wanted to stop the spread of slavery, while Stephen Douglas believed in popular Sovereignty.

31. John brown’s goal was to capture arms and start a slave rebellion.

Section 4: The Coming of The Civil War

32. Republicans: Abe Lincoln

Northern Democrats: Stephen Douglas

Southern democrats John Breckinridge

Constitutional Union: John Bell




33. The Four Political Parties

The Republican party won nearly all the northern states

The Southern Democrats won nearly all the Southern states.

34. Sections of the country voted as united blocks

The significance of the above- you can see that Sectional Rivalry has cut the nation in 2 by the 1860 election. There are 2 distinct sections.

35. Many southerners felt that with Lincoln in the Whitehouse the south no longer had a voice in the national government.

36. Look at his Inaugural Speech on page 501. he tried to say we must all remain friends and try to work through this.

37. Cause: The union fort was in Confederate territory and the Union commander refused to surrender it.

Effect: The Fort surrendered and the Civil War began.

38. Another name for the Civil War was “The War Between the States”.

39. The South was called The Confederacy

The North was called The Union

Don’t forget to study for the every drop of blood test!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.


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