Some examples of slave laws in Virginia

Slave trade


slave castle in Ghana, Africa, west coast examination of slave (teeth, eyes, size,…)



Some examples of slave laws in Virginia

1642 A slave who runs away for the second time will be branded in the face with the letter “R”.

1699 The punishment for stealing a pig is 30 lashes. If it is the second time, the slave will stand in the pillory (Holzpfahl / Pranger) and both ears will be nailed to it. At the end of 2 hours, the ears will be cut off, near the nails.

1705 Negroes cannot be witnesses in any court.

1785 Any person with one-fourth or more Negro blood will be treated as a Negro.

1848 The punishment for talking to a white in an angry way is 39 lashes.

1848 The punishment for going to a meeting at which slaves learn how to read or write is 39 lashes.

Some examples of laws for whites

1705 Any white who marries a Negro will go to prison for 6 months.

1829 Any white who helps a slave escape will go to prison for 3-12 months.

1817 Any white who encourages slaves to rebel will be hanged.

1836 Any white who comes into Virginia to work for the abolition of slavery will go to prison for 6-36 months.

1856 Any white who helps a slave escape will go to prison for 5-10 years.

1860 Any white who helps a slave escape will go to prison for 20 years.

1) People in Africa were caught by other African tribe members and put in slave castles on the African west coast. The kidnappers sold them to white Europeans for guns, alcohol or clothes. The whites took them on ships to America. The 2-month trip was terrible. In America they were sold at auctions. Kids were separated from their parents. The new slave-owners examined their body. They forced them to work on fields. They often punished them.

2) 3 eigene grausame Strafen auswählen und begründen.

3) -In about 250 years about half a million slaves lived in Virginia.

-In 1750 there were more slaves than non-slaves in this state.

-The highest percentage of enslaved people was in 1750 (the middle of the eighteenth century)

-When the importation of new slaves was abolished in 1808 the number of slaves still became more.

-Almost half a million slaves lived in Virginia in the middle of the 19th century.

-1850 there were about 4 times more slaves than one hundred years before.

-In 1860 about 1,2 million non-slaves lived in Virginia.

-Most slave came to Virginia in the 18th century.

Lösungen zu AB Trade Europe America:

|Old world to new |New world to old |

|Horses |Turkey |

|Pigs |Potatoes |

|Hens |Peanuts |

|Goats |Maize |

|Geese |Pineapple |

|Cows |Beans |

|Sheep |Cocoa |

|Coffee |Vanilla |

|Cherries |Tobacco |

|Sugar cane |Peppers |

|Medicines |Pumpkins |

|Cotton |Avocado |

|Cucumbers |Mahagoni |

| | |

| | |

| | |


A buck (a swearword for African or Native Americans)

A wench (a woman servant)

Picinniny (African female name meaning “strong as a stone”)

A Kennel Man (a person who is good at taking care of dogs)

A public auction A slave market

To check a physical examination (teeth, eyes, weight, size,…)

1) Write a summary how somebody became a slave:

caught by other tribes/ exchange for guns, alcohol, clothes / 2 months, ship / auction / families separated / examination / work / punishment

2) What 3 laws are the most cruel in your opinion. Explain!

3) Analyze the numbers of slave population in Virginia by finishing the sentences in the box of the 2nd page right box.

Public Punishment of a slave in 1860


Sentence beginnings:

-In about 250 years…

-In 1750 there were more…

-The highest percentage of enslaved people…

-When the importation of new slaves

was abolished in 1808…

-Almost half a million…

-1850 there were about … times more slaves than one hundred years before.

-In 1860 about …

non-slaves lived in Virginia.

-Most slave came to Virginia in the … century.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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