Jamestown, VA – founded in 1607

|Jamestown, VA – British colony founded |House of Burgesses – 1st representative|Mayflower Compact – 1620; America’s 1st |Magna Carta, British Parliament, & English|Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – First |

|in 1607 |assembly in the American Colonies |example of true self-government; established |Bill of Rights – British seeds of |written constitution in America |

| | |by the Pilgrims |representative government | |

|Mercantilism – Economic theory where |Proclamation of 1763 – no colonists |Patrick Henry – “Give me Liberty or Give me |Sons of Liberty – radical patriotic |Lexington and Concord – first shots of the |

|nations keep strict control over |could settle west of the Appalachian |Death”, from Virginia, began protesting after|colonists who persuaded through force and |American Revolution; “Shot heard round the |

|colonial trade to protect and grow |Mountains |the Stamp Act was passed |intimidation |world” |

|their home economy | | | | |

|Thomas Paine – wrote Common Sense, one |Declaration of Independence – adopted |Thomas Jefferson – wrote most of the |Battle of Saratoga – turning point of the |Battle of Yorktown – effectively ended the |

|of the most persuasive documents in |on July 4, 1776 |Declaration of Independence |American Revolution because France gave |American Revolution |

|history (it was “common sense” that | | |public support to the Americans | |

|Americans should seek independence) | | | | |

|Treaty of Paris 1783 – officially ended|Articles of Confederation – 1st |Northwest Ordinance – established an orderly |Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia |James Madison – known as the “Father of the |

|the American Revolution; Britain |American Constitution; passed during |pattern for growth in the West; one of the |– 1787; delegates from 12 of the 13 states|Constitution |

|recognized American independence |the Am. Rev., it created a loose |few successes of the Articles of |create the system of government we still | |

| |alliance of 13 independent states |Confederation |live under | |

|Constitutional Compromises – 3/5ths |Federalists – supported the |Federalist Papers – written by Madison, |Popular Sovereignty – the people rule; |Republic or Republicanism= Representation |

|Compromise (about counting slaves); The|Constitution; Anti-Federalists – |Hamilton, and Jay to support ratification of |voting | |

|Great Compromise (large v. small |opposed the Constitution |the Constitution | | |

|states) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Federalism – shared powers between the |First Amendment – |1st Political Parties – Federalists |Washington’s Foreign Policy – avoid |Louisiana Purchase – 1803; |

|state and national governments |Freedom of speech |(Alexander Hamilton) and Democratic |foreign alliances and the problems of |essentially doubled the size of the U.S. (under|

| |Freedom of religion |Republicans (Thomas Jefferson) |Europe; this would be a dominant view in |Thomas Jefferson) |

| |Freedom of assembly | |the U.S. into the 20th century | |

| |Right to petition | | | |

|Marbury vs. Madison – Supreme Court |Industrial Revolution – a long, slow |Monroe Doctrine – U.S. would not interfere in|Order of the first seven Presidents – |Jackson and Native American Removal – Indian |

|case that established the principle of |process that completely changed the way|the affairs of European nations, as long as |Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, |Removal Act removed tribes from the land east |

|judicial review (Supreme Court is the |goods were produced; machines replace |European nations stayed out of the Western |Monroe, Adams Jr., and Jackson |of the Mississippi; Cherokees rejected |

|final interpreter of the Constitution) |hand tools; steam power replaces human |Hemisphere | |Jackson’s proposal and were forcefully moved to|

| |and animal power | | |Oklahoma on a path known as the Trail of Tears |

|Nullification Theory – each state had |Manifest Destiny – a belief among many | |Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – U.S. agreed |Elizabeth Cady Stanton – Leader in the Women’s |

|the right to nullify (cancel) an |Americans that it was the divine fate | |to pay $15 million to Mexico for the |Rights Movement, organizer of the Seneca Falls |

|unconstitutional federal law in its own|of the U.S. to extend its borders from |You must know your land acquisition map. |Mexican Cession |Convention, and fought for suffrage (voting |

|territory. The Nullification Act had |the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans | | |rights) for women |

|to do with South Carolina being upset | | | | |

|with federal tariff (tax) laws | | | | |

|Henry David Thoreau – Transcendentalist|Frederick Douglass – famous black |Dred Scott v. Sandford – |Civil War |Civil War Amendments – |

|who encouraged Civil Disobedience |abolitionist who escaped slavery and |Case that ruled Africans are not citizens but|1861-1865 |13th abolished slavery |

| |published an abolitionist newspaper |property, increased support for the | |14th citizenship |

| | |abolitionist movement | |15th voting rights |


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